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The Whomping Willow

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Seamus M. Finnigan
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 2:38 am

"OH!" he facepalmed. "I completely forgot about a costume! Well," he thought for a moment, "maybe I could go as . ." He trailed off. "Vampires are too overused. I don't know yet, maybe I'll head off to Hogsmeade later and see if they've got a shop there for costumes."

Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 2:41 am


"Well you still have a week to figure that out. I'm going as a muggle cop. It's gonna be pretty fun. I don't know what Luna is going as yet, but I'm sure she'll look good. Hey, maybe you and Ange could coordinate your outfits or something." He shrugged.
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 2:45 am

"Oh, yeah!" he chuckled slightly at the thought. "Muggle cop . . I'm not even sure if I should dress up as you would in the wizarding world or the muggle world, I'm so use to both!" He looked around as they reached the stone steps and asked, "Wanna hit a secret passage? I'm in the mood for something fun!"
Seamus M. Finnigan
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 2:48 am

"It's whatever want to go as. Neville will probably go as a plant or something." He was completely serious. "Yea! I'm down for some fun! Got anything in mind?"
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 2:51 am

"Hmm," he said, tapping his chin. "Have we tried the One-Eyed Witch statue yet?" he wondered aloud. "Or have we got a passage a bit more . . dangerous?"
Seamus M. Finnigan
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 2:53 am

"That's the one that goes to Honeydukes right? I don't know of anything more dangerous. Could find the Weasley twins and ask them maybe." He shrugged.
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 2:59 am

"Psh," he grinned. "Let's just find out for ourselves if ya want!" Throwing open the door to the Entrance Hall, he walked along the corridor and started up the Grand Staircase. "Or, if ya think it's to risk," he said sarcastically, "we could just head up to the Common Room."
Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 3:01 am

"Nah, I've been in there too much lately. I say we find a classroom and...change some things." He smirked. "If you catch my drift." He smiled evilly.
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 3:05 am

He burst out laughing and patted Dean gleefully on that back. "Even better! Have a particular teacher in mind? Maybe Trelawny? There's plenty of stuff to do up there, and she's always fun to mess with."
Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 3:07 am

"Or Slughorn. He plays favorites and it's ..well was, infuriating! I'm so glad I don't have that anymore. The dungeons are closer too..." He smirked.
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 3:12 am

He smiled mischievously, "Perfect." He veered toward the stairs leading down. "Plenty of ingredients to play with. And he really does pick favorites, always someone important and what-not. Who cares where ya come from, honestly."
Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 3:16 am

"I know! I'm sure he wouldn't be able to stop us, even if we did get caught. This is going to be fun!!" He walked off towards the dungeons

[Pssssttt..Post in Slughorn's room next -nods-]
Dean Thomas
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 4:23 am

Sirius is here, rather lonely, and thinking about what McGoogles said.


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 4:32 am

It's been a bit and Remus is feeling much better, thanks to meds and help from Jack. So he's not feeling gross anymore, nor is he grumpy and miserable..though he does sneeze a lot still. Ah well. Currently he's looking about for Sirius, in hopes of apologizing to him for the other day. He spots his friend sitting near the tree...that tree, looking rather lonely, and guilt washes over him again. Slowly walking over, he quietly sits down beside Sirius, holding up a blanket to see if Sirius wanted to share it with him. It was rather chilly out after all, and Remus didn't want his cold to get worse again.
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 4:34 am

Sirius looks up in surprise when he sees Remus, and nods in silence as he sits down, offering to share the blanket. He takes it from his friend and drapes it over the two of them, half-smiling up at his friend. "I... I've missed you. I would've visited you in the hospital wing, but..." His voice trails off, and his eyes finish the sentence for him: I would have, but I was afraid that you wouldn't want me there.


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 4:46 am

Remus smiles softly when Sirius takes the blanket, draping it over the two of them. "I've missed you too. I'm really sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have been so mean...it didn't help that I was sick either. I guess the combination of everything just got to me." He tentatively rested his head on Sirius' shoulder, closing his eyes at the comforting, familiarity of the position. Even if they were just friends, it still was okay to sit close like this, right? He could handle it and ignore that jumpy feeling in his stomach. "Jack showed up and helped take care of me..." he spoke quietly, nervous about Sirius' reaction to hearing him mention Jack's name, "but I have to admit, I missed having you there. You're almost always with me when I'm in the hospital wing..so it was sort of odd not having you around."
Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 4:54 am

Sirius' heart practically leaps out of his chest when Remus rests his head on Sirius' shoulder, and for a moment, everything is exactly how it should be, how it's supposed to be, and a wide grin stretches across his features, though it immediately vanishes, upon hearing Jack's name. He relaxes, though, when Remus continues talking-- explaining, how it wasn't right. Damn right, it's not right, he was there, he was taking-- taking care of you, when it should have been me. It should always be me. "Yeah. I know," he muttered, an edge of bitterness to his voice, and he momentarily toys with the cruel thought of pushing Remus away, just like Remus had done to him, to show him how it hurts-- but then he realized how stupid and petty that would be, and he does quite the opposite, tentatively raising a hand to rest on Remus' cheek, stroking it lightly as though nothing had ever come between them. "Remus... I've been thinking. We need to-- we need to talk. No. You need to talk. I need answers, Moony. I need to know-- why you're doing this. Why you're acting like this. I hate it, Remus. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, either. I know you do."


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 5:10 am

"I do? Oh...I mean...I...yeah, okay," he sighs, trying to hide the panicked look that's threatening to break out upon his face, even though he knows Sirius can hear it in his voice, "I do, but honestly I don't know what to tell you. I mean, I've already accepted things will always be the way they are and I can't hope for anything more - they have to stay this way. Otherwise it'll ruin everything, and I'm sick of doing this to myself so I've just accepted it which is certainly kind of making things easier...but in a way it's really not...and you're not helping. You know that? You are just really not making this any easier on me, not that that's supposed to make you feel bad, alright? Cause you honestly probably have no freaking clue what the hell I'm going on about right now, but this is the only way I can go about it without just coming out and saying it, which would just ruin everything so I just can't. I really just can't say anything." he realizes he's been talking quite quickly and pauses to take a breath or two, sneezing in the process. "Just, and I know this won't be what you want to hear, but, I mean, I'm seeing someone now, Sirius...and I guess somehow I just thought it was sort of wrong to be sitting so close, and doing stuff like feeding one another, with another guy other than the one I'm dating just wouldn't pan out right - like it was cheating or something. Okay? So I'm sorry...I don't know how else to explain it all." He sneezes again and sighs, resting his forehead on his knees, really hoping that his cold doesn't come back in full force. He was probably pushing himself bit more than was necessary for someone who was recovering from a nasty cold.
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 5:16 am

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Remus, slow down-- slow down, I'm not quite catching all of it, alright?" he said, looking rather worried as he rubs Remus' back, a sad, concerned look on his face. "Remus, you shouldn't be outside, you should be inside under lots of blankets, drinking tea. But just-- rewind, for a second. Let's take this one thing at a time, alright?" he said soothingly, gazing at his friend. "Moony, first of all-- what are you talking about? I haven't got a clue. What things are you trying to accept that'll be the way they are? What are you accepting? Because I'm totally lost here, you've gotta help me a little. I'm not a terribly skilled Legilimens, you know," he said jokingly. "Remus, I don't know what I'm not making easier on you, okay? But you could tell me. You could tell me what I'm doing wrong, Remus, because I'm so tired of upsetting you, and not even know how or what I've done. I need you to help me fix this. Fix us."


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 5:37 am

Remus is, like, mentally kicking Sirius right now..and doesn't feel bad about it one bit...well, that's a lie. He does feel bad about it. It's just, he's quite annoyed that Sirius is backing him into a corner and it seems like the only way out is if he just tells Sirius about his feelings, but that just can't happen. "I'm outside cause you're outside. Took me a while to find you, honestly." His heart was thudding painfully in his chest and he was pretty sure he was about to sneeze again. "Ugh, no. I've said this all wrong. You're not upsetting me. I'm upsetting me. I honestly don't know how else to say any of this without coming right out and saying it...which I'm really not ready to do. Especially not now. I shouldn't have been such an idiot. I'm sorry. I know this doesn't fix anything...but, I'm just sorry, okay? I hate being so vague about everything, but I'm not ruining our friendship over something I can't control. You need to just let me accept that things have to be the way they are. Everything'll get better. It has to..."
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 5:42 am

"Remus, you're doing it again! Being all vague, and I have no idea what you're talking about-- ugh," he said, tugging on the ends of his own hair in frustration. "Remus, you're hiding something again, aren't you?" he said suddenly, giving his friend a most scrutinizing look, and sighing sadly. "And it's one of those things I'm not allowed to ask about. I get it," he mumbled, frowning. "Fine. We'll hold off on that bit of the conversation, for a bit-- but let's go back again. You... you really think the way we act isn't okay, because of-- of Jack? Remus, it's not like there's anything going between us, you'd have to be an idiot not to realize that-- I don't get what's wrong with a strictly platonic friendship. Is he giving you crap about me Remus? Is he seriously getting jealous? Because if he is, I've got half a mind to give him a good beating, until he gets some sense. Seriously, how stupid would someone have to BE?! Remus, I don't see anything wrong with what we do. It's not like you're kissing me, we're just... hugging? And I've always fed you chocolate and stuff. Always."


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 5:51 am

Remus actually breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes he's getting off the hook at least for a little bit now. He can't help the sad, unhappy feeling that hits him when Sirius goes on about just being friends and all that. He shakes his head violently to get those thoughts out. "No, Sirius. He isn't giving me crap about you at all." Remus was really trying to not sound snappy there, he really was. "I mean...I can see that there's nothing totally wrong with it all..it's just..bugger, honestly, Sirius, I've never been in a relationship with anyone before. I don't know all the rules of what you can or can't do. I don't know how any of this stuff works, and I don't want to upset him. He's been really great about everything so far, even when I told him about my fe- I mean...oh, just forget about it. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm terrible at this sort of stuff and all I can do is just apologize...which I know isn't entirely what you want to hear but I don't know what else to do."
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Guest December 4th 2010, 5:57 am

"Remus, I don't want you to apologize! You always just apologize, and hope problems go away, but they don't, they haven't, and they won't! And I'm not just gonna let this go, Remus. Please. You're not giving me answers, you're just giving me more questions, and I hate this-- will you just straight up tell me what's going on, for once? Remus, if he's not giving you crap, why do you care? You've never cared before, you used to like when I take care of you, hell, I love taking care of you, it makes me feel like I can-- like I can do something for you. Like I'm doing what a big brother should do, and that's how I feel, okay? But you don't-- you won't let me touch you half the time, and the other half of the time you're acting like this, all weird and apologetic. Have I done something wrong? Don't I deserve some kind of explanation?!" he exclaimed, before taking a deep breath, and reaching a hand out to touch Remus on the cheek lightly. "Remus, I don't think you seem to get it. This... you acting like this? You wanting me to go away, like before? That hurts. It hurts me, Remus. I don't know if you know, but it does. And I can't stand this, Remus. I just can't."


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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 6:01 am

Sirius Black, you are pushing things here and I'm about to have Remus snap and just let him have it. Like...really let him have it...in a kiss kiss sort of way.
Which of course he'll be traumatized about for, like, forever...but would be really amusing on my part.

*is amused*
Remus Lupin
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The Whomping Willow - Page 3 Empty Re: The Whomping Willow

Post  Remus Lupin December 4th 2010, 6:03 am

I'm going to have to go soon anyway so it'd be kind of perfect...Remus would run and everything. Fun times.
Remus Lupin
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