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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:24 am

Molly giggles. Damned straight Captain Mol should be saluted! "Fabian is just, like, horrendous in the kitchen. Honestly, the things that boy will throw together and call food are totally mind-snapping. I don't even know how to describe it! Rad said he was pretty terrible - the one time he and I were in the kitchens together, I wouldn't let him out of his seat. But as long as everyone follows Captain Molly's orders, everything will be totally fine."
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 6:45 am

Viktor smirks and closes up the container, not wanting any bugs or nasty little things to mess with his yummy cake from Molly. "Vell, hopefully I'm a bit better than Fabian and Rad," he chuckled. "I've never started a fire in the kitchen, or made something that isn't edible, so ve should be off to a good start. So, if you're captain...Vot does that make me?" he asks, wondering if she'll make him swab the deck or something, or wear a silly little hat.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 1:52 pm

Molly giggles. "Well, if you've never burned out a kitchen, you're, like, light years ahead of Fay - he and Gid did that once, I can't even remember what they were trying to make! Hmm," she says, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers as she mulls over what Viktor could be. "You could be, like, the dude that peels the potatoes!" she giggles, then shakes her head. "No, no, I'm totally kidding. You can be First Mate Viktor, how does that sound?"
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 4:55 pm

Viktor chuckles at the potato bit, imagining him peeling potatoes in the corner while Molly makes all these yummy things. Then people would ask him what he did to help make the delicious cake, and he'd explain about the potato peeling and he doesn't even know of any cakes that actually have potatoes in them. So, this is why he's glad she's kidding. Cakes with potatoes are not so yummy sounding. "First Mate Viktor," he repeats, liking how it sounds. He likes it, though Coach Krum sounds better, he's saving that name for later on in his Quidditch career. "I like it! Sort of rolls off the tongue," he said with a light chuckle, stroking his goatee again because if Luna had a goatee, she'd stroke it all the time.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 5:10 pm

Molly could totally make potato cakes, and they would taste good. Just saying. "It totally suits you," Molly giggles, nodding happily. "So I talked to Sirius earlier," she says, still giggling because the poor boy still thinks he has a chance. "That was, like, a totally interesting conversation and all." Wow, you can totally tell Mya is sick because Mol's post is half the size of Viktor's.
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 5:20 pm

Woah. Viktor feels accomplished, except not really because once Mya feels better, things will go back to the way they used to be and Viktor's posts will look tiny compared to Molly's again. He chuckles at the image of what Sirius' face must have been like when he was finished talking to Molly, because he's pretty sure that Molly told him about not having another chance with her again. Poor guy. He'll never remember what it's like to snog Molly Prewett. Oh well, at least he gets to hook up with the easy, not as great Prewett, who is still awesome because, well, she is a Prewett after all. "Really? I can only imagine how that little talk vent," he said with a laugh.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 5:26 pm

Molly smirks. "You've totally, like, got to admire his courage or votever - he totally doesn't even seem to stressed about the fact that Gideon is out for his blood. Or maybe he just doesn't get how bad that is. But we decided that it was best all around if it just became, like, the kiss that never happened." She sighs dramatically. "The poor guy - has to go the rest of his life without knowing what he's missing. Or maybe that's a blessing in disguise or whatever - like, if he knew and he could never have that again, which he totally can't, he'd go mad or something!"
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 5:34 pm

Viktor also smirks because it's true, probably. He wouldn't know because he's never kissed Molly due to the whole gay situation and all, but all Prewetts are obviously some of the world's best kissers. It's just a well-known fact of life. "I think it's a good thing," he agrees, nodding in agreement as he agrees agreeably, that is. "If he remembered, he'd probably follow you around like a puppy, begging you for more until it got to be too much and you had to get a restraining order on him or something."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 5:41 pm

Molly laughs. "It's bound to happen at some point, right? At least I know, like, where I can find someone who knows all about restraining orders and all. Speaking of, have you seen your creepy little stalker chick Justina lately? She is, like, one weird chick."
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 5:44 pm

Viktor blinks and glances around for a moment, as if Justina is there listening to their conversation. "I...I don't think so. I mean, I haven't seen her around, but sometimes ven I'm alone...I feel like she's there, vatching me. I can hear her every now and then! Maybe I'm just being paranoid or something, but I'm pretty sure she's not following that restraining order very strictly. She's just being sneaky enough so she can't get caught, but...I'm pretty sure she's still stalking me."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 5:52 pm

Eyes widening in fear and sympathy, Molly pats Viktor's shoulder. She looks around too, as if afraid she's going to come across some freaky shrine behind a tree or something again. "Ooh that's, like, so creepy! She's such a little freak, you know, I bet she would, like, totally do that. OhmyGod talk about desperate. It's just sad, she totally needs professional help. YOU HEAR THAT JUSTINA, YOU LITTLE FREAK! LIKE, OHMYGOD HE'S GAY! YOU TOTALLY DON'T HAVE A SHOT! PLEASE GO GET YOURSELF SOME THERAPY!" she shouts, suspecting that Justina will hear her.
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 6:02 pm

Viktor laughed, glad to have a friend like Molly who's good at being loud during the times he needs a loud friend around. "I don't know vot it's going to take for her to get the hint. Seriously, do ve need to set her up vith some guy to keep her avay? Because I totally vould if I thought there vos a guy out there crazy enough for that." His mind immediately thinks of Peter. Peter and Justina would be good together...Maybe. "She's just so...She needs to see a Doctor. That vould make everything better and then she'd leave me alone for good."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:21 pm

Molly shrugs. "No big deal. Like, all we need is a guy who is really, really, really desperate, who has no standards," she chirps. "Surely you must know someone who fits the bill," she says, because Mya kinda thinks Peter and Justina would be perfect together too. "And if that fails, we'll totally get her some shock therapy for Christmas. That oughta do it!"
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 6:27 pm

Viktor blinks, thinking of his conversation with Peter and Sirius in the dorm. "...Do you know Peter Pettigrew?" he asks curiously, knowing that Justina would be perfect for his first kiss. She'll probably take anyone once she realizes that she can't have Viktor.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Scorpius Malfoy October 15th 2010, 6:29 pm

Both of you are evil.
Scorpius Malfoy
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:36 pm

Aw, you know you love us.

Molly tilts her head to the side, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers as she thinks. "Peter Pettigrew? Like, lumpy little dude that's just kind of there, or not, and people kinda don't really know the difference? Yeah, he could, like, totally work. They could bond over being insignificant or something," she suggests.
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 6:40 pm


Viktor strokes his goatee, deep in thought about the little, chuckling at the image of the awkward babies that Peter and Justina would make. He frowns slightly, at the insignificant comment because it's pretty true, and Viktor feels bad for how Sirius and James treat Peter. "You know, he's not that bad of a guy," he commented softly, thinking about how Peter had helped him fold socks. "Sort of awkward, but he is nice. Just the other day he vos talking about how he's never going to have his first kiss. And...It must be tough having somevon like Sirius around who gets all the girls," he said with sigh, frouting slightly for his buddy. "Poor guy."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:43 pm

Molly feels really bad now. "Oh, that's, like, really sad. Poor guy. If you think he's alright then he must totally be cool," she shrugs. Totally not true, but it sounds nice, right?
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter October 15th 2010, 6:46 pm

Peter walked out quickly to the grounds, for he had been searching high and low for his favouritest person in the whole wide world. Grinning when he spotted Viktor under some trees, he ran over. "Viktor! I brought you some pineapple!" he said, holding out a tray of the fruit. He knew that Viktor said he didn't have to bring any, but Peter wanted to do something nice for his new friend. "Oh, sorry," he said flushing. "I didn't realize you were busy with a girl..." After all, Peter doesn't know that Viktor prefers broomsticks.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 6:49 pm

Viktor blinks as Peter walks over. Well, talk about timing. "Oh, hey Peter," he says smiling, his face beaming when he sees Peter brought pineapple. "That vos sweet of you. And don't vorry, you didn't interrupt anything, really. Ve vere just talking about...stuff. This is just my BFF, Molly. Molly...This is Peter," he says with a look that clearly states, 'Yes, that Peter.'
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:52 pm

Molly arches an eyebrow at Viktor as if to say 'well, I was kinda right...' and turns to gream brightly at Peter. "Hey Peter! It's, like, totally awesome to meet you! I've heard a lot about you," she says politely, trying to be on her best behaviour for her BFF's sake. Short post is short.
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter October 15th 2010, 6:55 pm

"Oh, hi Molly!" Peter said happily. He didn't put the connection together that this Molly was the very Molly that Sirius had snogged. "You're in Gryffindor too! That's neat! Oh..." he said hesitantly. "You've...you've heard things about me? I hope...they weren't things that were too bad or embarrassing. Though knowing my luck..."
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Molly Prewett October 15th 2010, 6:59 pm

"No, no," Molly says quickly, greaming her friendliest gream. "Viktor was just telling me how, like, nice and helpful and stuff you are," she assures him. Yeah, I'm in Gryffindor. So, like, how's it going?"
Molly Prewett
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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive October 15th 2010, 7:00 pm

Viktor stares, looking back and forth between Peter and Molly, and smiling because his BFF is just so sweet to people like Peter. How nice. He tries not to think of that idea in the back of his head, but...It's not a bad one. It would just take some convincing on his part.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 14 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter October 15th 2010, 7:03 pm

Peter couldn't help but beam when told that Viktor had been saying nice things about him. "Oh, that's nice then! I've been good. Errr, how are you?" he asked. Peter fails at conversation...so he's lucky that Molly is a bit of a rambler.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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