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Dock by the lake

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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Katie Bell April 5th 2010, 7:19 pm

Severus Snape wrote:[You're just too much of a pussy to say it to my face, Bell. I'd like to see you try. Perhaps you'd like to join Whoremione in her coma?]

[-Whimpers- I dont want to be known as a bitch actaully....When its OOC it just seems like Banter Wink Hahahaaa]
Katie Bell
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:23 pm

"Things will get better.." Lily sighed and stared out across the lake. I'm such a hypocrite. I barely believe that now, but I think Sev needs to hear it anyway. Oh, and how am I? Wretched. "Not so great...to...to put it mildly, Sev."


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:27 pm

Severus looked at her, suddenly very concerned at the sadness in her voice. He put his hand on her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. "Lily? What's wrong? What happened?" he said, the worry in his tone clear.


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:38 pm

Lily shook her head and turned away from him, closing her eyes to avoid tears again as she felt his hand on her shoulder. "You were right, Sev."


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:42 pm

Sev felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He didn't know what she was talking about, but he knew it couldn't be good. He lightly touched her cheek, and turned her face towards his own. "Right about what, Lily?" he said with apprehension. "What happened?"


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:48 pm

Lily opened her eyes, then turned her face away from his. She could face him and say this. "About James. He...he didn't want me...was tired of waiting...left..left me alone.." She closed her eyes again. No, You can't keep crying about this! You weren't even dating him..


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 7:51 pm

Severus could hardly hear what he was hearing. James... James left her? James left her? James left her? What madness was this? More importantly, what madness is this that she even cares about James? Shut up, and stop being such a dick. It doesn't matter that he's an asshole, it matters that he was an asshole who she obviously cared about. Severus threw his arms around her, holding her close. "Oh Lily... Lily, I'm so.. I'm so sorry. I can't believe... I don't believe... What?" he said stupidly, still in shock.


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:02 pm

Lily covered her face with her hands, muffling her words but helping her to not cry. "He...he said he was tired of me not..making up my mind....so he had given up on me. Didn't want to be the one I loved to yell at...told him that wasn't true, but he still walked off...doesn't care about me at all, Sev. James Potter doesn't care about me anymore...and it hurts a lot more than I thought it would."


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:10 pm

[who will come out on top?



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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:11 pm

"Shhh. It's alright Lily, it's gonna be alright. Don't you spare him another thought, he isn't worth it. He doesn't matter... He doesn't, alright? Shhhh... It's gonna be okay," he whispered, pulling her close and pressing her head against his chest. "I'm so sorry Lily... I can't believe he'd do such a horrible, such horribly stupid thing. Don't you worry, Lily. I care about you, okay? I care. I care..." he said, his voice trailing off.

What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Why the hell are you feeling almost happy he'd do such a thing! How could you possibly feel happy that he'd hurt her like this!
I don't know! I don't! I can't help it! He's gone now, right? He's gone and he won't hurt her anymore, she won't be stupid enough to believe his lies anymore, right?
That's not the only reason you're feeling like this. What's wrong with you! Can't you see she's hurting, can't you see how heartbroken she is?
I do! I do! But now I can be there for her, right? I can be there to make it all better.
And just how do you plan doing that?
I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about!
Am not.
I don't... I wasn't jealous. I was NOT jealous... I was jealous, wasn't I?
You're an idiot.

Severus embraced her tightly, trying to shut out the angry yelling voices in his head. "I'm here for you, Lily. I'm here."

Last edited by Severus Snape on April 5th 2010, 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 5th 2010, 8:11 pm

[I posted it in the wrong thread. And no. They're all in Patronus.]
Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:13 pm

[I'M NOT. But. Lily is. And the thought of Lily doing anything before she got married is horrifying in my mind. SO NO. NO SEX FOR SEVILY.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 5th 2010, 8:13 pm

[I was talking about Hinilda. I posted their banner in the wrong thread.]
Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Remus Lupin April 5th 2010, 8:17 pm

Remus Lupin
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:17 pm

[WELL THEN. Wait... Hinilda? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwww]


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 5th 2010, 8:19 pm

[It's a Harry, Ginny, and Romilda love traingle.]
Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Remus Lupin April 5th 2010, 8:20 pm

[Oh geez.....hahahahaha wow. Well then, I'm heading off for class I'll be back around 3ish]
Remus Lupin
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:37 pm

Severus Snape wrote:"Shhh. It's alright Lily, it's gonna be alright. Don't you spare him another thought, he isn't worth it. He doesn't matter... He doesn't, alright? Shhhh... It's gonna be okay," he whispered, pulling her close and pressing her head against his chest. "I'm so sorry Lily... I can't believe he'd do such a horrible, such horribly stupid thing. Don't you worry, Lily. I care about you, okay? I care. I care..." he said, his voice trailing off.

What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Why the hell are you feeling almost happy he'd do such a thing! How could you possibly feel happy that he'd hurt her like this!
I don't know! I don't! I can't help it! He's gone now, right? He's gone and he won't hurt her anymore, she won't be stupid enough to believe his lies anymore, right?
That's not the only reason you're feeling like this. What's wrong with you! Can't you see she's hurting, can't you see how heartbroken she is?
I do! I do! But now I can be there for her, right? I can be there to make it all better.
And just how do you plan doing that?
I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about!
Am not.
I don't... I wasn't jealous. I was NOT jealous... I was jealous, wasn't I?
You're an idiot.

Severus embraced her tightly, trying to shut out the angry yelling voices in his head. "I'm here for you, Lily. I'm here."

Lily gladly hugged him tightly back. Hermione can't get mad at me for hugging Sev like she would, if she weren't unconscious, for hugging Remus. Nobody can get mad at me for hugging my best friend. She buried her face in his shoulder, tears finally starting to slide down her cheeks again. "Thank you S-Sev...at least s-someone c-cares.."

[Gah. Sorry for short posts, well, short compared to yours. >_< Bit brain dead right now.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:47 pm

[It's fine. I'm bored, and Sev's voices make me laugh.]

Severus winced as she started crying, disturbed that someone could possibly want to put her through this kind of pain. "Of course I care, Lily. I care so much," he murmured into her ear, running his fingers through her hair. "I'm here for you, and I'll care for you, always." His head was spinning, as he realized what he wanted right now. He wanted to punch James in the face. He wanted to tear his limbs off and rip his guts out and feed them to Pansy's owl for breakfast. He wanted to bash his head in and stab him in the eye. But more than anything else right now, he wanted to kiss away her tears, to show her just how much she meant to him. But no. He couldn't. That wasn't what she needed, wasn't what she wanted. She wanted Sev, her best friend. And he'd give her what she needed, he had to. "I'm here for you, for whatever you want, whatever you need. What can I do, to make you feel better?"


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 8:55 pm

Lily hugged him tigher, and sighed. "Just...please don't leave me." Sev wouldn't leave me, he wouldn't...James did though, and I didn't think he would either. After that kiss I thought we'd be together, I really did..But no...he left, he and the love he had for me that I never really noticed until now and he gave up on me... The thoughts in her head only made her cry more, at the painful memory.

[I'm amused by them too. Lily'll have her own voices whenever she has the epiphany of "OH WAIT SEV LIKES ME. O.O" haha.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 5th 2010, 8:59 pm

[*wipes away a tear* I remember the good old days when the Slyths would have parties and attemp to save Sevily by the lake. *blows nose* WHERE HAVE THESE TIMES RUN OFF TO? *looks under the couch*]
Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:01 pm

[Haha, that'll be a while, maybe. Maybe. -really wants Sevily but thinks for the sake of plotline we should drag it out, still. Heh. Maybe you should be flirty with someone else. He'll probably flip out on himself and then be like OH. OH SHIT. when he figures it out properly.]

Severus lifted her chin up to face him, and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I won't ever leave you. I'd die before I left you, Lily Evans," he said firmly, looking her in the eye so she knew that he meant it. "You're the best friend I've ever had and will ever have, and your happiness means the world to me. Don't you think for even a moment that I'll ever abandon you."

[I just remembered I had this picture. It fits, I think.]

Dock by the lake - Page 23 Wuovp2


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Katie Bell April 5th 2010, 9:04 pm

Severus Snape wrote:
[I just remembered I had this picture. It fits, I think.]

Dock by the lake - Page 23 Wuovp2

[I am not Sevily as you might have imagined. But this.... <3]
Katie Bell
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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:19 pm

[AW. And yeah. Totally. Or she can have another cute talk with Remus and he can misinterpret it and get jealous again? ]

"Thank you.. i-it still hurts...but t-thank you.." Lily managed to smile for a brief moment and nodded before returning to burying her face in his shoulder, eyes tightly closed while tears still managed to escape them. After a bit, she pulled away, hands on the dock, eyes on the ripples in the water above. "S-sorry Sev...your shirt'll be all w-wet with these s-silly tears..." They aren't silly...James Potter left, as soon as I cared. There's a reason...but I don't have to like it. Not. One. Bit.


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:25 pm

[... I think if he thought Remus/Lily was going on, he'd just go kill himself. I don't think he could handle that kind of betrayal in his mind.]

Severus reached out and held her hand tightly. "They're not silly. And I couldn't care less about my shirt. Don't you apologize for anything. The only thing that matters right now is you," he said, brushing her hair behind her ear and kissing her on the cheek softly. "You matter. To me. I care," he reminded her, still holding her hand. How could anyone be so sick, so demented, how can anyone possibly want to put her through this? She's the last one in this world that deserves to hurt, she's never done anything wrong in her life.


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Dock by the lake - Page 23 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

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