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Under the Trees Empty Under the Trees

Post  Guest May 18th 2010, 6:54 am



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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 5:21 pm

Nikki skipped her after her twin time with Bea. She looked around. Maybe the trees would help her anarchist rebellion?
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 5:26 pm

... Rad thinks it would be awesome if the trees were really anarchist ents, just saying. Caradoc wanders outside after going back to his dormitory, with his guitar strapped to his back. He sits down against a tree and starts strumming on it peacefully with his eyes closed, then opens them again to see a pretty awesome looking chic in front of him. "Hey there," he called out, continuing to play absentmindedly.
Sirius Black
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 5:31 pm

Nikki did a cartwheel before heading over. "Hi, Nikki Orwell. I am starting an anarchistic uprising to protest the Oppression by Man in dividing us into House. Too much authority! DOWN WITH AUTHORITY!" She blinked, then smiled cheerfully at him, sitting down next to him. "You play very prettily."
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 5:37 pm

"You're starting an anarchist uprising? I like you already," he laughed, shaking his head. "I'm Caradoc, call me Rad. And thank you, I like to play a lot. You play anything?" he asked curiously, totally not phased by any random outbursts or cartwheeling.

Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 5:40 pm

"Why thank you." She nodded, "Yeah, I can pluck out a tune of the bass. Mum started me off with classical piano," she twitched at the memory, "but I got my bass lessons soon after I stage a rebellion against the piano and beheaded in a guillotine."
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 7:10 pm

"Whoa, wait, you're a chic who plays bass? Get in Eowyn's pants now! There are like... none of those. You just won fifty cool points, just saying," he said with a grin. "That's pretty sweet. I had such a hard time finding a bassist back in Jersey, most of the ones I knew were utter crap, so forming a band was hard."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 7:31 pm

"really? Fifty whole cool points? WOW!" She smiled. "I don't know why I picked bass... probably because so few people actually play it, and even fewer girls. I like being different, y'know? WAIT, YOU STARTED A BAND? THAT IS SO TOTALLY AWESOME DUDE! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?"
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:01 pm

Caradoc facepalms and laughs. "Trust me, I'm not famous for my band, we just played a few local shows, really. Though, I could probably get you an autographed picture, assuming you don't have any overprotective older siblings or an axe murderer for a dad. I'm an underwear model," he said with a smirk.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:06 pm

"Well, I have a twin sister, but she isn't scary overprotective. She is much better. She can smile you to death. Yeah. And my dad isn't an axe murderer, just a lawyer." Nikki looked Caradoc over. "Underwear model, huh? Looks like you have the body for that." She shrugged. "But, tell me about your band! Did you write your own songs or play covers? What genre was is?"
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:09 pm

"Heh, yeah, I spend a lot of time working out. But yeah, I mostly played hard rock, I play back up guitar and I'm lead vocals," he said shrugging. "Though on occasion I'd switch it up with my guitarist and he'd sing, and I'd take lead guitar. Fun stuff. Mostly wrote my own stuff, I guess, but for the shows we played more covers, people seemed to like what they're familiar with. Battle of the Bands, though, that's another kind of scene, all originals. You in a band?" he asked curiously.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:13 pm

Nikki shook her head sadly. "I haven't met ANY one in this world who plays a Muggle instrument. And not enough time in the Muggle world to find a band to join. I play a little of everything. The differences in music are so much fun! If I get really bored, I will play songs in different styles. Like country-fying a hard rock song, or turning a blues song into ska. Really entertaining." She smiled up at Rad. "Hey, want to teach me how to write songs? I try, but there is always something wrong with them." She heaved an overly dramatic sigh, and fell backwards, lying on the ground. "Tis my fate, to play but not write. Such an awful decree!"
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:16 pm

Rad laughed and shrugged. "That'd be awesome. Yeah, I played with muggles, most of my friends back home were muggles. My ex boyfriend played drums, so he introduced me to his friends and we started a band. I would totally jam with you, though! It'd be really awesome if we could find a few more people, it'd be fun to start a band again. I really miss it," he said with a smile. "I'd be happy to help you out, though. I don't play bass well myself, though I do know the basics."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:22 pm

"Really? Did you not go to a magical school? Or was it not boarding school?" Nikki's desire to learn activated quicker than you can say Ravenclaw. "How do school's work in America? Do you guys have OWLs and NEWTS? Are your subjects called the same thing?" She realised how many questions she was asking. "Sorry about that. It is a Ravenclaw thing... desire to learn and all that jazz. And it would be awesome to play with you!" She hesitated a second, and gave Rad a huge hug. "And if anyone gives you shit about ever having a boyfriend, send them to me and I will make sure they learn why it is wrong... painfully." Her smile had a scary edge to it.
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:27 pm

"No, I did go to a magic school, obviously, or I wouldn't be a seventh year here, would I? But I mostly got along better with the people I grew up with, and I lived in a muggle town with my mom. We do have OWLs and NEWTs, still, though we call the OWLs by BATs instead, and we take the sixth year," he said, because Eowyn thinks that's an appropriate comparison as far as British and American schooling systems work. Rad laughs at that, and hugs her back, because everyone likes hugs. "I'm sure I can count on you, but I think after all this time I can handle myself just fine," he said with a shrug. "Why, though, are people really homophobic here? I haven't had to deal too much with that, growin' up in a really liberal state, I guess."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:34 pm

"Well, everywhere has asshole. And we have some pretty big assholes. Usually Slytherins. I mean, they hate me because I am Muggleborn. They have such ridiculous insults... Mudblood. Honestly, that is supposed to bother me? I ain't bothered. So, I guess if people are backwards enough to hate me for not being born to the 'right' family, they may be dumb enough to hate you for not being straight." She shrugged. She soaked in all the information about American schools. "Thanks for enlightening me about American wizardry, oh wise one!"
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:40 pm

"... You're not serious. People actually use that word around here?!" he said in horror, looking thoroughly pissed off. "Slytherins, they're one of the houses, right? I haven't met anyone from there yet, and I have to say, I guess I'm not exactly keen on it, either. Well, they can give me their shit, and I'll give them the end of my wand, and not in the fun way, if you know what I mean," he said with a wink.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:44 pm

"I once read a quote from an American women... Eleanor Roosevelt. She said, 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.' I mean, all Mudblood is is a word. A nasty one, but I don't let it bother me. Why should it? Words are words, and that one just sounds silly. I am silly, or insane, enough to just let it mean nothing." She nodded in response to his question, "Yeah, they are a House. The word is they are all evil, Dark Arts loving, blood supremacy preaching asshole. But everyone can't be like that! I mean, Ravenclaws are supposed to study like there is no tomorrow, but I play bass. So, maybe you can find a nice Slytherin!"
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:47 pm

Rad shrugged. "I suppose anything is possible, really. And whether you're silly or insane, I'm not sure it matters, as long as you're happy. And you seem pretty happy, and I like you already," he said with a smile. "Though I think I'd find myself hard pressed to hate any girl who played bass. But I like the way you think, Nikki. I think we'll get along just fine. And since you're so cool, I'll let you in on a little secret-- learning is pretty awesome, though I wouldn't let anyone catch me studying," he said with a wink. "Hard to keep up a reputation as school badass if you've got your nose in a textbook, see?"
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:48 pm

"Well, easy solution. Charm your textbooks to look like porn or sports magazines. Then you can study and looks badass." Nikki blushed at the complements, and was so touched she just smiled warmly.
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:50 pm

Caradoc laughed and shrugged. "I suppose I could do that, after all. Normally I just study in the library in the really early morning, before the others get up. I'd study late at night, but I usually find myself a bit busy then," he laughed. "I haven't seen the library here yet, though I hear it's enormous!" he said brightly.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Nikki Orwell August 31st 2010, 8:54 pm

Nikki spluttered in amazement. "IT IS MORE THAN ENORMOUS. IT IS THE BEST PLACE IN THE CASTLE. SO MANY BOOKS!" And without further ado, she grabbed Rad's arm in a vice grip, and dragged him off to the library.

[Is this okay? Or do you want me to edit?]
Nikki Orwell
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black August 31st 2010, 8:55 pm

[It's fine! Just go post in the library, and I'll reply! Hehehe.]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil September 1st 2010, 3:05 am

Parvati was walking the grounds lazily, just wanting to wander around. She was glad to be back at Hogwarts and see all her friends. Even though she hasn't talked to anyone yet.
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Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Scorpius Malfoy September 1st 2010, 3:17 am

Scorpius decided to go for a walk around the grounds. Just for shits and giggles. He spotted a rather fine looking bird, and quickly assessed her. She was at least an 8.4. Maybe an 8.8. Either way, she definitely was far from bad. "Well hello there," he drawled, bringing attention to himself.
Scorpius Malfoy
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