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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 4:23 am

"Robes are kind of a fashion fail," Molly sighs. "I totally don't even know why we bother with them. I just, like, get annoyed with the uniform because I totally love shoes, and most of my shoes clash with what we have to wear. Except my combat boots - those puppies go with anything because they make their own rules. "So, like, don't take this the wrong way or whatever, but why are you here? I mean, you're Bulgarian, and Bulgarians go to Durmstrang. And you used to go there. So, like, what's the deal with that?" she asks, curious.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 4:27 am

Combat boots? Yup. Viktor really likes Molly now. She's just made of awesome. "Oh. I came here a few years ago for the Tri-Wizard tournament, and decided that I like it a lot more here. It's just a really awesome school, I guess. The people are friendlier and I like the classes here. And the castle is much bigger as vell. I don't know. I just like the people here better, so I came back for my final year." Viktor grins because he apparently hasn't aged since the Tri-Wizard tournament.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 4:33 am

Molly grins. He does look pretty young for someone who should be pushing twenty by now. "Well I, like, know the people here are awesome. But are they just lame at Durmstrang, or actual douchebags? Because if they're just lame, then that's cool - the world needs lame people so that everyone understands how cool those of us who are cool are, and lame people can be totally awesome in their own way. But nobody likes a douchebag! Well, other douchebags might, but they don't count, right?"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 4:40 am

"Not really douchebags, but I don't like all the focus on dark magic there. It's not really my thing," he said firmly. Poor Viktor's granddad. Killed by Gellert, that bitch. "I like how you learn defense here. It seems a lot more useful to be honest," he admits. "And it's not as cold here as vell. Durmstrang vos up North, so it vos alvays freezing."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 5:07 am

"Oh. Dark magic," Molly says with a little scowl, because the Prewetts are nothing if not opposed to the dark. "I think Defence is a way, way better thing to learn. You, like, kinda don't paint a picture of Durmstrang as a very nice place," she comments. "All dark and broody and cramped and cold. There has to be something you liked about it, though?"

Mya Lupin

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Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 5:23 am

"Vell, the grounds vere amazing. Better than here if I'm going to be honest, though it vos usually too dark and cold to fly up north so ve spent most time inside," he said with a sigh. "So ve really didn't get to put the grounds to much use. During the spring ve got to be outside, flying through the mountains and over lakes. That vos probably the best part about Dumstrang."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 5:37 am

"That sounds, like, really pretty," Molly says, even though she doesn't think pretty grounds are much good if you can't even use them for most of the year. She finishes off the bag she's knitting. "Though I think the Hogwarts grounds are kinda pretty themselves - the lake is cool. Plus you can rug up and go outside most of the year, unless the snow is, like, super heavy, so that's a bonus. The weather must really cut into your quidditch schedule up there, though."

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 5:55 am

"Actually, the Bulgarian team has an indoor pitch for practices," he says happily and Luna greams for remembering this fun fact. "It's really useful during the bad weather seasons, though there's really nothing like flying outside ven it's nice out."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 6:03 am

"An indoor pitch!? Cool! But hang on - doesn't that, like, seriously cut down the amount of space the snitch thingy can fly around in? Wouldn't that kind of make it too easy for you?" she asks, nose wrinkled cutely on confusion.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 6:05 am

"That's true. I mean, it vos a big pitch and all, but it's still a lot easier than an outdoor pitch. I still get plenty of practice though. Bulgaria is full of big open fields that I can use for practicing my seeking skills," he explained smiling because Molly is adorable.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 6:10 am

"Oh cool," Molly chatters with a grin. "Because my sister - she's into quidditch, see - once said that you were the best seeker and for a second there I was like, hang on, how could you be the best if it's just that it's, like, too easy for you? But I totally get it now. Bulgaria sounds like a cool place. Cold, but cool too."

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 6:13 am

Viktor greams at the compliment. The fangirls get annoying, but it's always nice when people compliment his Quidditch skills. "It is cool. I miss it during the school year, but I recently bought my own place out there. It's close to the pitch for practices, and it's in a really fun town that I like to spend time in during the summer ven I don't have practice."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 6:18 am

Molly's eyes widen. "You bought your own place? Like, ohmyGod! That's so cool! Except I'd totally not want to move out of home just yet - I'd miss my family, like, way too much. But I guess it has to happen sooner or later, right? Whether I want to or not. Cause Gid and Fabian are seventh years now, and then they'll probably go off and do other stuff next year, and then I'll finish, and I'll have to go off and be a grown-up and all that... S'pose that's life. Still, like, wow. Imagine all the ragers you could throw in your own place," she says with a little giggle.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 6:25 am

Viktor chuckles. "Yeah, it's pretty big so I'm assuming the team is going to vant to come over all the time. I vos really excited about buying it. I haven't spent much time in it yet, but I picked out all the furniture and stuff," he says proudly because his little pent house looks pretty snazzy right about now even if no one's living in it during the school year.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 6:35 am

"That must've been, like, so exciting," Molly says, because secretly she dreams of setting up her own home one day. One day, when she's all grown up and ready to be on her own a little bit. Unless of course she falls in love super young, and gets married right out of Hogwarts, but that seems kinda crazy. She hopes she's still partying and baking Special Cookies in a couple of years time, after all! "Except you probably should be careful who you tell about it. Because if you've got, like, packs of rabid fangirls after you all the time, they totally might start turning up on your doorstep, or mailing themselves to you in crates or something crazy!"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 6:37 am

"Oh my god. You're right. I better keep quiet about this, and you'd do vell to do the same," he said teasingly. "Urg. Fangirls showing up at my doorstep. Not something I like vaking up to every day. You'd think they'd get the hint eventually. Maybe if I got a boyfriend they vould leave me alone, realizing that I'm taken," he suggests out loud. Or a girlfriend named Hermione.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 6:42 am

Molly obediently zips her lips, and then crosses her heart to indicate she promises not to spill about his place. Then she unzips her lips so that she can burst out laughing, clutching her sides in mirth. "OhmyGod! Are you, like, serious? Are you for real? Do they even know they're throwing themselves at a gay man? Or do they just, like, not even care? OhmyGod that's priceless! You should totally get yourself a hot boyfriend, and then have posters of you two making out made. People would totally buy them still, and maybe it would clear a few things up!"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 7:06 am

Viktor shrugged while laughing along with Molly. "I've dated some pretty big names out there, so you vould think they'd get the hint. I guess they all think they'll be the von to make me change my mind about being gay. But I do like that poster idea. I'll have to talk about it vith...somevon. I'm sure I can find myself a hot boyfriend. Know anyvon looking for a romantic, Bulgarian boyfriend who's really awesome and needs somevon to keep avay the fangirls?" he asked jokingly.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 7:21 am

Molly giggles. "No boys, unfortunately. Sorry - I'll keep my eye out, and if I, like, see any hot guys who are into guys, I'll go boy-watching with them, and if they're sweet enough I'll send them your way. Deal? Hey!" she exclaims, grinning as an idea coming to mind. "That could totally work! We could, like, keep an eye out for all the good guys around here. You get the gay ones, and I get the straight ones. Whaddaya say?"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 7:44 am

"That's perfect! Ve need like, jackets or badges or something...I like this idea," he says happily. "You know vot, Molly? I like you. You're pretty awesome. And don't tell the others but I'm pretty sure you're my favorite of the Prewett clan because I doubt Alice or Gideon could be any cooler than you are."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 7:51 am

Molly grins. "You're, like, really cool! And don't worry, I won't tell the others you like me best. I mean, they totally should be used to it by now, but they still get kinda jealous and it just, like, cramps my style. I really like you too, Viktor - this could be the start of a beautiful friendship," she quips. "And if you're, like, super lucky, one day I'll even bake for you!"

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 7:54 am

"I think so too," he says happily while greaming because this friendship is awesome already. "You bake? That's awesome. I...I can make some Bulgarian dishes, I guess, but that is about it. Vot kind of stuff do you like to bake?" he asked curiously.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 8:20 am

"OhmyGod! Could you, like, teach me some Bulgarian dishes sometime? That would be so totally awesome! Me? I can make anything into food, really," she smirks. It's totally true, and you all know it. "But my specialty is definitely my Cookies. My siblings go crazy for them, Gid says I could totally make a fortune selling them," she says proudly.

Mya Lupin

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 3rd 2010, 8:26 am

"Of course I could teach you! It's the least I could do considering you are going to be giving me knitting tips. And I'll need to try these cookies of yours sometime if they're as awesome as you and Gideon say they are."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Under the Trees - Page 4 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Mya Lupin September 3rd 2010, 8:41 am

Molly giggles, wondering if Viktor just wants cookies, or if he could be talked into Cookies. Because that would be totally awesome. She's so happy that both the transfer students she's met so far this year seem cool. And she knows Rad would be down with Special Cookies. Still... she wonders what Viktor Krum would be like high. "Oh, they're all that and more," she promises. "I'll bake for you sometime, I promise. I, like, love to bake so it's not even any trouble. I'm kinda lucky we all have such awesome appetites because I'm always cooking and baking and stuff, and I'd be sad if it ever had to go to waste."

Mya Lupin

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