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The Dock By The Lake

Sirius Black
Marlene McKinnon
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Demelza Robins October 19th 2011, 2:31 pm

Dem giggles a little at Lily, "Oh, don't worry, I can definitely keep it a secret. I am a master at keeping secrets." She says with a very serious nod, not knowing why people really choose to spread secrets anyway, she's never actually seen the point of it. In the end, everything is just a hot mess and awful for the owner of the secret. Why would anyone want to do that?
Demelza Robins
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Lily Evans October 20th 2011, 12:11 pm

"That makes you a bit of a rarity then," Lily tells Dem, smiling at her because it's nice to hear there's still somebody in the world who keeps confidences. Lily can count the number of people she truly and implicitly trusts without any reservation at all on one finger, these days. She knows she could tell her best friend Ted anything and trust it to go no further than the two of them, but even then there are some things she thinks she'd never be able to talk to him about. "If I ever find myself in need of a Secret Keeper, I'll know who to call on, then." Lame post is lame, but lol irony.
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Demelza Robins October 20th 2011, 1:16 pm

"Wow, thank you! I feel so honoured!" Dem says with a smile on her face, thinking that it is really nice and sweet of Lily to have said something like that. "Have you been up to much since school has started back up?" Dem asks Lily, changing the subject because IDK what to write. "I don't know about you, but I personally haven't really been up to anything, mostly just seeing people I haven't seen and whatnot."
Demelza Robins
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Lily Evans October 21st 2011, 8:01 am

"Anytime," Lily drawls, leaning back on her hands and stretching out a little to feel the pleasant strain in her muscles. She closes her eyes and tilts her head back so show her face up to the sunlight; with the changing seasons it's weak enough now that Lily does not have to live in constant fear of horrid freckles popping up if she exposes herself to direct light for more than ten seconds at a time. "Hmm, not all that much, to be honest. Trying to keep on top of classes, Prefect duties, all that stuff. It's been a pretty quiet one, so far." A little frown line appears between her eyes. "I'd be worried that I just jinxed us all, but anybody thinking the whole year would pass without any major bombshells is deluding themselves."
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Demelza Robins October 22nd 2011, 7:05 am

"Yeah, but it's usually pretty quiet the first few months." Dem shrugs, lazily drawing a line on her page for no apparent reason apart from the fact that she just can. "Well, lets just hope that we aren't all jinxed, though sometimes all the major, interesting things happening can be good, give you a nice break from everything. That's only if that something major is good." She adds, because when something major happens that is bad, well, it's not good. The good things though, they make the year more memorable.
Demelza Robins
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Lily Evans October 22nd 2011, 7:48 am

"Calm before the storm, I suppose," Lily agrees, nodding gently. She chuckles, although there is a slightly bitter edge to it. "You know, Dem, I can't remember the last time something major happened here and it was a good thing. But I guess there's a first time for everything so we might as well hope for the best."
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Demelza Robins October 22nd 2011, 9:15 am

"That is true, but you never know, maybe one day something big and really super wonderful will happen!" Dem happily says, realising that what she said before was completely incorrect, but hey, at least she was looking on the brightside of things. Maybe this year was the year that something big, but wonderful would happen at Hogwarts.
Demelza Robins
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2011, 12:20 am

"You never know," Lily agrees, because she admires Dem's positive streak. Sighing, Lily stretches her arms above her head and then climbs to her feet. The sun is starting to sink a little lower in the sky and she knows soon the temperature will drop. She doesn't want to be around for that. "I think it's time I headed inside. You coming, or hanging out here longer?"
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Demelza Robins October 23rd 2011, 2:55 am

Dem ponders for a moment, "I think that I should probably come inside, it will start to get dark soon." She says, also standing up and doing a bit of a stretch before she puts her unused sketch pad that she originally got out back into her bag, then slings her bag back over her shoulder, doing a little bit more stretching before she says, "Shall we head back up to the castle then? I think it'll be time for dinner soon..."
Demelza Robins
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2011, 11:44 am

Lily smiles and waits patiently for Dem to pack up and join her. "I think you must be right. Alright, let's go," she says, wandering back into the castle with the other girl.
Lily Evans
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Gwendolyn Pearce November 3rd 2011, 2:40 am

Gwen wandered down to the lake. There was this little dock there where she loved to just sit, and dip her feet in the water. It was peaceful there, and she was generally left alone to think. And she liked that. Gwen was a rather quiet Ravenclaw, and most people outside of Ravenclaw didn't even know she existed (with the exception of a few). And she didn't have a problem with that. She didn't feel the need to be popular that so many girls her age felt. Gwen was unfazed by all of the gossip and rumors floating about the castle. She didn't care who liked who, all that mattered to her was that she get through her final year at school in one piece. Which might be harder than she expected.
Gwendolyn Pearce
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 3rd 2011, 2:53 am

Narcissa walked down to the dock, still shaken up by what had happened between Andy and Arthur. It was horrible, and even though Narcissa knew that she shouldn't feel bad, she did. It puzzled her - after all, he was just a filthy Weasley. She reached the docks and took a deep, steadying breath of the crisp night air, before she looked down and saw another girl there. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. Of course, just when she needed a moment to herself, someone caught in the way. "Hello." She said, in a slightly clipped tone. "Might I ask what you're doing here?"
Narcissa Black
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Gwendolyn Pearce November 3rd 2011, 2:57 am

Gwen looked up towards whoever had spoken to her. Gwen was a bit taken aback at the abrupt and rather mean tone of voice the other girl was using. "I'm sorry, but as far as I'm aware, I'm allowed to be here. I won't bother you. And I could ask you the same thing." Gwen wasn't sure where all of this confidence was coming from, maybe Fred was beginning to rub off on her. She couldn't tell if it was a bad thing or a good thing. Gwen was never normally this confident and forward, especially to people she didn't know. Even to the ones she did know, Gwen was awfully quiet. She wondered why she was changing now, as opposed to before.
Gwendolyn Pearce
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 3rd 2011, 3:10 am

Narcissa was taken aback by the way this girl talked to her. She wasn't a Slytherin, or at least one of importance, as Narcissa didn't know her. She knew all the important Slytherins. "Oh, no." She replied. "I never said you weren't allowed to be here. As I said, I asked what you were doing here. I never asked you to leave." Word choice was important. She gave the girl a slight smirk. This assertion of authority was nice after what had happened. It made her feel more confident that she could continue on as life had before. Nothing was different.
Narcissa Black
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Gwendolyn Pearce November 3rd 2011, 3:41 am

Gwen could tell that she was one of those haughty Slytherin girls from those ancient pureblood families. It was in her mannerisms, and the way she kept hinting at Gwen's inferiority. "You might not have used those words, but I'm a Ravenclaw, I'm no idiot. And I tell a double meaning when I hear one. I'm here because I want to be, because it's nice out and I like the lake. What are you doing here? And what makes you think I'll put up with you treating me like scum?" Yup, Fred was definitely rubbing off on Gwen. She was just full of it today. This was more than she normally spoke to almost everyone.
Gwendolyn Pearce
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 3rd 2011, 4:58 am

Narcissa raised an eyebrow at this girl, who thought that she could talk to her in this insolent way. "What am I doing here? I should think that it would be none of your business as you don't know me, however, I shall oblige your interest. Perhaps I came here for a change of scenery." She stopped for a moment, leveling a cold look at the girl. "I never treated you like scum." She said, feigning innocence. "However, just because you are a Ravenclaw does not make you automatcally smarter than everyone else. You should learn your place." She said. She really hated it when the Ravenclaws pretended that they were so much smarter than everyone else.
Narcissa Black
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Gwendolyn Pearce November 3rd 2011, 11:29 pm

This girl just thought that she could come in, and push Gwen around! Gwen was outraged, what had this girl accomplished that allowed for her to be superior to Gwen? "As I recall, you asked me first. And I was only reciprocating the warm words of welcome that you gave to me. And just because you're a Slytherin pure-blood doesn't warrant immediate respect." Gwen held her head high and stared at the girl pointedly with a rather unnerving expression glaring in her icy blue eyes. Those eyes could pierce the strongest of armor. They could unnerve the bravest Gryffindor, when Gwen was angry. She didn't get mad often, but when she did, whoever made her mad tended to regret it.
Gwendolyn Pearce
Gwendolyn Pearce
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 4th 2011, 8:01 am

Narcissa cocked an eyebrow at this girl, who dared to speak to her like they were equals. She gave the girl a cold laugh. "And I expect that you think that you should be treated with equal respect by others? That's cute." Narcissa narrowed her eyes when the girl glared at her. She wasn't intimidated. She had dealt with far worse in the form of Bella - someone who was actually a threat. She returned the glare, her hard blue-gray eyes staring coldly at the girl. If there was anything Narcissa had perfected over the years, it was the perfect glare. She had almost made Bella stop in her tracks once; the only reason she didn't was that she knew that Cissy didn't have her wand. Just for reassurance, Cissy held her wand tightly, though it was still in her pocket.
(So hi. I'm Lily and I seriously have nothing against you or Gwen!)
Narcissa Black
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Gwendolyn Pearce November 6th 2011, 3:03 am

Gwen has to give the other girl kudos. She had never met anyone else who could handle her unnerving stare before, much less shoot it right back at her. But since, the glare that Gwen was currently receiving from the other girl was practically her own. It didn't faze Gwen one bit. "And you think that you're going to get more respect from me just because you're a Slytherin from some old, pureblood family? Well, here's a news flash. Not going to happen." Gwen glared with more fervor than she had in ages. She felt her wand pressing against her side. And reassured herself over again that she would be able to reach it quickly, should it come to that.

[Nice to meet you! I'm Abby, and no worries, nothing against you, but Gwen and Cissa don't seem to be getting on too well. I'm sure you're much nicer :-)]
Gwendolyn Pearce
Gwendolyn Pearce
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 7th 2011, 1:16 am

Narcissa smiled at this foolish girl. "I don't think that I'm going to get more respect, I know that you should figure out who's boss. There's a reason that the Black family is so well-known, and it's because people have a good reason to stay out of our way. I would think well on what you say the next time you encounter a Black." She scowled, deciding not to get her hands dirty over this stupid girl. She wasn't worth anything anyways.
Narcissa Black
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood November 12th 2011, 7:12 pm

[Pretend this is Gwen 'cause I'm too lazy to go on her account right now.]

Gwen stood up even straighter, making the most of her height. She looked Narcissa straight in the eye; "I know other Blacks. And, from what I've learned, half the time their bark is worse than their bite. I don't care how old or respected your family is, but when you get a moment; look up the Pearce's in some old Irish legends book. Then come and talk to me about respect, and family bloodlines." Gwen made her stare even icier than it had ever been before. But she felt smug too, the Pearce family was also an old, pureblood line. But, the Pearce family was feared by many, for the Pearces were all part siren, and possessed some of their bloodthirsty antics. This so far seemed to have skipped Gwen, but as she stood there, staring at Narcissa black, she would have happily sunk her to the bottom of the lake if she wouldn't have gotten expelled for it.
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The Dock By The Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: The Dock By The Lake

Post  Narcissa Black November 18th 2011, 10:08 pm

Narcissa watched as the girl tried to make herself seem all self-important. Narcissa suppressed a laugh. It paled in comparison to her comportment. Listening as the girl spoke, she really did laugh. "You'd be surprised. I don't know who you heard from, but we bite more than we bark." Narcissa's mind flashed back to earlier on the Grand Staircase with Andy. She kept her voice level. "And don't think me a fool. I know all Pureblood lines. Yours happens to be one of the traitors, and I can't say I'm surprised." She smirked, "We'll save this for later. It seems you've exhausted all the time I've allowed myself to be down here." Narcissa turned on her heel and began to walk away without saying anything else.
(Sorry it took me so long! Things have been insane over here! If you want to add something, you can too. Haha!)
Narcissa Black
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