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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Demelza Robins November 14th 2010, 7:00 am

"That sucks, but at least now you have the perfect boyfriend." Dem says positively to her. "Whats it like having a boyfriend anyway?" She then asks Lavender curiously.
Demelza Robins
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley November 14th 2010, 7:30 pm

She was still trying to think og single Gryffindors. "What? Oh! It's simply amazing. You can hug them and kiss them whenever you want. And he's so sweet, so the free compliments are always much appreciated." She smiled. "Okay. Let's see. Single guys in Gryffindor. Well, there's that Dean Thomas. S-Seamus Finnigan." She cleared her throat, that one was hard for her to say. "Neville, if you can get him to focus on anything but plants..Umm. Well, I think that Sirius fellow is single, but he's sort of a womanizer." She then tried thinking of who she knew from other houses.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Demelza Robins November 14th 2010, 11:41 pm

"Aww... It all sounds so sweet" Demelza said, thinking about how it would be to have a boyfriend. "Four people? Just in gryffindor?" she said, slightly surprised. "I don't really know that much about this whole boys and dating stuff, but that quite a few single people for one house. Isn't it?" she asked, just to confirm.
Demelza Robins
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ronald Weasley November 15th 2010, 12:17 am

She shrugged. "I'm sure there are more. Those are just the ones that I know of. Dating is so simple. Just, be yourself and find a guy that will like you for you. Never change who you are for a boy." She nodded.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Demelza Robins November 15th 2010, 7:42 am

Dem nodded. "Being yourself is the best thing. You shouldn't have to change who you are for someone. If they like you, it should be for who you are, not someone you are not and if they don't like you like that, they are not worth your time."
Demelza Robins
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 10:39 pm

Jack is here.

Under the Trees - Page 24 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRu3V74QC6dqk4kL3LjdOV1_e-S2JILW0B4D0GJcIexocbxSulJheWDJpJC

He's sprawled out under a tree, reading, grinning because life is good.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 23rd 2010, 10:43 pm

Caradoc wanders up back from the quidditch pitch, shirtless and sweaty, thank you very much, just because Eowyn fucking feels like it. He's so busy daydreaming about Fabian and all the lovely things he's going to do for him, that he isn't paying attention to where he's walking and trips over Jack's foot, and although he quickly catches his balance and doesn't faceplant like Snape would, he turns around and grins apologetically, since he's in a good mood as well. "Oh, sorry about that-- oh, I don't think I know you yet, and that's a damn shame. I'm Rad," he said, his old smirk returning as he finds himself facing a total babe for the first time in forever, that wasn't Fabian or some other guy he's banged.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 10:54 pm

Jack looks up at the man who trips over his foot, an easy, appreciative grin spreading across his face. Well, hello Shirtless And Sweaty. "Well hello. I don't mind at all. Jack Harkness," he says, his eyes running slowly up and down Rad's body before returning to his face. Just because he won't touch, doesn't mean he's blind now. "Join me?" he offers, gesturing to the soft grass next to him.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 23rd 2010, 10:56 pm

Caradoc and Eowyn fully agree with that sentiment-- there is whatsoever no harm in looking, as long as you don't touch, and Caradoc Dearborn is most certainly looking, and it's a moment before he realizes that Jack has stopped checking him out, and he should probably make eye contact again, so as not to seem like a total ass. "Join you? Gladly," he said, meaning that in so many ways, and wondering why the fuck he hadn't met this guy before he met Fabian, because hell that could have been some fun-- wait. "Did you just say your name was Jack? You're not dating one Remus Lupin, are you?" he asked curiously, dropping down onto the grass beside him.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 11:05 pm

Jack grins as Rad settles next to him, though his expression changes to one of slight surprise at the question, knowing that Remus had been insistent upon only a few people hearing about their relationship just yet. This guy must be a trusted friend. Jack's grin returns in full force. "That'd be me, the lucky guy himself," he smirks, his mind on Remus' kisses and his adorable quaffleyness that kind of drives Jack wild. "You must be a good friend of his," he ventures, a little curious himself. "You're not one of his dorm-mates are you?" he wonders, because Remus seems to talk about those friends most of all.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 23rd 2010, 11:07 pm

"What? Oh, no, I'm in Hufflepuff," he laughed, shaking his head. "I transferred here at the start of this term. No, I am a good friend of his, though, we met back in September. He was just telling me about you the other day, and I have to say, he completely failed to mention just how drop dead gorgeous his new man is, I'll be sure to berate him for that one," he said with a chuckle and a wink. "Though, it should be noted, I hope to hell you know how lucky you are, Remus is a one of a kind dude, and I mean that in the best sense of the phrase."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 11:21 pm

Jack chuckles. "I have to say, he failed to mention to me that he had some damned fine friends of his own, too. I'll have to let him know I'm not the jealous type and I have no problem at all with him being surrounded by so much sexiness," he says, returning the wink. "He's a great guy, he really is. I'm completely smitten. I don't even do smitten!" Jack laughs. "So why'd you transfer, if you don't mind my asking? Old school not hot enough for you anymore?"
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 23rd 2010, 11:28 pm

"Well that was certainly a factor," he replied with a grin, though he has to admit, it did have its fair share of hotness, and all. "As for being smitten, when you don't even do smitten, I can honestly say I identify there, I blame this school entirely for its supply of complete perfection wrapped up in the package of one delicious British man. I transferred mostly for the change of scenery, which of course, does actually include things other than the gay male population-- no really, I swear, it does! But yeah, I've been wanting to move out for a while, and senior year seemed the time to do it. I'm perfectly happy with that decision."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 11:38 pm

Jack grins. Kindred spirit, much? He winks again. "What can we say - it's the accents. Makes us Brits irresistible to you Yanks." Mya finds Jack saying that funny, because in my head he actually has the American accent just like in Doctor Who & Torchwood, but he's British here. It's all a bit of a mindfuck, really. "The grounds themselves are nice, too," Jack says fairly, casting his eyes around the gorgeous vista of Hogwarts. Not the kind of scenery he's into, but beautiful nonetheless. "I think my mother will be glad to see me move into my own place at the end of the year," he chuckles. "I go out for an evening during the summer, and she never knows whether she'll be setting an extra place at breakfast for a girl, a guy, or someone who defies such restrictive categorization!"
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 23rd 2010, 11:45 pm

Caradoc snorts with laughter, and Eowyn high fives Jack and smirks with him, pretty much. "True, must be the accents-- oh, your poor dear mother. I took took too much pity on my mother to let any of my men spend the night, or at least that's my excuse, clearly you're the better man if you let them stick around until breakfast, I can't say I'm quite such a gentleman, myself. Caradoc Dearborn, perverted selfish ass, at your service," he said, sticking out his hand for Jack in a joking manner.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 23rd 2010, 11:52 pm

Jack throws back his head and laughs. "Jack Harkness, the guy that knows people need to refuel after a night with him, at your service," he jokes, gripping the other man's hand in a firm, lingering handshake. "What can I say? I've got very liberal parents, and I figure if I let someone stick around until breakfast, that gives me the chance to keep them occupied til breakfast," he says, his grin broad and wicked.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 12:01 am

Caradoc pauses, stares, then decides that this guy is obviously his long lost soul mate, and needs to be his friend forever, like now. "Dude, you are officially one of my new favorite people at this school, I fucking love the way you think," he said, bursting out laughing at Jack's cocky statements. "Yeah, I have to say, my mother is not the most liberal of people, though now that you mention it, it might be worth the look on her face, if I get to keep them occupied until breakfast. But what can I say? I like my alone time, and that means they get kicked out before sunup. After an experience with me, they're generally too tired to move much the next morning anyway, and while I'm sure I'd have no problem motivating them, I prefer to spend my mornings on my own. Mostly because mornings do not exist for me. All time before 10am exists solely for the purposes of sleep, and if you attempt to dissuade me from that opinion before I crawl out of bed, you will be missing parts of your face."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 12:12 am

Jack laughs, finding his equal in Rad's own cocky attitude. He runs his eyes over Rad's frame once more with a little smirk. "You do look like the type of guy who knows exactly how to tire a man out. I don't like to miss breakfast though - Mum's crepes are so good I once had a breakfast guest who'd have blown his load in his shorts over them, if he had anything left in the tank. After that I send them on their way and go back to bed," he grins. "I go nocturnal in the summer - it's more fun to come out and play at night anyway."
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 12:19 am

"True that, dude, night's the time to come alive. Ugh, I'd totally kill for some crepes. I get my cooking abilities from my mother, which is to say, she once burned down the kitchen making frozen pizza. We kind of live off of take out, and I was totally planning on marrying a gourmet chef in twenty years, but looking at my current boyfriend, we'll just have to hire someone. Our combined abilities in the kitchen led to disaster involving serious grossness for taste factor. I think I'll have to teach him the other, much productive uses for a kitchen sometime, seeing as doing any actual cooking in it is bound to lead to casualties someday," he laughed, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 12:26 am

Jack laughs. "I know enough about cooking to keep myself alive, but that's about it. It's not exactly a passion of mine - food is good and all, but I'm more terrified of something happening to the espresso machine than the rest of the kitchen being out of commission. You're definitely right about kitchens being more useful for other things, but that poor girl next door couldn't look my mother in the face for months afterwards," he smirks. Jack hadn't been embarrassed, his mother had been slightly annoyed because that was a whole bottle of hot fudge sauce before Jack and his little friend started but mostly concerned that he was safe and going to clean up after himself.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Remus Lupin November 24th 2010, 12:31 am

Hahaha, I love you two.
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett November 24th 2010, 12:34 am

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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 12:37 am

"Dude, if the espresso machine broke, there would also be broken necks," he said quite seriously, and JOEL, IF TRISTAN IS READING THIS, AS I SUSPECT HE IS, RAD WILL BREAK HIM IN HALF IF HE STEALS HIS COFFEE IN ONE OF HIS VINDICTIVE MOODS. Serious!Rad is serious. "Oh, hell, now I'd say I'd pity that girl, but if she had any sort of experience that involves you and a jar of hot fudge, I can honestly say I will never feel anything but jealousy for that chic. That sounds almost illegally delicious, I'll admit," he said, mildly wondering if Remus will be giving him full detail on any episodes that involve fun in the kitchen, because Caradoc would probably pay for those kinds of mental images. "Although, it's been a while since I had fun with food. I should change that," he muttered under his breath, and now Caradoc is stuck with the lovely image of Fabian in the kitchen in a tiny pink apron, or something, because Rad's positive that Fabian owns one.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 12:37 am

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Under the Trees - Page 24 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 12:46 am

*basks in the love*

"That's one instance where food is always good. Well, not chili so much," Jack amends fairly. He smirks lazily over at the Hufflepuff. "What a shame we didn't meet in a former life, before Monogamy. I bet we could've taken hot fudge places most people wouldn't even know it could go," he chuckles. Oh well, friendship it is. Jack's cool with that, because he's so into Remus it's insane. "Well, maybe Remus will want to try it one day - it'd be like all my Christmases coming at once."
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