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Under the Trees

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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Remus Lupin November 24th 2010, 12:48 am

Oh dear...my poor Inner!Remus just fainted from quaffleyness. *fans him*
Remus Lupin
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Post  Molly Prewett November 24th 2010, 12:53 am

aw... *huggles Remmikins*
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 1:07 am

"Ew, chili," he mutters, while Eowyn snorts with laughter, that given that Jensen is a Texan, he'd probably murder someone for saying 'ew, chili' in his presence, but Rad happens to be from Jersey, and we just don't do southwestern all up in this place. "Oh, true that, man. A pity I didn't meet you before hell froze over and I found myself and commitment in the same sentence without 'joke' or 'impossible,' really. I suppose we'll just have to resign ourselves to an awesome friendship, because you're fucking cool, and I'll pout at you if you refuse to hang out with me sometime. And trust me, you don't want me to break out the pout, do you see these lips?" he said teasingly, giving Jack this look.

Under the Trees - Page 25 15nxauu

"Exactly. So, you and I totally need to hang out," he says decisively, because no one who appreciates the male gender can truly say no to those beautiful lips that Eowyn deems the sexiest lips ever known to man or woman, and also are the very definition of 'cock-sucking lips,' dammit.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 1:16 am

Jack just laughs. "Better uses for those lips, mate, even if only your boyfriend finds out first hand. Who is he, anyway?" he asks, curious. Holy shit this post is short, but what else can be said to that, really? *nods*

Oh, here's a random picture:
Under the Trees - Page 25 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDVg2dXrMR8YrN02VqM86h4oxFHzgYMwmY6T8drBykM28pMsV2
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 1:20 am

I like pictures. Next time we RP as them, we're going in the Sexy Manbeast of Sexy thread, where a picture is required per post, dammit.

"Oh, hell yeah, these lips are skilled, and a terrible pity for monogamy, for I suppose you won't be finding out first hand, anytime soon," he says, winking at Jack like so.

Under the Trees - Page 25 2m7vpfk

"Oh, he's a seventh year in Gryffindor, by the name of Fabian Prewett. Got fabulous hair, impeccable fashion sense," he said, grinning like a loon on loon tablets the moment he starts talking about Fabian. "Also, there should be a shrine dedicated to his ass. Seriously, just-- wow."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 1:32 am

I like this plan.

Jack winks right back. "I guess we're both missing out, then. Not that it feels like missing out in the least, being with Remus," he says with a little shrug. Then he starts a little. "Did you say 'Prewett'? He got a little sister by the name of Molly? You know her - gorgeous little ginger with fabulous hair, impeccable fashion sense, and arse worthy of its own shrine? And killer shoes? They'd have to be related, all that similarity must be genetic so I think I'm going to have to meet Fabian sometime. Nothing I love more than a gorgeous family," he says with a grin. Inner!Molly is just sort of... weirded out right now, and is very glad that in my head, Inner!Jack acts completely brotherly to all the girls.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 1:36 am

Dude, do you know what it was like in my head, before Caradoc found out the only dude Sirius digs is Remus? Hell, I tell you. So much awkward. Thank heavens Snape is a greasy git.

Caradoc chortles at Jack's rather accurate description of Molly, and nods. "Yeah, that's the one, though I wouldn't know about her arse, I'll let you decide on that one. And I'll say, the Prewetts are seriously one impossibly sexy family, I mean, Fabian's got a twin brother, Gideon-- not identical, mind you-- but seriously, that hunk of gorgeousness should be practically banned from this school for being straight. Met him my first day here, biggest disappointment of my life!" he exclaimed, grinning at the memory. "Molly's a good friend of mine, though, she's not hugely keen on my dating her brother, but it's all good for the most part."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 1:45 am

I took so many measures to avoid those headaches - that's why before she died Alecto had her stripper pole and Ev was locked in the basement. I don't really have to bother with the locks anymore, he just hangs down there on his own because if he gets too snarky with the girls, Jack hits on him and it freaks him out way more than any hex could. Good times, good times.

Jack's mouth goes suddenly dry. "There's more of them? How many are we talking, exactly?" he says, for the first time since meeting Rad sounding completely and utterly serious, his mind going all sorts of directions. Oh, look, there goes Inner!Molly, off to put her head in the oven. Inner!Lily is sort of glaring at Jack and reminding him that Gideon is straight, in case he didn't hear Rad the first time, her boyfriend and most definitely off limits. And in a minute Inner!Hermione will probably put her book down and go make sure Inner!Molly pulls her head out of the oven. Or at least point out that it's not a gas oven, so things will be a bit more painful if she wants to go down that road. A brief grin flickers over Jack's face, even though his mind is still... preoccupied. "Let me guess - she thinks you're going to arse it up and hurt someone she loves? Remus has a guard dog a bit like that. And Molly, well, she can be fierce, can't she? I'm half waiting for her to pop up with a few creative threats about taking care of Remus," he confesses, and the only reason that hasn't happened is that Mya is too lazy.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 1:51 am

You could just have her recite the threat she made to Rad, just saying. It's super effective.

"There's a total of four, Molly's got a sister-- shit, I shouldn't have told you that, should I? Well, Molly's bound to hit me for disclosing that bit of knowledge, if you go for that, though last I heard she had something going with that Sirius Black guy, and from everything I've heard, he's the jealous type," he says, because Inner!Sirius threatened to eat Rad's sammich if he didn't throw that in there. "But yeah, that'd be Molly's general view, but honestly, I can't blame her. Fabian and I got off to sort of a rocky start at first, because I was busy being too much of a horny idiot to even think about the word 'relationship' without running for the hills. I ended up hurting him, and Molly was determined to make my existence painful and horrendous, until I decided to put things right, and damn I'm glad I did. Who knew, commitment isn't actually fatal! Could've fooled me," he laughed, thinking about how different he was now, from the person he was before. "But yeah, I've got a feeling that while she says she's cool with it, I'm totally on probation for now."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 2:00 am

I could, but where's the fun in that? *will probably spend a million years coming up with new threats*

Jack's eyes glaze over a little. "Two sisters... been a while since I've gone there. That was a fun breakfast - Dad's never looked prouder. You tend to get slapped less for that than for suggesting a brother/sister combination for some reason," he comments absently. Oh yes, he's very absent right now, until the name Sirius Black sinks in and brings him crashing back to reality. "Sirius Black? That's Remus' guard dog. He is kind of the jealous, possessive type. Guy needs to relax and learn how to share his toys." He chuckles lightly, then. "I wouldn't take it too personally - a girl like that, if she's as into her family's happiness as she is her friends', I get the feeling you're always going to be on probation, just a little bit," he shrugs.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 2:13 am

"Oh, siblings, that's always a fun one. Should've seen my face the time I found out this pretty ginger boy I fucked at the start of the year has a fucking twin. Pity I never got to make that fantasy a reality," he says with a rather dramatic sigh. "Yeah, though, about Molly. And honestly, I'm not worried in the least. I don't do things half way, if I'm gonna be a boyfriend, I'll be redefining Prince Charming, dammit," he said with a smile, thinking about his Fabian. "Oh, trust me, I know about Sirius' guard dog issues with Remus. Ass definitely interrupted my conversation with Remus just the other day, when I was catching up with him, and he was filling me in about you, actually. The guy just stalked over and dragged him off, pretty much," he snorted, wondering where Sirius got the idea that Remus was his fucking property. "He's an alright guy, I've gotten drunk and stuff with him before, but you go near one of his people, and he's all up on you like a god-damned pitbull with rabies. Somebody needs to slip that guy a joint," he said, rolling his eyes.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 2:31 am

"Sounds like he's just not getting enough action of his own to be spending so much time keeping tabs on Remus," Jack says, that niggling thought about Remus and Sirius almost surfacing in the back of his mind before he's drowning it out with his own laughter. "So exactly how far did you try and push it before you realised that pretty ginger boy was actually not pretty ginger boy, but his twin? I've been there before," he chortles.
G2G to work now. Love you xx
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 2:44 am

I'll be gone for the night when you get back Sad I have to study and then... watch the SPN S2 Finale. I MIGHT REPLY THOUGH <3 LOVE YOU

Sirius Black
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Post  Molly Prewett November 24th 2010, 3:06 am

*is ninjaing in to visit while the whole staff goes to get photos... Mya does not want.*
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 3:28 am

"Oh, I wouldn't say that-- last time I saw him, he had a blonde on each arm," he snorted, rolling his eyes. "Though you've gotta admit, lookin' like that-- hell, if he wasn't as straight as they come, I'd so have tapped that by now. From my most reliable sources-- meaning, his roommates, Remus included-- not all of his piercings are visible," he said with a lewd smirk, as his mind falls to Sirius' amazing good looks again, and Eowyn's inner Sirius preens. "And let me tell you, it's so true what they say about those kinds of piercings, Jack."
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 4:48 am

"It's a lot easier to get a blonde on your arm than on anything else," Jack points out with a laugh. "I have to admit, I prefer the more natural look down south, but piercings certainly have their place. I once had a friend with a tongue stud, and oh, the things she could do with that little ball of metal," he says, drifting off into happy-Jack-fantasy-land.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 24th 2010, 4:52 am

"Hey now, careful with the blonde jokes! I'm a natural blonde myself, you know, I only dyed my hair this past month in a fit of boredom and irritation. Platinum blonde by birth, thank you very much," he said teasingly, as he stretched out against the tree and leaned back, liking the feel of the scratch bark on his bare skin. "Oh, good lord, tongue studs. The things a mouth can do, when equipped with one of those!" he exclaimed, his mind going off into sexy land as well, and you know, I think we need a rated thread for these two, just to share sex stories or something, because I feel like no matter what we do, their conversations will always get dirty.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Jack Smith November 24th 2010, 5:16 am

Jack just laughs again. "Well, supposedly you have more fun, then. Not that I've ever set much store by that saying - I'm a natural brunette and I have plenty of fun." Yep, we've hit a wall here - we should definitely make sure their next conversation is in a rated version of the Sexy Manbeast Thread of Sexy because right now Jack is just in fantasyland because I won't let him say anything that's on his mind. Jack is just leaning back on his hands, enjoying the view, enjoying the warmth of the sun, imagining all sorts of things like tongue studs and Remus and hot fudge.
Jack Smith
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Sirius Black November 25th 2010, 4:44 am

"Oh, I can tell," he said, letting his eyes run over Jack one more time before he glanced at his watch and sighed. "Well, as nice as it's been chatting with you, I've gotta get to band practice, or Tristan'll kill me. I'll see you around," he said, getting to his feet and waving before turning around to walk back into the castle, rather slowly mind you, so Jack has a nice view. How generous.
Sirius Black
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Adelia Whiteraven February 5th 2011, 9:55 pm

Addie sat under the trees, the shade protecting her from the sun. She was attempting to catch up on her Charms homework, her wand out and her face scrunched prettily in concentration. She had her nerd glasses on, the glasses having slipped down the bridge of her nose slightly from all her concentrating, and an open book in her lap, attempting to accomplish a complicated little charm that would turn the patch of grass in front of her into daisies.

She was just sitting there, thinking about her homework and about the two girls she'd met at Hogwarts so far; Appoline, her roommate, with her Veela looks and beautifully taken are of hair; and Lavender, the spunky girl with the impressive lip gloss and perfect pouty lips. Addie needed more friends here, it was strange to not have a gaggle of giggling girls around her, commenting each other and writing in their journals together about the recent crush-worthy boys at school.
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil February 5th 2011, 9:58 pm

Parvati was walking around the grounds, beaming from how happy she has been recently. Her date with James definitely made her happy as ever and she couldn't seem to stop thinking about him at all. He was always on her mind. Every second of every day. That sounds kind of like a cheesy romance story. >.> Parvati saw a girl sitting by herself by the trees and walked over to her. She sat down next to her and figured she would introduce herself since she was one of the few people at Hogwarts that Parvati didn't know. "Hi. I'm Parvati." She said with a wide grin.
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Post  Adelia Whiteraven February 5th 2011, 10:08 pm

Addie smiled and held out her free hand. "Hi! I'm Adelia, nice to meet you!" She flashed Parvati a smile, and then looked at her, eyes wide. "Do you know Lavender Brown? I think she mentioned something about a Parvati! She's one of the few people I've met so far, since I'm new, and she was awesome!" Addie was hoping that this was the Parvati Lavender had mentioned, or that would be extremely awkward...
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil February 5th 2011, 10:11 pm

Parvati help out her hand and took the other girls in hers, giving it a small shake before pulling her hand away. Parvati nodded and grinned as she asked if she knew Lavender Brown. "Yeah, Lavender is like one of my best friends!" She said with a wide grin. "I think she might have talked about you before. You are the girl with the bookface, right?" She asked, cocking her head slightly to the side, trying to remember if that was what Lavender had called it or not.
Parvati Patil
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Adelia Whiteraven February 5th 2011, 10:17 pm

Giggling, Addie put her book back into her Louis Vuitton bag. "No, no it's called a Facebook. It's all too complicated to explain in one go, but it's basically Muggle technology that lets you talk to friends all the time." Setting her wand aside, she patted the blanket she had been sitting on, inviting Parvati to sit next to her if she wanted too. "I heard you were both on the cheerleading squad! I used to cheer at my old school, but for Muggle sports. What kind of stuff do you do?"

[lol what are we going to talk about? I hadn't thought of that.]
Adelia Whiteraven
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Under the Trees - Page 25 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil February 5th 2011, 10:21 pm

[Um good question. I haven't thought that far.]

Parvati sat down next to her on the blanket next to her. "Oh, facebook." She said quietly, hoping that saying it would make it stick in her mind so she wouldn't get it wrong the next time she said something about it. "Yeah, I am head cheerleader and the captain." She said with a wide grin. "I think it's pretty much the same as muggle cheering." She said nodding. "We just do dances and lifts and stuff like that." She said and looked down at her arm that was in the cast. "I actually hurt my arm from cheer practice." She said with a light shrug.
Parvati Patil
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