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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Rose Weasley
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
Lily Evans
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 5:47 am

"What? Why wouldn't I be okay I mean it's his life he can do whatever he wants even if it does involve a slutty Slytherin who probably just wants to get laid I mean why would I have a problem with that?" She was rambling, trying to calm her nerves. When she saw the girl kissing Dean she turned away, repulsed "Oh Merlin really? Could she be any more obvious?"
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Dean Thomas December 2nd 2011, 5:56 am

Dean completely freezes in shock and hardly even kisses back because he's so stunned. Definitely not who he wanted to kiss tonight. He suddenly felt a little awkward. "Erm. Well that's nice." He grabbed another bottle and chugged most of it down in one go. "Erm. I gotta get back to my friends. You're welcome to join us." He smiled weakly and trudged back to Ange and Ron.

Ron was about to call Ange out on her bull, but then the Slytherin girl went in for the kill and he gasped loudly. "Wow. He really is smooth. I wonder if he has that book I heard about. I should really get that." He was more talking to himself now.
Dean Thomas
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 6:02 am

Ange is slightly angry all of a sudden and downs the rest of her firebeer. As she notices Dean coming back toward him she does something that she knows in the back of her mind she'll regret later, but because of the alcohol, it's the only thing she can think of to do. She grabs Ron by the back of his head and crashes her lips down on his only briefly before pulling away, still angry, but slightly horrified at probably alienating Ron from her for the rest of her life. She's torn between waiting for Dean's reaction and storming off for dramatic effect.
Angela Braddock
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Penelope Rosier December 2nd 2011, 6:05 am

Penny threw the girl and the Weasel one pitiful glance and decided that this guy was really not worth her time if he was still thinking about his other silly friends after kissing her. "Fine. Whatever, your loss." She sauntered off in hopes of finding some other guy she could sink her claws into.
Penelope Rosier
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Dean Thomas December 2nd 2011, 6:10 am

Dean was a little confused by Penny's statement, but shrugged it off. That's when he saw it. Ange kissing Ron. He froze. Then someone we haven't seen in a very long time came out, Angry Black Man. He stormed up and glared at the pair. "What the hell was that!" He was mostly glaring at Ange, he could deal with Ron later.

Ron was still watching Dean and the girl when he felt someone grabbing his face. For a moment he was hoping it was Hermione, but then he remembered that she wasn't here. He was completely shocked by Angela's sudden interest. His whole face turned bright red and his mouth flapped wordlessly at Dean.
Dean Thomas
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy December 2nd 2011, 6:16 am

Pansy and co are sitting by the trees with mountains of popcorn to eat, because this is way more interesting than whatever they were talking about.
Nom nom nom better than daytime television, that is. They're all elbowing each other and adding commentary where it's fitting and proper and all. With whispers of "oh that slut!" and "scandalous!" and "oh no she did'uh'nt!" and "oh yes she did!"
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 6:17 am

Ange was fuming "What do you mean what the hell was this? What the bloody hell was that!" she gestured to the spot where Dean and Penny had been moments earlier. "What you just go around kissing random sluts you meet at parties now? What the hell Dean!"

[ps...pansy i am DYING]
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy December 2nd 2011, 6:21 am

There is a group gasp from somewhere by the trees where the pile of Slytherins are watching with expectant faces. They're on the edges of their seats right now. Well. They would be. If they were in seats. XD
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Dean Thomas December 2nd 2011, 6:23 am

[Omg Pansy, I'm giggling like crazy!]

Dean flailed his arms like a crazy person. "Um. Hello! She kissed me! And I didn't even kiss her back! So what do you have to say for yourself now? Hmm?" He was glaring hard at Angela and completely forgot that there were lots of other people here.

Dean Thomas
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy December 2nd 2011, 6:28 am

Whispers of "what will she say oh merlin what will she say?!" erupted through the anxious cluster. One cheeky little first year shouted "YEAH WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF NOW YOU--" but he was quickly cut off by a hand clapped over his mouth. Silence, child. Let the drama llamas play unhindered.
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 6:40 am

Ange flounders for a minute before gathering her words "She's a Slytherin! Why would you even go with her in the first place?! And I saw you offering her your cheek in the first place so don't tell me you wouldn't have consented!" She glared at him, anger fueling her. "You can't just go around kissing random people Dean, it makes you look like whore!" she could feel the oncoming of some angry tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. She knew what she had said was low but she was furious
Angela Braddock
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Dean Thomas December 2nd 2011, 6:44 am

Dean shook his head and continued to glare. "She pulled me aside! You're absolutely crazy. And kissing 'random people' makes me a whore? What does that make you then?" He looked at Ron, then back at her pointedly. "Thanks for the great birthday celebration Angypie. Have a good night." And with that he took off to go sit near the rowdy Slytherin bunch to drink in peace because Brittany really needs to go to bed.

Meanwhile, Ronnykins wants to disappear into the ground and was thinking Hermione probably knew a spell that could do that. He just stood there awkwardly, sipping on his firebeer and pretending he didn't exist.
Dean Thomas
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 6:49 am

"Dean!" she yelled after him, futilely, before turning around and trying to blink through the tears that had formed in her eyes. She noticed Ron again, and waves of horrified emotion crashed over her again. "Oh Merlin. Ron, I-I'm so bloody sorry! I wasn't thinking and I, oh Merlin I don't blame you if you never want to speak to me again. I should...just...go" and she threw Dean one last look before grabbing a few more bottles of firebeer and running off to another part of the lake to wallow in her stupidity.
Angela Braddock
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy December 2nd 2011, 6:59 am

Pansy and co all scream in glee as Dean joins them. He's promptly tacklehugged by like six drunken cuddly people and given more cheek birthday kisses. Oops hopefully Ange doesn't think they're all sluts too. I mean, it's birthday tradition after all. Pansy says she will send a whole crate of special delicious firebeers up to Ange's room, because they are really quite helpful sometimes.
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Angela Braddock December 2nd 2011, 7:00 am

[ps sorry for totally commandeering the thread >.> but omg your comments made my night!]
Angela Braddock
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Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA] - Page 2 Empty Re: Somewhere By The Lake [FREE ROLE PLAY AREA]

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy December 2nd 2011, 7:04 am

[LOL totally fine! I've been trying to meet deadlines and stuff for some things due to a client tomorrow, so I didn't get to poke around as much as I hoped, but I did like bringing back the popcorn and creeper group even if it was only me XD]
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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