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The Whomping Willow

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 8:44 am

Reed looked at the cloud in question and shook his head. "Nah, it's too fluffy. And I'm not horrible, I just trip over my feet sometimes. I'd love for you to teach me sometime. How about, next time it rains, we come out and dance in it. Yeah?" He looked over and smiled at Kras again, scooting a bit closer to his boyfriend at the same time.
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 8:56 am

"That sounds like a great idea." Kras nodded. "I doubt ve'll get sick from it...but if ve do then I promise to take care of you until you get better." He grinned, leaning down a bit to kiss Reed. This was a marvelous way to spend the afternoon. Laying out in the sun together...even if they were supposed to be in class. Pfft. Votever.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 9:03 am

Reed smiled. "We can feed each other soup!" He giggled a little before kissing Kras back lazily. He wished he could spend everyday like this, and hoped they would have many days like this one during the summer. Maybe he could convince his parents to let Kras come along with them when they take their vacation, or convince them to let Reed stay with Kras instead. He pulled back out of the kiss. "Mmmm. This is nice. I don't even care if I get in trouble for skipping today."
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 9:17 am

Kras laughed, shaking his head. "I don't really care either." It was just a day after all. Votever. It was a great day and Kras was going to enjoy it. He needed all the time with Reed he could get. Obviously they'd see each other over the summer, but it probably wouldn't be every day and then Kras wouldn't be coming back to school after this year so they'd see each other even less. It wasn't a pleasant thought. Not one Kras liked to think about often unless he had to. Hopefully the school wouldn't mind if he came to visit a lot... "You know vot I should have brought out vith us..." he grinned, "cookies."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 9:21 am

Reed smacked his hand to his forehead. "Duh! Why didn't I think of that! Well, we both kind of dropped the ball with that one didn't we." He laughed some more, then shook his head. "Hey Kras, what's your favorite smell?" Reed would probably be asking Kras questions like this randomly from now on, still on his mission to learn every tiny detail about Kras as he could.
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 9:30 am

Kras laughed, shrugging. "Ah vell. Ve'll have some later." He wasn't totally surprised when Reed asked him another random question - he figured Reed was planning on doing that a lot now and that was okay. Kras might just do the same. It was fun learning things about each other. "My favorite smell...daisies. I love them. Love them love them love them." he nodded. "Your shampoo is my second favorite smell. I know, I'm strange." he shrugged. "Vot about you?"
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 9:34 am

Reed smiled and blushed a little. "I really like the smell of fresh laundry. Or or, the smell after it's just rained. Or freshly cut grass. Most of all though, I just like how you smell. You smell all masculine, but yet sweet at the same time. It's a little intoxicating. Is that weird?" He looked over at Kras. "You can tell me if that's weird."
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 9:47 am

"That's not veird." Kras grinned, blushing a tiny bit. "I'm sort of surprised I guess...I mean, I vear voman's perfume sometimes just because I love the daisy smell...that's me being veird. I only use a tiny bit so you get the barest hint of the stuff, but it's enough." he shrugged.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 9:52 am

"Well. I like it. It's you." Reed nodded then turned on his side as well to get a better view of Kras. "When did you learn to play guitar? Did you teach yourself?" He reached his hand up and ran his fingers through Kras' soft hair, smiling as he did so. He just really loved being able to touch Kras whenever he wanted.
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 10:12 am

Kras closed his eyes, smiling lazily as he felt Reed's fingers through his hair. He loved that feeling. "Mmm, that feels nice." He gave Reed's question some thought while he continued enjoying the feeling of Reed's fingers in his hair. "Hm, I know I learned ven I vos younger. Von of my relatives tried to teach me a bit, but I vosn't very good at first so I sort of gave up. Then later on I vanted a creative outlet and decided guitar playing vos a good option so I tried teaching it to myself a bit. I'm still not the best but at least I don't suck, I guess." he shrugged, laughing.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 10:19 am

Reed continued to slowly run his fingers through Kras' hair. "You don't suck at all! Do you remember the first time you played for me? In the common room. It was also the first day you made me the cookies." He smiled at the memory. "Then I sang too. Before..before I, you know, knew who I was and all that. I liked it. A lot. If only you knew what my head was like back then. It was quite the confusing place." He nodded slowly.

[I was totally re-reading that scene last night >.>]
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 10:38 am

[OMG I'm rereading it right now. XD I love rereading Svetson scenes. hehe]

"I remember that." Kras smiled, his eyes still closed as he lets Reed continue to run fingers through his hair. "I also remember how you flung cookies everywhere...and you vere sure you couldn't knock me over but you did anyvay." He laughed. "I'm sure things vere confusing for you...I know I vos vorrying the entire time about vhether I vos coming on too strong or not."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 10:44 am

[I know!! It's so cute.]

Reed suddenly fell back onto his back and started laughing. "I remember! I ended up tackling you right?" He laughed some more. "I just remember my paintings at the time. They were all trying to be you, but I kept thinking that none of them were good enough. Then I was confused as to why I could only think about you, and if that meant I was gay. Then it turned into this whole big thing where I didn't think someone like you could possibly like someone like me. And I had no clue what flirting was, but you seemed to be doing it. Then again, I wasn't sure if you were just being friendly or what. I remember you whispering in my ear though. You said you'd wait for me." He smiled over at Kras. "Oh, and the first night we met? Remember when you showed me to the library and back to the common room? You kissed my hand and after you left the common room, I stood there frozen for like, fifteen minutes." He laughed again, wondering what Kras ever saw in Reed, but glad that he saw something
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 11:15 am

[Okies...I think I'm seeing things so I'm probably going to go to sleep soon. XD haha. Kras doesn't want me to go but I told him if I can't make it then I can't make it. His papa bear senses are rather annoyed with me for having not eaten dinner. I don't want to make them more mad because I didn't get enough sleep either. haha]

"You did tackle me. I vosn't expecting it at all." Kras laughed. "To be honest, I didn't really know how to flirt very vell. I vos just hoping I vos doing something right and not being all over the top. I do remember vhispering in your ear before I left. I meant it too. I think by that point I just knew I didn't vant to look for anyvon else. I vanted to be vith you and if that meant vaiting a long time till you to figure things out then I vould. Actually I vos sort of preparing myself to hear that you veren't interested in guys...that vay I vouldn't be too disappointed. I'm glad you are though. It vould suck not being able to be vith you." he nodded, knowing that would be absolutely terrible. When Reed mentioned the hand kissing thing, Kras laughed loudly. "I remember that. Oh my god, you seriously stood there that long? I love you." He grinned, kissing the tip of Reed's nose. "You vere the second guy who's hand I had kissed. It vos veird cause I had only ever kissed girls' hands before. The other guy, ven I kissed his hand, I knew he vos gay. Vith you...I just did it because I vanted to, it didn't matter vhether you vere gay or not. Ven ve met in the Great Hall...I think I vos interested from the first moment I saw you." he shrugged. "I'm just glad I met you ven I did. Now I don't have to vorry about anyvon else snatching you up all to themselves."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 11:22 am


Reed laughed. "I really did stay there for that long. I was so shocked because nobody had ever done that to me before and I reacted so strongly that it kind of scared me first. It felt like my insides were dancing, but I was frozen on the outside." Then he looked over at Kras with a disbelieving look. "Well, I knew you were some God like creature from the moment I saw you. And I think I'm the one that should be relieved. I bet there's like fifty people, boys and girls, that would love to be able to date you. I'm nothing worthy of 'snatching up'." He used the finger quotes when he said the last part.
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 25th 2011, 7:05 pm

Kras laughed, reaching out to take Reed's hand with his, intertwining their fingers together. "Vell, I'm glad I kissed your hand. It vos nice. You know, I about ran into things myself on the vay back to the dorm that day. All I could think about vos you and it vos really distracting." Kras shook his head at Reed's self assessment about not being worthy enough of snatching up. "You don't see yourself properly, love. You're totally worth snatching up so that's vot I did. And who cares about those fifty some people. Not von of them is you, because you already have me and they never vill, and I'd rather be vith you over anyvon else."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 25th 2011, 7:24 pm

Reed was blushing a little and turned back on his side to look at Kras. "Well, I'm glad you snatched me up too because I don't think anyone else could be as perfect as you are." He scooted a little closer and draped one arm over Kras' waist. "I don't know if I've asked this before, but do you have a favorite book?"
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 26th 2011, 12:34 am

"Mmm, I don't think I'm perfect...but ve can be perfect together as a whole, right?" Kras liked that idea. "My favorite book..." he lazily ran a hand over Reed's side, doodling little shapes with his finger, "I don't know. Ven I vos younger there vos this kids book I loved to have my aunt read me over and over again. Like...every night. I never got tired of it. There's probably a copy of it packed avay somevhere up in our attic still." he laughed.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 26th 2011, 12:43 am

"Okay. Sounds like a good plan." Reed smiled then closed his eyes when Kras started tracing his fingers along Reed's side. "Mmm, maybe you can read it for me sometime. I have a book too that my mom used to read to me every night, before she got really busy with work. I think I probably could recite the whole thing from memory if I tried hard enough." He laughed a little.
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 26th 2011, 5:45 pm

"I'd love to." Kras smiled. It was a pretty childish book though...so hopefully Reed wouldn't mind. Kras was little when his aunt used to read it to him a lot. "Vot's your book about? Maybe you could tell me the story sometime, I'd like that."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 26th 2011, 7:26 pm

Reed smiled, remembering the old story. "Well, it's rather long. Maybe you've heard of it though. It's about a little boy called Tom Thumb. My mother always said it reminded her of me, since I was always so small, and it used to make me sad. But the moral of the story is, that no matter how small you are, you can still do great things in the world. I really liked it."
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 26th 2011, 10:51 pm

"Oh...I've never heard of that story." Kras smiled. "It does sound like a great story though. And it vould remind me of you too. Is that more of a muggle story? My parents alvays had stories from vizarding authors at our house, since ve're a pureblood family and all. Mom doesn't mind muggles as much, but she preferred it if things vere generally kept more on the vizarding vorld side of things. My whole family in general doesn't have much of a problem vith muggles. Our family is a lot different than other pureblood families, I guess." he shrugged, not really caring because to him it didn't matter whether you were pureblooded or not.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 26th 2011, 11:20 pm

"I'm pretty sure it's a muggle story. My mom was the one to start reading it to me, and she doesn't know any wizarding stories. Maybe sometime I can tell you a shorter version of it. I actually don't know any stories from the wizarding world. You'll have to tell some to me sometime." Reed smiled and snuggled a bit closer to Kras.
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Krasimir Svetkova June 27th 2011, 1:10 pm

Kras smiled, resting his arm across Reed's waist. "Vell, I'd love to hear the story. And don't vorry, I have just the book to read to you." he grinned. "Like...everyvon who is a part of the vizarding vorld should read this book, it's awesome." Like...mega awesome. "I have a copy of it in the dorm, can't believe I forgot."
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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The Whomping Willow - Page 9 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Reed Dawson June 28th 2011, 7:12 am


Reed looked excited. "Really? I can't wait to hear you read it. What's it about? I love hearing stories. It's relaxing you know. And I also could listen to you speak for hours on end. I have one request though. While you're reading it, I get to cuddle up next to you." It was a pretty simple request, one he figured Kras would be able to accommodate.
Reed Dawson
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