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Dock by the lake

Lucy Weasley
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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:27 pm

[Oh dear. I'm thinking of the scene in Return of the King where Faramir is comforting Eowyn the day of Aragorn's coronation. Or maybe it was Aragorn and Arwen's wedding night, I forget. It's making me very, very, very sad. I do believe that whenever Sevily happens I may just copy/paste Faramir's words. It's probably my favorite part in the whole series.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 5th 2010, 9:27 pm

[*looks under bed* I found those times! Along wih my firebeer stash! Let's have another party Sev! Please please! *notices there is something going on* I'll stop interrupting now. Maybe. Razz]
Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:34 pm

[That's it. I can't resist. I found an abridged version of the scene online. I'm posting it here so you all know what the fuck I'm talking about. Actually there are two scenes, but whatever. ]

Warden: My lord, here is the Lady Éowyn of Rohan. She rode with the king and was sorely hurt, and dwells now in my keeping. But she is not content, and she wishes to speak to the Steward of the City.

Éowyn: Do not misunderstand him, lord. It is not lack of care that grieves me. No houses could be fairer, for those who desire to be healed. But I cannot lie in sloth, idle, caged. I looked for death in battle. But I have not died, and battle still goes on.

Faramir: What would you have me do, lady? I also am a prisoner of the healers. What do you wish? If it lies in my power, I will do it.

Éowyn: I would have you command this Warden, and bid him let me go.

Faramir: I myself am in the Warden's keeping. Nor have I yet taken up my authority in the City. But had I done so, I should still listen to his counsel, and should not cross his will in matters of his craft, unless in some great need.

Éowyn: But I do not desire healing. I wish to ride to war like my brother Éomer, or better like Théoden the king, for he died and has both honour and peace.

Faramir: It is too late, lady, to follow the Captains, even if you had the strength. But death in battle may come to us all yet, willing or unwilling. You will be better prepared to face it in your own manner, if while there is still time you do as the Healer commanded. You and I, we must endure with patience the hours of waiting.

Éowyn: But the healers would have me lie abed seven days yet. And my window does not look eastward.

Faramir: Your window does not look eastward? That can be amended. In this I will command the Warden. If you will stay in this house in our care, lady, and take your rest, then you shall walk in this garden in the sun, as you will; and you shall look east, whither all our hopes have gone. And here you will find me, walking and waiting, and also looking east. It would ease my care, if you would speak to me, or walk at whiles with me.

Éowyn: How should I ease your care, my lord? And I do not desire the speech of living men.

Faramir: Would you have my plain answer?

Éowyn: I would.

Faramir: Then, Éowyn of Rohan, I say to you that you are beautiful. In the valleys of our hills there are flowers fair and bright, and maidens fairer still; but neither flower nor lady have I seen till now in Gondor so lovely, and so sorrowful. It may be that only a few days are left ere darkness falls upon our world, and when it comes I hope to face it steadily; but it would ease my heart, if while the Sun yet shines, I could see you still. For you and I have both passed under the wings of the Shadow, and the same hand drew us back.

Éowyn: Alas, not me, lord! Shadow lies on me still. Look not to me for healing! I am a shieldmaiden and my hand is ungentle. But I thank you for this at least, that I need not keep to my chamber. I will walk abroad by the grace of the Steward of the City.

Faramir: Éowyn, why do you tarry here, and do not go to the rejoicing in Cormallen beyond Cair Andros, where your brother awaits you?

Éowyn: Do you not know?

Faramir: Two reasons there may be, but which is true, I do not know.

Éowyn: I do not wish to play at riddles. Speak plainer!

Faramir: Then if you will have it so, lady, you do not go, because only your brother called for you, and to look on the Lord Aragorn, Elendil's heir, in his triumph would now bring you no joy. Or because I do not go, and you desire still to be near me. And maybe for both these reasons, and you yourself cannot choose between them. Éowyn, do you not love me, or will you not?

Éowyn: I wished to be loved by another. But I desire no man's pity.

Faramir: That I know. You desired to have the love of the Lord Aragorn. Because he was high and puissant, and you wished to have renown and glory and to be lifted far above the mean things that crawl on the earth. And as a great captain may to a young soldier he seemed to you admirable. For so he is, a lord among men, the greatest that now is. But when he gave you only understanding and pity, then you desired to have nothing, unless a brave death in battle. Look at me, Éowyn!

Faramir: Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Éowyn! But I do not offer you my pity. For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten; and you are a lady beautiful, I deem, beyond even the words of the Elven-tongue to tell. And I love you. Once I pitied your sorrow. But now, were you sorrowless, without fear or any lack, were you the blissful Queen of Gondor, still I would love you. Éowyn, do you not love me?

Éowyn: I stand in Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun; and behold! the Shadow has departed! I will be a shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren. No longer do I desire to be a queen.

Faramir: That is well; for I am not a king. Yet I will wed with the White Lady of Rohan, if it be her will. And if she will, then let us cross the River and in happier days let us dwell in fair Ithilien and there make a garden. All things will grow with joy there, if the White Lady comes.

Éowyn: Then must I leave my own people, man of Gondor? And would you have your proud folk say of you: "There goes a lord who tamed a wild shieldmaiden of the North! Was there no woman of the race of Numenor to choose?"

Faramir: I would.

Faramir (turning to the Warden/Healer): Here is the Lady Éowyn of Rohan, and now she is healed.

Warden: Then I release her from my charge and bid her farewell, and may she suffer never hurt nor sickness again. I commend her to the care of the Steward of the City, until her brother returns.


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:43 pm

[Ah, I remember those scenes! ]

Lily felt him hold her hand, and let him, but didn't move her eyes from the water, blurred through her silent tears. As he kissed her cheek, a soft sob escaped her lips, and she pulled one of her legs up so she could lean her arm and head on it as she stared across the lake. He's probably already with someone else..I was the only girl who turned his looks and charm a blind eye..At least Sev is here, i'm not completely alone...


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 9:50 pm

[-runs away to mope over the lack of a Faramir in her life-]

Severus sat beside her in silence, knowing no words could really ease the pain. He draped his arm around her shoulder, kissing her on the forehead again in hopes of communicating how much he cared, how sorry he was for her. It was a long while before either of them spoke. He was quite tempted to ask her permission to kill him, but decided doing so would only upset her more, and he knew he was going to beat the shit out of him the next time he saw James regardless of what she said. Finally, Severus spoke. "I'm guessing a cheering charm isn't what you want right now, but is there anything I can do? I hate feeling so useless," he said quietly, hugging her again.

[I may have to go, not sure. I don't think I will but if I stop responding just assume I disappeared.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:05 pm

Lily sighed, rubbing her eyes to stop crying, and shook her head. "No...there's nothing you or anyone can do, Sev. He's made his decision, and that was to leave me. I...I don't want it to be anything but his choice of free-will. I just...i'll get over him someday...I have to. He got over me." She smiled half-heartedly at her friend, and leaned her head on him.


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:15 pm

"Of course you will, Lily. You will. It won't always hurt. It can't," he said, trying to convince himself more than her. "We can't hurt forever. I won't let that happen. I won't." Severus returned her smile, and wrapped his arm around her. "We'll be okay, someday. Someday soon, maybe. I promise." He clung to her, watching the lake as well. We won't hurt forever. It can't sting like this much longer. It just can't.


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  James Potter - Inactive April 5th 2010, 10:17 pm

[Sev, when did you want to beat me up?]

James Potter - Inactive

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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:17 pm

[Tonight. I have to go at any minute right now.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  James Potter - Inactive April 5th 2010, 10:20 pm

[Kay. I'll be on all day. SPRING BREAK WOO!]

James Potter - Inactive

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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Remus Lupin April 5th 2010, 10:22 pm

[hahahaha I look forward to that... *is currently procrastinating on homework though by watching Fellowship of the Ring so i'm going to be busy tonight, hopefully I'll be on though*]
Remus Lupin
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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:23 pm

[Ew. Fellowship. Hated that movie. Two Towers FTW! James, what timezone are you in]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:24 pm

"I'm glad Sev. It'll take me a while to believe that...but i'm glad you can say what I have said before." She managed to smile again for a brief moment and sighed, trying to keep the memory of their kiss out of her mind.


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  James Potter - Inactive April 5th 2010, 10:25 pm

[Fuck if I know. It's around 2:30 here if that helps. i think I'm only an hour behind you.]

James Potter - Inactive

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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:26 pm

[That'd be central time, I think. I'll probably be on in three-four hours.]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Remus Lupin April 5th 2010, 10:27 pm

[I'd totally watch Two Towers or Return of the King (which is my favorite) but my sister lent them out to friends and Fellowship was the only one we had at home. *sigh* ]
Remus Lupin
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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:29 pm

[I'll just have Lily leave then, because I have to go and this way, you're free to go beat up James later when you get back on, Sev. ]

Lily stood up, removing Sev's arms from her. "I..I should go. Somewhere. Need to be alone I think, maybe. I'll see you around, Sev." She bent down and kissed his cheek in thanks, then walked off across the grounds.


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:32 pm

Lily Evans wrote:"I'm glad Sev. It'll take me a while to believe that...but i'm glad you can say what I have said before." She managed to smile again for a brief moment and sighed, trying to keep the memory of their kiss out of her mind.

Severus smiled at her, unable to ignore the marvelous way the sun reflected on her red hair, like a halo of sorts. "You don't deserve this. You don't, you don't. You've never done a thing wrong in your life. I'm gonna kill that bastard for hurting you," he muttered under his breath, not intending for her to hear it and unaware that he'd said it aloud. I'm going to slay you, James Potter. I'm going to slay you dead for hurting my Lily. I'm going to make you feel the pain you're putting her through, times three googolplexes to the power of pi times infinity. I will, I will, I will make you bleed for this. Severus nodded and stared as she walked away, touching his cheek where her lips had met his skin. "I'll make it okay," he said to no one in particular.

Last edited by Severus Snape on April 5th 2010, 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:32 pm

[kay I'll edit my post to fit that]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  James Potter - Inactive April 5th 2010, 10:33 pm


..... *not awkward*]

James Potter - Inactive

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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:33 pm



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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 5th 2010, 10:34 pm

[lmao James I love you]


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Guest April 6th 2010, 4:57 pm

-walks in and sits with his feet dangling over the dock having left hashbee in the dormitory, thinking of tam. he rehearsed his lines in his head: i just wanted to apologize....-


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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Daphne Greengrass April 6th 2010, 4:58 pm

Daphne Greengrass
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Dock by the lake - Page 24 Empty Re: Dock by the lake

Post  Draco Malfoy April 6th 2010, 5:00 pm


*Tam saw Peter and slowly walked over to him and sat down* Hey you...
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