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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 18th 2011, 8:44 am


"Well, I could explain it to him too. I'm not the kind of guy that's going to hit on other people's girlfriends, that's just...lame." Apparently Dean was twelve years old again. "But in all seriousness, I really am happy for you. And maybe you'll someday meet a crazy fan like that. I'm glad I could help prepare you for stardom."
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 18th 2011, 8:47 am

"That's true." She said nodding. "Hopefully he won't think too much of it." She said with a small shrug. "The story behind it all is a little bit far fetched but I'm sure he'll believe it." She said nodding, because it was pretty easy to convince James of things. "It is lame indeed." She said with a small nod though when she was single she would totally hit on girlfriends boyfriends but it's no big deal. Shh. "Well thanks Dean! For both being happy for me and for helping me prepare for my stardom!"
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 18th 2011, 8:53 am

Dean smiles warmly then has the sudden urge to tell Parvati his secret. Okay, he had to admit, the thought of her making a whole bunch of new female friends...ones that didn't know who he was, was seriously intriguing. And if he had a way to open up business to a whole new customer base , well that was perfect. "Okay, my turn to tell you something that nobody here knows. Well, besides my brother but that's a given." He smirked a little, but then was curious to see her reaction.

Hate to leave it at this, but I must sleep. I love you!!! <3 >5
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 18th 2011, 8:59 am

Parvati leaned towards him more. "Ohh secrets I like secrets tell me tell me tell me tell me." She said with a happy grin on her face as she stared at him with wide eyes, eager to hear what his little secret possibly could be.

Short post is so short but I don't know what else to say. AND IT IS FINE. I am going to bed real soon anyways. <3 >5 SLEEP WELL.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 18th 2011, 6:40 pm

Dean thought for moment how best to say this. "Okay, this is sort of top secret. There is a reason I am in good shape. I have a little side business. I guess you could call me...an entertainer of sorts. Women hire me to come make parties a little more...fun." He was laughing at how cryptic he as being. He leaned in a little and whispered. "I guess you could call me a stripper, but I much prefer exotic dancer."
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 1:39 am

Parvati leaned in closer when he said it was top secret. Top secret secrets were the best kind of secrets. Her eyes were wide and she nodded as she waited for him to completely spill the secret. She gave him a confused look as he said he was an entertainer and when he said women hire him she was starting to catch on to what exactly he does. "Ohmygod." She said with wide eyes before looking around to make sure nobody was listening to them, she didn't want Dean's secret out after all. "You are? Dean that's awesome!" She said with a wide grin. "Do you like have people who hire you for parties? That's so so so cool. Would you dance at my bachelorette party?" She asked.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 2:09 am

Dean grins. "Yup. It started last summer. Some lady just like, came up to me on the street and offered me a lot of money, and I couldn't say no. Then I found I was actually pretty good at that. So I work on referrals." Then he looked honored at her question. "Of course! Are you engaged already?" He looked down and saw the ring on her finger and gasped, then stared at her in shock and questioning.
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 2:13 am

"Oh, well that's really cool, Dean! It's an awesome business! You could make a ton of money off of it!" She said with a small nod, maybe she should test out how she would do in the exotic dancing career field. Nevermind that actually, James would probably get mad at her if she started stripping for random guys......and girls too probably but shh. "Oh, No." She said shaking her head as she looked down at the ring. "This isn't an engagement ring." She told him with a small grin. "It's a promise ring. I'm just saying for one day when I do get engaged." She said with a nod.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 2:23 am

Dean looked relieved. "I was about to yell at you for not telling me. But that's awesome though. But yeah, I do any kind of party really. Bachelorettes are just sort of the normal ones. I probably won't do it as a full career, god my parents would kill me, but it is nice to have a little extra money to spend. Plus planning this trip around the world with Nev is bound to get a little pricey."
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 2:32 am

Parvati grinned and nodded. "Oh gosh. I would never get engaged during only my sixth year." She said with a light laugh. "To be honest I almost had a heart attack when James pulled out the ring box, but it was a promise ring not an engagement ring luckily." She said with a small grin. "Yeah having extra money is always good and if you get it from something you like then that's cool too. You're planning a trip around the world with Nev? I didn't know that!" She said, interested as to where and what they were going to do. "Right after school gets out?"
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 2:37 am

Dean smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! I was going to go alone, but then Nev said he wanted to come too. It's going to be awesome. I can't think of another person I'd rather go with. I like to think we balance each other nicely. He keeps me more responsible, and I help him let loose every once and a while. Although, he doesn't go too crazy like me and Seamus, but that's okay..Me and Seamus can get a little too rowdy sometime." He had a brief flashback of all their drunken and crazy shenanigans.
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 2:40 am

"Well that sounds like so much fun!" She said with a wide, loopy grin. "I am sure you are both going to have an amazing time! You are both of age, aren't you?" She asked curiously. "So you'll be able to do whatever you want! Oh gosh! Traveling the entire world just sounds like so much fun! Especially with your best friend." She said, really wishing that she would be able to do that though she figured she wouldn't. She would get to travel a lot with cheer but it wouldn't be traveling just to travel. It would be for work.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 2:43 am

"Yeah, we're both of age. And I have a really awesome tent too. It's a two bedroom and has a little bathroom and a little kitchen. Not that I think we'll be sleeping outside the entire trip, but I'm sure there will be some great camping opportunities. Plus, Neville is like, an herbology expert, it will be kind of cool to see him in a forest or something like that. " Dean nodded happily. This trip was going to be absolutely perfect.
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 2:52 am

"Oh god! He probably knows all about like what plants are edible and all that stuff and what you can use them for! You could totally feel like you are living out in the wilderness for a few days and I am sure you could survive! That would be so cool!" She said with a wide grin. "I love camping! It's so much fun." She said, thinking about her times in the Middle Ages with James. They had some good times in that fort of their's. Let's just assume Dean and Neville won't be enjoying their tent like that. Lol.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 3:01 am

They certainly will not *shudders*. Dean smiles. "I love camping too. Me and Remus camp sometimes too. I just like being outside in general. It's just so much more open and I don't feel restricted by walls and stuff. Plus it makes drawing easier too."

Sorry, have to go for a bit. I have a splitting headache and it hurts to look at the screen. I'll be back when it's gone Smile
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 3:03 am

Alright! I've got to leave to go babysit at 530! I'll be back on tonight though!

"Exactly! It is so much nicer to be outside rather than inside." She agreed with him. "I just love the fresh air. Probably because I love running." She said nodding. "And most people run outside." She said. "I don't know. I just really love fresh air."
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 5:29 am

Dean smiles at Parvati. "I'm glad someone agrees. I'm always out here, well when it's nice enough out. That's one thing I hate about winter. It's too cold to be outside most days. But now that it's warmer out, I will be out here every spare moment I get. Plus I'm still greatly amused by the giant squid in the lake. I don't know why." He shrugged a little.
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 6:34 am

Parvati nodded in agreement. "I honestly hate winter so much! I am much more of a summer girl myself." she told him with a small smile and a nod. "I love the giant squid! I don't know why but I just really love it. I always watch for it when I am out here by the lake. Whether I am running or just chilling." she told him, giving him a smile so he knew he was not alone.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 6:42 am

Dean was glad that he wasn't the only one that really enjoyed the squid. "Well, I'm glad someone agrees! Some people think I'm a little crazy. Do know that some people are actually afraid of him...or her, I don't know how to tell the gender of a tentacle since that's generally all you see."
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 6:54 am

"Really?! That's crazy!!" she said, completely shocked that someone could be scared of the squid for he or she seemed like a really nice creature. "I think it's a he." she said with a small nod. "I don't know why but I just get this weird feeling that the squid is in fact a boy."
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 6:59 am

Dean thought for a moment. "Hmm, I think I sort of feel the same way. It does set off a sort of masculine vibe. Don't know if that really is possible for a squid, but whatever." He laughed a little. "Maybe Hagrid knows. I should ask him sometime."
Dean Thomas
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 7:48 am

[Sorry this took so long! I was babysitting and their parents got home and then I had to drive home and then yeah.]

"Yeah, if I see him first I'll make sure to ask him." She said with a small nod and grin. "Just for you, Dean." She said, her eyes staring at his forehead as she started laughing again. "I can't believe I actually signed your forehead." She said, shaking her head slowly.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 7:53 am

[Totally cool *is le reading fanfics*]

Dean laughed too. "May I ask what color you changed the ink? I'm assuming that's what you did and praying you didn't make it permanent or something like that." His eyes widened in horror at the thought. And short post is short because I am lame.
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil May 19th 2011, 7:57 am

"Ohmygod! NO I did not make it permanent!" She said with a light laugh. "I don't even know how to do that. Though Scorpius could totally do it for you, he did my tattoo." She told him with a small nod. "I just made the ink white so it stands out more, since you know, black ink didn't really show up on you since you're...you know, black."
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 32 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Dean Thomas May 19th 2011, 8:00 am

Dean let out a sigh of relief. "Well, I didn't think you'd make it permanent. But white is cool, better than like, hot pink or something like that." He laughed. "Wait, there's someone here that does tattoos? That's sweet! I kind of always wanted one, but don't know what to get."
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