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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 3:13 am

She glanced at the book. "Arthimancy? Is that hard? I know, Divination is really fascinating this year. I just love it. I've got Trelawny again though." She was a little disappointed she still didn't have the handsome centaur as her teacher.
Ronald Weasley
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 3:18 am

Hermione shrugs. "I don't find it too difficult. It does require a fair amount of concentration, though. It's very interesting, though, and far more useful than something like Divination," tactless!Hermione says with a little scoff.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 3:23 am

Lavender scoffs. "Divination can be quite useful. It can help prepare you for things to come." Lavender didn't really want to get into the discussion of if Divination was useful or not. "So, have you decided what you want to do once you graduate?"
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 3:28 am

"So can forward planning and logic, and nobody needs an old fraud to teach them that" Hermione scoffs. "I'm considering becoming an Unspeakable and working in the Department of Mysteries. Of course, I've still got time to weigh up my options," she says, because I think Hermione is the only one of the HP Gen group who is actually a sixth year, not a seventh. Oops. Oh well, she went to France for a year and repeated. Whatev. "Have you decided what field you'd like to go into yet?"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 3:32 am

"I think I'm going to try and become a healer. It's still a bit uncertain, but whatever I do , I just want to help people." She shrugged. "It takes a lot to be a healer, so I've been studying a lot of charms lately. I just got a Ravenclaw boyfriend, so he can help me work on spells and stuff." She giggled the famous Lavender giggle.
Ronald Weasley
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 3:40 am

[Sorry I'm taking so long - it's REALLY hard to switch between Evan and Hermione, it turns out.... Razz]

"Well that's an admirable goal," Hermione comments, even though she secretly sometimes wonders how Lavender has the brains to get dressed in the morning, let alone becoming a Healer. Then again, if Mol can manage.... JS. "Is that what you got him for?" Oops. She hadn't meant to say that out loud. "Erm, what's his name?" she asks, because that was probably the more appropriate question to go with.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 3:46 am

Lav decided to ignore the first question. She loved bragging about her new boyfriend. "His name is Louis Weasley. He's such a gentleman! Although, his sister....doesn't approve. Which totally sucks, ya know?" She shook her head. Meanwhile, I'm proud of myself for making coherent posts. I think. If I read these in the morning and they make no sense I will be PISSSSEEEED!
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 3:51 am

You're doing great! *would not suspect you're drunk at all*
"Well he sounds very sweet. Shame about his sister, though. Is there any reason she doesn't approve?" Hermione asks, partially curious and partially actually wanting to help if she can.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 3:54 am


She sighs dramatically. "I don't really know. I guess that family is really close and protective of each other. We got into a sort of...muggle fight the other day. It wasn't very good. She thinks I'm trash. Which is totally unfair, because I was nothing but nice to her, but she's determined to hate me!" She groans.
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 3:58 am

Hermione looks faintly scandalized at the prospect of two girls. Fighting! Muggle style! She sort of wants to roll her eyes a little bit at Lav's dramatics, but she holds the urge, fixing an appropriately sympathetic look on her face. "Well, that's a shame. If it's just that she's protective, have you considered speaking to Louis about it? Perhaps he could ask her to give you a break. I'm sure once she sees you've no intentions of hurting him, she'll come around," she says encouragingly.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 4:01 am

"Well, I have talked to Louis. He doesn't know about the fight yet, I haven't seen him yet. I'm sure he'll be furious, and I don't want them to get into a fight over me. I suppose I will have to tell him, I don't want to lie." Despite what people may think, Lav wasn't a bad person, she just liked to giggle and gossip a lot.
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 18th 2010, 4:03 am

Hermione Granger wrote: Fighting! Muggle style!
Under the Trees - Page 17 4hcbwh
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 4:04 am

Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 4:07 am

Naw. Hermione doesn't think Lav's a bad person. Just that she's, y'know, not that bright. "Dishonesty will get you nowhere," Hermione nods. "And whatever sibling issues they have aren't your fault. Try not to take it personally, because the issues would be there whether you were dating Louis or not. Maybe they just need to learn boundaries or something," Hermione shrugs.


Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 4:10 am

Lavender stares. "Wow. That makes a lot of sense. You are so smart!" She giggled. "I will tell him! I think I should talk to Dom sometime too. Once we've both had some time to cool off though. Sirius didn't really help, encouraging us on." She smirked at the thought of his commentary.
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 4:18 am

Hermione smirks ever so slightly. "Thanks," she says, because she doesn't have an ego, unlike Molly who would've said something like 'uh, OMG duh! totally!' "I think some time to cool off is definitely in order for you both. Sirius? Sirius Black? Well, I can imagine he didn't bring anything constructive to the situation... well, not from a problem-solving perspective. I imagine he himself had a marvelous time," she says, voice laced with disapproval.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 4:25 am

She nodded. "I think he did. Her shirt ended up ripping, I think he rather enjoyed that view. It was all so stupid. I don't really know what came over me. The nurse was pretty annoyed too when I went to get my lip fixed up. I wasn't ready to try a healing charm on myself, didn't know how that would go. Whatever, I'm totally over it." Or not. She would gossip about this for at least another two weeks.
Ronald Weasley
Ronald Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 4:30 am

Hermione rolls her eyes and mutters something that sounds suspiciously like 'boys'. "Well I suppose next time you'll know to keep your cool," she says simply. Mya is a bit of a brain fail right now and can't think of what else to say... Sorry. "I suppose it's just lucky nobody got seriously hurt, you might've been in trouble then."

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley October 18th 2010, 4:35 am

She nodded, not really caring if she had got in trouble or not. "Yeah. Girls are just so complicated sometimes." She giggled. "Well, I need to get going, just wanted to say hi. Hope you're doing well." She smiled then walked off, because I am about to pass out on my keyboard.
Ronald Weasley
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin October 18th 2010, 4:37 am

"Bye Lavender, take care," Hermione smiles, while Mya hopes Deano makes it to bed before she passes out. <3

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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:00 pm

Caradoc wandered out to the grounds, guitar in one hand, and blunt in the other. He sat down on the grass under the shade of a tree and lit his blunt, leaving the guitar beside him for the moment. Fuck. What the hell do I do now? -cue the scary short person with the frying pan-
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:08 pm

Molly is going for a walk, trying to get her head straight about this whole Fabian and Caradoc business. Fabian being gay doesn't faze her in the least -uh, hello, her BFF is gay! She just wants him to be happy, and her entertainment of the concept hasn't really felt the need to extend beyond 'huh, wonder what Giddy will say' and 'I should ask him to come boy watching!' But the object of Fabian's affections gives Molly a little more cause for concern. Molly likes Rad, she really does. But she's not naive - she knows what he's like, and he makes no secret of his man-whorish ways. It's... not what she'd hope for for one of her beloved siblings, and Molly will do anything not to see Fabian hurt. All this train of thought has brought Molly amongst the trees, where she comes face to face with one of the very objects of her ponderings, sitting in the grass and leaning against a tree. She arches an eyebrow and walks over, staring down at Rad with a dangerously blank expression.

[and now you know this shit is serious, because there isn't a single word of dialogue in all that.]
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:12 pm

... Shit. Rad is freaking out and calling Snape to hand him a shield, or something. Caradoc smiles when he sees Molly coming, having no idea that she's now aware that something's going on between him and Fabian, and brightens up. "Hey Molly! How's it going? Want one?" he asked, lifting up his blunt before taking a drag, then finally noticing that something is wrong-- oh shit. Molly... she isn't talking, and she IS giving a scary look. "Uh... Molly? Something going on?"
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 22nd 2010, 5:17 pm

This is fun. Molly smirks evilly, completely ignoring the offered joint, and most of what Rad has said. "'Something going on?' 'Something going on?'" she muses, pretending to think. "Isn't that, like, the million galleon question, Caradoc Dearborn? Do you wanna, like, come clean and tell me what the hell you're doing with my brother right now, or should I totally just skip straight to the violence?" she blinks.
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Under the Trees - Page 17 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black October 22nd 2010, 5:20 pm

Caradoc blinks, stares, takes a drag, blinks, stares, and blinks again. "Say what? What I'm doing with your brother-- wait, what? I haven't even seen Gid in like, a month," he said, utterly confused and oblivious, though he's now debating whether he'd rather use his guitar as a shield if Insane!Molly decides to go for the violence, or if his guitar is too precious to subject to such horrible damages. "What're you on about, Molly?" he asked, really wondering what on earth he's done, because High!Rad is high, and emotionally stupid Rad is emotionally stupid.
Sirius Black
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