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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:26 pm

Molly blinks. "Well, if that's your final word, I'm just going to leave my foot right here until you remember that I have two brothers," she says coolly, lifting one of her lovely stilettos and letting it hover a mere centimetre over Rad's precious guitar, where the heel will pierce the wood with one downward step. "Now, let's try again - what are you doing with Fabian? Are you just, like, messing around here, because so many bad things will happen if that's what you're doing."
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:29 pm

"WHOA MOLLY NOT THE GUITAR-- oh, nice shoes," he remarks, promptly leaning over to peer at them. "They're really pretty, and colorfu-- oh, right, uh, Fabian," he said, cowering before Molly stabs his guitar with her stilettos. "Molly, don't be ridiculous, I wouldn't just mess around with him, I'm not as stupid as I look for the most part," he replied, still cowering and wondering if he should levitate his guitar out of Molly's reach, or if she'l just threaten something far more valuable than his guitar if he does so. Deciding that to sacrifice the guitar would be the best course of action if Molly snapped, he sighed, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes as he looked up at her for once, instead of towering over her. "Molly, I don't know what you heard, or from whom, but can you be a little more specific, so we're on the same page? Because I'll be honest, I'm kind of lost, and your really pretty shoes are really distracting."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:31 pm


Under the Trees - Page 18 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLh5ei0hQfvcGJ8TX3H7p3IUDavTaVERJ43ZFgN9wL8aGAtqs&t=1&usg=__nOcBkZarPZn5miyqS9ntS4QaE6Q=

Ok, I'll go post now....
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:36 pm

Rad still thinks the shoe is colorful. He blames the weed.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:39 pm

Caradoc Dearborn wrote:"WHOA MOLLY NOT THE GUITAR-- oh, nice shoes," he remarks, promptly leaning over to peer at them. "They're really pretty, and colorfu-- oh, right, uh, Fabian," he said, cowering before Molly stabs his guitar with her stilettos. "Molly, don't be ridiculous, I wouldn't just mess around with him, I'm not as stupid as I look for the most part," he replied, still cowering and wondering if he should levitate his guitar out of Molly's reach, or if she'l just threaten something far more valuable than his guitar if he does so. Deciding that to sacrifice the guitar would be the best course of action if Molly snapped, he sighed, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes as he looked up at her for once, instead of towering over her. "Molly, I don't know what you heard, or from whom, but can you be a little more specific, so we're on the same page? Because I'll be honest, I'm kind of lost, and your really pretty shoes are really distracting."

Molly's face flashes angrily as Rad gets distracted by her clearly gorgeous shoes, because as if she would settle for anything but the best. She decides since Rad likes them so much, he can have a closer look. She uses one stiletto pressed into his throat to pin him back against the tree, completely at her mercy. Yeah, how cute is short little Mol now? She's not even concentrating, just pinning him there completely at her leisure. "Like, where do you think I heard it? Duh! Fabian! He told me how you just, like, told him you had feelings for him and then just totally walked away and left him standing there! Like, what the hell is that if you're not just messing around? Do you think it's, like, a game? Do you think that I don't have, like, a hundred and seventy six different ways to end your sorry existence if you hurt him even a little?"
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 22nd 2010, 5:40 pm

*creeps and noms popcorn*
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:47 pm


"Jesus fucking Christ, Molly, get the pointy bit away from me! Are you insane?" he exclaims, resorting to muggle cursing, of course, go figure, fucking halfblood-- er, sorry, Pureblood!Eowyn just got activated by her friend a few minutes ago, so now she's in the mood to rant about dirty mudbloods and the such, poor inner Rad and Snape. Anyway, right, back to posting-- Caradoc reaches up and grabs Molly's shoe and pushes it away slowly, eyes wide as he stares, entranced by the pretty shoe, oh it's so pretty... oh, but that pointy bit can kill me, that isn't very good. "Molly, can we like, talk about this, like, proper human beings, like-- oh, now look what you've done, you've infected me with your like-ness. What's gonna happen now? WHAT IF I TURN INTO A SHORT GINGER WITH PRETTY SHOES IF I HANG AROUND YOU THIS OFTEN?! But wait, if your gingerness is contagious, wouldn't Viktor be a redhead by now? Ew, he would not be a pretty redhead, like you are, that's just wrong-- okay okay okay! Right, uh, Fabian. Molly, I'm not an idiot, I wouldn't ever do something to hurt someone like him, alright? Even if there WASN'T a scary ginger girl waiting to maul me if I do. Calm down and let me explain, it's hard when you've got a pretty shoe in your face, you know," he remarked, trying not to stare at the pretty shoe or drop his blunt, which he may very well do if Molly gets any scarier, and that wouldn't be very good.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:55 pm

Inner!Molly is telling me that if Rad doesn't start behaving, the guitar is going to suffer. JSYK.
Molly arches an eyebrow as Rad pushes her shoe away, and slowly puts her foot down. On his upper thigh. With just enough pressure that Rad will feel it constantly, which Molly hopes will help keep him focused. "STOP TALKING. LIKE, RIGHT THE HELL NOW!" she bursts out, because when it comes to Prewett Family Matters, Molly lacks her usual sense of humour for High!Talk. She waits until she has Rad's attention before continuing. "Ok, so you can, like, explain yourself. Twenty five words or less. GO!"
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:57 pm

[MAYBE IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO HAVE RAD HIGH.... MAYBE. BUT THERE IS NO LOGICAL REASON I COULD THINK OF THAT HE WOULD NOT BE HIGH RIGHT NOW BECAUSE WHEN HE PANICS HE GETS GILLYWEED. -facepalms- I need to run to class, sorry. I'll reply when I get home... which will be in the morning for you, assuming Kingsley and I are having a nice time.]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:59 pm

[No worries. Have a good time!!!! XX]
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:07 am

Molly Prewett wrote:Inner!Molly is telling me that if Rad doesn't start behaving, the guitar is going to suffer. JSYK.
Molly arches an eyebrow as Rad pushes her shoe away, and slowly puts her foot down. On his upper thigh. With just enough pressure that Rad will feel it constantly, which Molly hopes will help keep him focused. "STOP TALKING. LIKE, RIGHT THE HELL NOW!" she bursts out, because when it comes to Prewett Family Matters, Molly lacks her usual sense of humour for High!Talk. She waits until she has Rad's attention before continuing. "Ok, so you can, like, explain yourself. Twenty five words or less. GO!"

Caradoc gulps as Scary!Molly places her stiletto on his upper thigh, far too uncomfortably close to certain parts. "Talking! Right! Words, those are the things coming out of my mouth wait what only twenty five but how am I going to explain-- I PANICKED! I swear, that was it, Molly, alright? I didn't mean to just... I did'n't mean to leave him confused, Molly, I swear, it's just, I've never really had these kinds of feelings before, and I didn't know what to do, but then I was singing, and I was playing, and I was telling him and I-- please don't kill me, I swear I'm not just fucking around, okay?"
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 3:21 am

Molly digs the heel in, just a tiny bit. "That was, like, way more than twenty five words," she announces, because both she and Mya kept getting distracted and losing count. Then she sighs and releases a little of the pressure bearing down on Rad's leg. "Look, I don't even know what to say," she admits, because Molly spends quite a lot of time flying by the seat of her pants, you know. "But I can tell you this," she says, putting both feet flat on the ground once more so that she can lean over, staring mercilessly down into Rad's eyes, her face calm, controlled, but alight with conviction and leaving no doubt that she means every damned word she is about to say. "You need to tread carefully right now. Because if you mess with his feelings, disappoint him, play around on him, or fail to treat him with the respect he deserves, you will totally be begging for death after what I'm gonna do to you. If you hurt Fabian, I will, like, pierce your scrotum with my stiletto. Repeatedly. I will smash your precious guitar to smithereens and shove the splinters under your fingernails. I will cover you in barbecue sauce and set flesh-eating ants upon you. I will pop your eyeball out of its socket and turn it around without severing the optical nerve so that you can, like, watch while I strangle the life out of you with one of your own guitar strings. And then I will, like, slice your carcass to pieces with my carving knife and feed you to rabid Komodo Dragons. Do you want me to, like, write any of that down for you?" she asks, her voice still low and even.
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 23rd 2010, 3:22 am

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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:26 am

"Molly, if I ever need someone dead, can I hire you?" he blurted out, before he remembers that this is quite a serious situation, with both his manhood and guitar at stake. "Molly, please believe me when I say that I have no intentions of hurting Fabian, at all, okay? What's happening between us-- hell, Molly, I don't even know what's happening between us, and when I figure it out, I'll be sure to let you know before you pierce my ball sack, alright? But really, Molly, I mean it, I don't want to hurt Fabian anymore than you would. Because see, the whole problem here is that I actually fucking care about him, okay? I do care about him, which is totally not awesome for me really, because I have honestly no idea how to feel, because I've pretty much lived my life with three emotions, and that's really only two if you don't count horny as an emotion. Anyway, can we please stop with the threatening and remove the heel from dangerous places, because it's making me really uncomfortable, you're really scary when you're angry and I'm high, and I really, really, really haven't done anything at all to deserve my guitar being smashed or being dipped in barbecue sauce and eaten alive by flesh eating ants."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 3:35 am

Satisfied with that answer, Molly greams. "I'm not angry!" she chirps. "I just wanted to, like, let you know where you stand. I'm totally glad we had this little talk. So long, Rad, have a nice day!" she sings. Leaning down a little further, she plucks the joint from between Rad's fingers and turns, strutting off without another word, or so much as a backwards glance. Well, at least now Rad knows that whatever he does from here on out, his actions will have consequences should he mess up. She heads in the direction of the Epic Box Fort, so she can finish her newly acquired joint in peace.
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:40 am

Caradoc sighs in relief as Crazy!Molly walks off, even if she did steal his blunt, and so he rolls another while wondering if Komodo Dragons can actually get rabies, because he always thought they were so badass, they'd probably be immune. I suppose I can leave him here, if anyone wants to have a probably amusing conversation with High!Rad.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 3:43 am

[I'm tempted to have Lily walk by and go all Prefect on Rad right now, just to make sure that fear of redheads gets nicely ingrained....]
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:45 am

[Oh for fucks sake, must you torture the poor guy? At least he isn't liable to hit on Lily, I suppose, send her over. But really, poor lad will never be able to date a redhead.]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 3:47 am

[*gigglesnorts* It's healthy for him, really. I don't know how, but I'll think of something... Alright, if nobody else wants to play, I'll log Lils in.]
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 3:53 am

Caradoc Dearborn wrote:Caradoc sighs in relief as Crazy!Molly walks off, even if she did steal his blunt, and so he rolls another while wondering if Komodo Dragons can actually get rabies, because he always thought they were so badass, they'd probably be immune. I suppose I can leave him here, if anyone wants to have a probably amusing conversation with High!Rad.

Lily smells something funny. Nose wrinkled, she starts poking around until she locates the source, and comes across a familiar face sitting underneath one of the tress, rolled joint in hand. She arches an eyebrow and is glad she remembered to wear her Prefect badge today. "Caradoc, right? Is that gillyweed?" she says, knowing full well what it is because she wasn't born yesterday.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy October 23rd 2010, 3:57 am

[Pansy would just like to say that that since you've sort of talked your feelings over with Molly, that she is no longer required for such a conversation. Right? RIGHT?]
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:57 am

Oh, can't you just leave the poor guy alone? What he needs is a good lay, not a prissy prefect! Really now, I'm half tempted to send Sirius over to distract Lily, or something, but Rad would probably find an excuse to punch Sirius, so I'll refrain... for now. Caradoc looks up when he hears his name, and flashes the stranger a smile. "Hey, do I know you? I don't really remember if I know you, but I don't think I'd know if I knew, you know, I know. Oh, yeah, did you want a drag? Plenty to go around of course, sharing is caring!" he says brightly, while Eowyn facepalms.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 3:58 am

Pansy Parkinson wrote:[Pansy would just like to say that that since you've sort of talked your feelings over with Molly, that she is no longer required for such a conversation. Right? RIGHT?]

[THAT WAS NOT A TALK, THAT WAS AN INTERROGATION! Poor guy. At least share a blunt with the guy and let him play with Toby or Lilu, or something, someone take pity on him besides me.]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy October 23rd 2010, 4:01 am

[*pats Pansy on the head* You tried to get out of it, but sorry.
She is pouting now, but will oblige.]
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Under the Trees - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 4:09 am

Caradoc Dearborn wrote:Oh, can't you just leave the poor guy alone? What he needs is a good lay, not a prissy prefect! Really now, I'm half tempted to send Sirius over to distract Lily, or something, but Rad would probably find an excuse to punch Sirius, so I'll refrain... for now. Caradoc looks up when he hears his name, and flashes the stranger a smile. "Hey, do I know you? I don't really remember if I know you, but I don't think I'd know if I knew, you know, I know. Oh, yeah, did you want a drag? Plenty to go around of course, sharing is caring!" he says brightly, while Eowyn facepalms.

The good lay is Viktor's department. *shrugs* Sirius would probably just get hexed for getting in the way of prefect business... On second thought, send him in then! "Are you aware that you're smoking an illegal substance on school grounds, which is grounds for expulsion?" Lily asks, her expression neutral apart from a little angry flushing in her cheeks. "And you also just offered to share with a prefect, which probably counts as a bribe. What do you have to say for yourself?" she asks in that voice that makes the younger students quake in their shoes and scurry off to go be obedient, but never really works on the Marauders. But hey, she figures she'll give it a go anyway.
Lily Evans
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