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Hagrid's Interstellar Cabin

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Hagrid's Interstellar Cabin Empty Hagrid's Interstellar Cabin

Post  Guest June 8th 2010, 11:05 am

Realising that his not-so-bright nor powerfull foes Jealous James and his tool dragon Sookybaskets were too stubborn to rise to the challenge, Buckbeak stormed the lair of the Apple Offended single handedly. His soldiers would be close behind to loot the spoils.

Finding no apparent opposition, the date of the Applecalypse would finally come, pushing Buckbeak's plans into fruition. By the tree load the apples fell and no longer would those tyrants try to spread their seeds of dissention. The prisoners of war would be held for many years still in the orchard, their numbers carefully cultivated to ensure such an uprising would never reoccur.

Buckbeak returned to Hagrid's cabin, satisfied of his victory; and sat down to a delicious victory meal of Maca-Hodo-Tacos,which is of course macaroni on a frankfurt in a taco shell. He knew James was still out there somewhere, but Buckbeak at least had a sense for mercy.

Let him run, Buckbeak thought. Afterall, how far could the mango?

[Thanks for playing guys!]


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