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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 4:16 am

"I have to say, you look like you've either had a lousy day, or a blunt would probably help you loosen up a bit, girl. What's your name? You're a Gryffindor, I feel like I've spoken to you at some point-- Oh, come now, don't be going on about expulsion, really, I'm not going around bothering anyone or causing any trouble, why waste your breath? If you really must be bothering someone for prefect duties, why not do something about the idiots who were vandalizing Slughorn's classroom, or something? It honestly seems a waste of time to me to be harassing someone who is clearly not doing anything destructive," he said, shrugging as he took a drag from his blunt, making no move to get rid of it.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 4:23 am

Lily twitches and does not want to admit that she'd rather not go within a hundred feet of Slughorn and his classroom unless dire need arises. "There has been nothing wrong with my day, and I do not need some stupid drug to help me loosen up," she says through slightly gritted teeth. "Yes, we have met once. Lily Evans, Gryffindor sixth year prefect. And you are setting a bad example. What if I had been one of the younger students? You're right out here in the middle of the grounds where anybody could stumble upon you! It's hardly appropriate for you to go around giving them this impression, teaching them to break rules that are there for their safety just because it's inconvenient to your addiction! Get rid of it," she says flatly.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 4:30 am

I would just like to point out that if Eowyn were in Rad's case, she would have shoved a stick up Lily's ass at this point, I swear, people like Lily piss me off so badly IRL. This would be the point where I'd tell them to either quit yammering on about school rules like their name was McGoogles, or I'd shove my wand where the sun don't shine. However, Rad has a lot more patience than I do, and he sighs and extinguishes it on a nearby rock, and shoves it into his pocket, before Lily yells at him for littering, or something. "See? All gone, now you can relax. And honestly, if I were a prefect, I'd get my facts straight-- calling it an addiction is inherently incorrect, as all scientific studies so far have shown gillyweed to have a practically non-existent rate of addiction physically, and a positively insignificant probability of psychological dependence, and I for one can honestly say I have no addiction, but have merely had a massively strange week, and could use a bit of downtime, which would be great to spend in the library, but last I checked Pince was having a hissy fit, and it's a bit of a pain to study. Speaking of, I remember where I met you now-- it was in the library, wasn't it?" he recalled, smiling slightly. "You know, you're a lot more pleasant, surrounded by books."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 4:36 am

She's SO pissy in my head right now. I think she must be my PMSing personality this month, because everyone and everything is wrong no matter what they do, and she just wants to scream. Molly is about two seconds away from shoving her down the stairs and telling everyone she "tripped".
*logs into the right account to reply now*
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy October 23rd 2010, 4:37 am

Molly Prewett wrote:Molly is about two seconds away from shoving her down the stairs and telling everyone she "tripped".
Pansy approves of this plan.
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 4:44 am

Caradoc Dearborn wrote:I would just like to point out that if Eowyn were in Rad's case, she would have shoved a stick up Lily's ass at this point, I swear, people like Lily piss me off so badly IRL. This would be the point where I'd tell them to either quit yammering on about school rules like their name was McGoogles, or I'd shove my wand where the sun don't shine. However, Rad has a lot more patience than I do, and he sighs and extinguishes it on a nearby rock, and shoves it into his pocket, before Lily yells at him for littering, or something. "See? All gone, now you can relax. And honestly, if I were a prefect, I'd get my facts straight-- calling it an addiction is inherently incorrect, as all scientific studies so far have shown gillyweed to have a practically non-existent rate of addiction physically, and a positively insignificant probability of psychological dependence, and I for one can honestly say I have no addiction, but have merely had a massively strange week, and could use a bit of downtime, which would be great to spend in the library, but last I checked Pince was having a hissy fit, and it's a bit of a pain to study. Speaking of, I remember where I met you now-- it was in the library, wasn't it?" he recalled, smiling slightly. "You know, you're a lot more pleasant, surrounded by books."

"Thank you. I'm sorry you've had an off week," Lily says, somewhat stiffly but very much calming down now that the offensive gillyweed is no longer an issue. She shrugs slightly at his observation and does not bother to tell him she could care less for his scientific analysis of gillyweed. "Yes, it was the Library, and you were a lot more pleasant yourself, when you weren't surrounded by that foul smelling cloud," she says, because she really does hate the smell of gillyweed.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 4:52 am

"Yeah, yeah, the gillyweed's gone, the smell will be too, if the wind keeps up, anyway," he said, sighing and picking up his guitar and his pick, and starts to strum a few notes, but he simply seems to have lost the inspiration he'd had before these two bothersome redheads showed up. "So, Lily, what else do you do in your spare time, besides being an annoying goody two shoes wandering the grounds looking for rule breakers? Surely you must do something for fun, it'd be a pity for a girl as pretty as you to be frowning crossly all the time," he remarked, offering her a slight smile as he fiddles with the pick in his hand, leaving the guitar untouched in his lap.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 4:58 am

Lily shrugs slightly. "Read, study, hang out with friends. I like to walk a lot, before the grounds get too cold. It's beautiful here, and sometimes you meet some cool people," she says with a little smile, her thoughts drifting briefly to Gideon before she comes back to the present and the conversation at hand. "Why, what do you like to do beyond cradle a guitar and contribute to the delinquency of the Hogwarts student body?" she asks, although her eyes sparkle in a way that tells him that she is, in fact, just joking.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy October 23rd 2010, 5:03 am

Sorry. Creeping and he demanded I comment.]
Pansy Parkinson-Malfoy
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 5:05 am

[She does have a sense of humour. Just not when it comes to Potter, the arrogant toerag. XD]
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 5:07 am

Caradoc shrugged as well and smiled slightly at his guitar, which hasn't had much use lately. "Well, occasionally I do actually play it, I just haven't had a lot of inspiration this semester, until recently, anyway, but it seems without my muse here I can't play a decent note. So, I suppose, I do the same as you, minus the studying-- I don't tend to bother with that, for the most part," he laughed lightly, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "So yes, hanging out with friends, and wandering the grounds before it freezes up entirely-- and of course, generally being a delinquent, with massive amounts of vandalism, bullying of the younger students, and abuse of poor defenseless creatures like bunnies and kittens," he replied, grinning as a cute little squirrel pops out from behind a tree.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 5:10 am

Lily smirks. "I can tell that about you. I see how squirrels shake in your presence," she says, indicating the perfectly at ease squirrel while Hermione eyes it warily and Mya swears that if Padfoot shows up, she'll fucking castrate him. "Is that how you knew about Slughorn's room being a mess - your idea of a fun way to spend the evening?"
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 5:14 am

AWWWW. BUT PADFOOT WAS SO EAGER TO PLAY! Meanie. Caradoc chuckles and shakes his head, grabbing a few acorns off the ground and holding them out for the squirrel. "Nah, I just heard Peeves yelling about it to Filch on my way back from the library this morning, but of course, it's something I totally seem the type to be involved in," he joked, smiling as the squirrel makes its way over, and cautiously eyes the acorns. "Hey, cutie, I swear I won't bite you, though that big black shaggy dog over there might," he said, gesturing to a big, black, shaggy dog that is eying the bushy-tailed Hermione look-alike from a VERY SAFE DISTANCE AWAY.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 5:19 am

*saw that one coming a mile away* >.>
"Aw, don't worry," Lily coos at the squirrel, drawing her wand just in case. "If that big smelly dog comes too close, I'll take care of it," she promises, and then turns her attention back to Rad with a smirk. "Right, I'm sure the only reason you missed it was that you were caught up in detention from one of your countless other transgressions?"
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 5:23 am

"Oh, absolutely. Just last night I was in detention for stringing up first years by their ankles with Filch's old chains. Gotta keep those little ones in line," he chortled, smiling as the little squirrel makes a grab for the acorns, then disappears up the tree, much to the displeasure of the VERY NICE SMELLING AND NOT AT ALL YUCKY SMELLING dog, who bounds off to feast upon some other squirrel nearby. "But really, someone really should be doing something about those idiots, I don't particularly feel like having class in a dungeon that's been trashed recently, and I can't see why anyone would even bother wasting their time doing that. If you're going to break a rule, at least get something good out of it," he said, rolling his eyes.

[I need to sleep, I'm going to start hallucinating soon or something. Night!]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 23rd 2010, 5:24 am

[sleep well, gorgeous xxoo]
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 23rd 2010, 5:27 am

Hm. I'm not seeing the resemblance to a squirrel. JS.
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 5:29 am

[Luna, I think it has been well established that I do not view Emma Watson as a squirrel, nor does Sirius. Hermione, on the other hand, will forever be a squirrel in Sirius' head. Now thanks a lot, I'll never sleep with all that to drool over.]
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 23rd 2010, 5:30 am

[Well...Um. Hermione looks like that. *nods* Viktor thinks she's beautiful. *kills Sirius*]
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 5:30 am

None of my Inner!People are allowed to notice what the flea-bitten mutt just did (except Evan, who laughed) because Mya does not want the headache involved right now. "Nothing like a good round of corporal punishment," Lily says cheerfully, then sobers up slightly. "I would argue not so much to break rules to get something good, or just for personal gain, but for the right reasons," she counters.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 23rd 2010, 7:06 am

Caradoc Dearborn wrote:[Oh for fucks sake, must you torture the poor guy? At least he isn't liable to hit on Lily, I suppose, send her over. But really, poor lad will never be able to date a redhead.]

[Dean just said to Sam on SPN: "You're a redheaded woman." I thought of this and giggled. XD ]
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 2:01 pm


"For the right reasons? And what might those be, might I ask? Personally, I thought coming out here and smoking gillyweed was a better alternative to staying in the common room and taking my frustration out on any first years to cross my path, which seems to be the Slytherin method of relaxing," he noted. "Though, for all the good being out here has done, I'm starting to think that might've been the better option," he added, thinking about Scary!Molly and her scary stilettos, and suppresses the urge to hug his guitar before another redhead shows up and threatens to smash it or strangle him with his guitar strings.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 2:13 pm

"You know - doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and all that. If something is wrong, you fix it even if it means bucking authority and the like," she says lightly. "So why so frustrated?" she asks curiously, then withdraws. "Oh, that was rude. I'm sorry, none of my business. Nevermind," she says with an apologetic smile.
Lily Evans
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 23rd 2010, 2:21 pm

"Oh, I don't really mind, it isn't as if I've got anything to hide, but really it's not very interesting. Just boy troubles, honestly," he laughed, thinking about how ridiculous it was that such a small thing was getting him so worked up, when he was normally so laid back. "Like I said-- not the most interesting of things, but it's just so rare I find myself in a situation I honestly have no clue what to do in. Hence all the frustration," he explained, smiling up at Lily because really, it's weird when Rad doesn't smile in a post, unless he's next to Scary!Molly.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Lily Evans October 23rd 2010, 2:49 pm

Lily smiles warmly, because she has boy troubles too. Only hers is in the form of a boy who won't go far, far, far, far, far (you get the point) away. "Well we've all been there. Honestly, though, I'm the wrong person to ask about that one. Usually my energies are focused on getting a certain cretin who calls himself a member of the male species to go away. So is it that he doesn't know you exist, or that he knows and doesn't care, or is it my end of the scale, and you've got yourself a stalker? I recommend hexing in the final instance, but with the first two, you're on your own," she shrugs.
Lily Evans
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