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Dock by the Lake

Krasimir Svetkova
Reed Dawson
Trey Davis
Parvati Patil
Jenna Wood
Molly Prewett
Cho Chang
Daphne Greengrass
Jesse St. James
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 12:45 am

Jenna nodded, "Well, that explains more than it doesn't. The relieved look you got when I mentioned I hadn't noticed James, or his apparently legendary blue eyes. And why you would leave in a flash to go hang out with him." Jenna gave her a look, and from Parvati's expression, that she had hit the nail on the head with that one.
Jenna Wood
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Parvati Patil May 13th 2011, 12:52 am

Parvati let out a light laugh. "Yeah, well I do trust James not to do anything with other girls. I know he would never do anything with anyone besides me no matter what, but the idea of other girls checking him out kind of bugs me." She said with a light laugh. "But yeah, he's awesome." She said with a small shrug. "I just really enjoy talking about him is all."
Parvati Patil
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 12:57 am

"Oh, I totally get it. I may not have a boyfriend right now but that doesn't mean I've never had one, I know exactly where you're coming from. It's not him you don't trust, it's the girls after him. Am I right?" Jenna felt almost victorious, she had practiced reading people for years and she was finally good enough that her intuition was spot on and she didn't miss a beat.
Jenna Wood
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Parvati Patil May 13th 2011, 12:59 am

"Exactly." Parvati said with a small nod. "Some of the girls in this school are just kind of, well, they like to sample boys." She said with a light laugh. "And some girls choose to sample single boys, and some girls prefer to sample guys with girlfriends." She said with a light shrug. "I, personally, hate the types of girls who like to sample guys with girlfriends."
Parvati Patil
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 1:01 am

"Who wouldn't? Those kinds of girls really bug me. They walk around like they own the world and treat anyone who isn't popular or incredibly good looking like dirt." Jenna had known quite a few of those kinds of girls at Beauxbatons, and never wished to encounter another in her entire life.
Jenna Wood
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Parvati Patil May 13th 2011, 1:03 am

Parvati gave the girl a soft smile. "Well, there really is nothing wrong with knowing and flaunting that you are beautiful and popular." She said with a small shrug, for she was the head cheerleader after all so she did get a lot of attention when walking the halls. "But there is such a thing as being too cocky."
Parvati Patil
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 1:06 am

"Yeah, as long as you don't rub it in too much and make other girls' lives a living hell. I knew too many of those at my old school and they seemed to think of me as their favorite thing to, well, if it was nasty and catty, they did it." Jenna shuddered, desperately hoping Parvati wasn't one of [i]those[i]
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Parvati Patil May 13th 2011, 1:08 am

"Yeah, girls who rub it in other girls faces are annoying." She said with a small nod. "Girls who bully other girls are annoying too. Talk about immature." She said with a light laugh as she shook her head. "I never saw the point in bullying, really."
Parvati Patil
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 1:14 am

"That's good. I was always too absorbed in Quidditch to give it any thought." Jenna looked off into the distance. Those were the days... and not the good kind. She didn't miss those days, not one bit.
Jenna Wood
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Parvati Patil May 13th 2011, 1:23 am

Parvati nodded and then stood up on the dock. "Yeah, it was really nice meeting you Jenna." She said, flashing her a wide smile. "But I've got to go to cheer practice! Maybe I'll see you around sometime soon, yeah?" She asked with a small grin before turning and walking off the dock as she headed towards the pitch for practice.
Parvati Patil
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock By The Lake

Post  Jenna Wood May 13th 2011, 1:53 am

"Sure, have fun at cheer practice!" Jenna smiled and picked up her old, battered, muggle book and opened the dog-eared pages to the place she had left off on. And she sat there, feet dangling over the edge of the dock, until it grew too dark out to read any longer and she had to go back to the common room.
Jenna Wood
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Trey Davis May 17th 2011, 3:45 am

After having seen the library and walked around a lot of other places in the school, Tracey had decided to take Trey out to see the grounds. The weather was perfect out, just a slight breeze blowing. Tracey had sent Reed a note a bit ago telling him she had a surprise for him and Kras out at the dock so they should hurry up and get their dolphin fins outside. She hadn't informed Trey yet that Reed and Kras would be coming down to meet them. Trey would be totally surprised and Tracey loved seeing the happy look on his face when he was surprised. Tracey was currently sitting on the end of the dock, dangling her feet in the water. Trey was walking around on the dock, just looking about and down into the water as well, hoping to see some little water critters in the shallower area.
*cue Reed and Kras* :3
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 17th 2011, 3:55 am

Reed flailed when he got Tracey's note and started running all around his dorm in excitement. He barely told Kras why he was so excited and just flailed the note in front of his face. He ran to his mirror and made sure his outfit looked okay before practically dragging Kras out of the dorm. They made it outside and Reed looked around the lake before spotting the familiar blonde hair at the end of the dock. He practically ran towards the dock, but then made himself slow down, he didn't want to trip and end up falling in the water, that would be embarrassing for sure. He yelled out, his voice filled with excitement. "Tracey!! I got your letter!" Finally he reached the brother and sister duo and was beaming. "Hi Trey!" He grinned widely and had to tell himself not to hug his new friend, because he really wanted to.
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Trey Davis May 17th 2011, 4:05 am

OMG OMG OMG *dead* REED IS JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE. (and to save me the hassle of switching back and forth between accounts for this I'm just going to have Kras' posts and Tracey/Trey's posts in one huge post yep yep)

Kras was very confused as to why his boyfriend was suddenly running about like a freaking loon. The flailing note in front of his face gave him no clue either. So he just let himself be dragged outside all the way to the dock. Recognizing Tracey, he waved, but he had no clue who the boy was who looked about to be Reed's age...oh. Trey. Duh. "Hey, Tracey! And it's nice meeting you, Trey. I'm Kras." He grinned, happy to finally get to meet Reed's new friend.

Trey is looking down into the water when he hears a rather nice voice calling out to his sister. Tracey looks up and waves back, grinning happily as she sees the huge grin that spreads across her brother's face once he realizes who's talking to him. "OH! Tracey, you surprised me!" Trey flailed, stuck between panicking at not knowing how to really respond and feeling happy because he finally gets to meet Reed. "You didn't tell me I'd get to meet Reed! Hi!" He waves and then kind of cowers a little bit cause holy shit Reed's...er, boyfriend? Is very tall and intimidating sort of... "...hi...Kras..." he replies rather shyly and looks suddenly very nervous. So yeah...the introduction part was easy but he didn't really know how to hold an actual conversation very well with someone. He'd gotten pretty lucky with that Gideon fellow, since they got to talk about the library and books and he felt comfortable with that topic.
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 17th 2011, 4:11 am

(Totally cool!)

Reed couldn't contain himself, he bounced on over to Trey and gave him a big hug, then stepped back. "I didn't know you'd be coming so soon! Tracey said she'd bring you here sometime, and that we could meet, but I had no idea it would be like, so soon! How are you liking it so far? How long have you been here? What have you seen?" Good thing Reed didn't have any sort of problem holding a conversation.
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Trey Davis May 17th 2011, 4:24 am

Trey blinked in surprise, mouth gaping open slightly, when Reed gave him a huge hug. It took a second before he figured hugging him back was the right thing to do. So he did, wondering if Kras would hate him or something for doing so. "I got here this morning. We've just been wandering about. Tracey kept getting lost so we spent a lot of time trying to figure out where we even were." he laughed. "I...I really like it here." he looked down at the dock, smiling shyly. "The library pretty much has me convinced. It's the best room in the entire school." he giggled.

Tracey was currently shooting Reed and Kras expectant looks. What? She wanted to see sweet boy kisses.

Kras remembered that and had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. He was currently just trying to figure out why Trey didn't seem to like him all that much. "You and Reed vill have to spend a lot of time in the library next school year then. I know he likes it too. Especially the art section."

Trey shot Kras a slightly scared look and just nodded. "I'd like that...one of the students we ran into said they might have stuff on music..I wouldn't mind checking that out more and stuff on animals."
Trey Davis
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 17th 2011, 4:30 am

Reed didn't see Tracey looking at him expectantly, instead he flailed his arms. "I love music! Well, I love singing. Do you play any instruments. We can like, make a band or something. You like animals. Kras! Why didn't we bring Snez with us! Duh!" He smiled back at his boyfriend then turned back to Trey. "I'm glad you like it here. And you can't really see all of the castle in one day. I'm still learning new things about this place and I've been for like...I don't know, months now! Hey! Maybe sometime when you get here, we can like go on an adventure and try and find new places!" His eyes were wide with excitement.
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Trey Davis May 18th 2011, 12:41 am

Trey is kind of freaked out by how much Reed is talking, even though it's sort of entertaining and he can't help grinning. "I can't really sing...but I play piano and violin....and flute, guitar, clarinet, french horn, drums, marimba, cello, harp, aaaand saxophone." He ticked the instruments off with his fingers. "I think that's it. Can't really remember after a while cause there's so many." he giggled. "Who's Snez?"

Tracey will be demanding boy kisses at some point. *headdesk* "Trey is very talented. Mom really wanted us to learn music along with our studies. I can only really play piano, because the others were just too confusing. Like...guitar? Yeah, too many bar thingy's" 'Frets' Trey added in, "Oh, yeah, frets." Tracey nodded.

Kras is amused by Tracey very much....and he does sort of feel bad about the thought of kissing Reed in front of Trey. Trey seemed like a really good kid and Kras didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "Goodness, that's a lot of instruments. I only play guitar, myself. And Snez is my cat, vell, more like our cat." he grins, glancing at Reed. "Snez vosn't a big fan of Reed at first, but I think she likes him now."
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 18th 2011, 12:47 am

[Holy crap you are in a lot of scenes right now! O.O]

Reed was in shock by how many instruments Trey played. He grinned up at Kras when he called Snez 'their' cat. "We had a rough start, that's for sure. And you play so many instruments! I can only sort of sing. But that's totally cool that you know so much! Maybe you can teach me something. I don't think I'd be all that good at guitar, I'd probably end up cutting my fingers or something, and I need my hands to be in good condition to be able to paint." He nodded slowly. Without any conscious thought, he reached out and grabbed hold of Kras' hand, it was just sort of a natural reaction now.
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Krasimir Svetkova May 18th 2011, 1:05 am


"Hm..." Trey thought for a moment, "well, what about piano? That doesn't seem entirely too dangerous...unless the piano lid shuts on your hands which has happened to me before." he winced at the memory.
So did Tracey...considering it had technically been her fault that had even happened. Oops?
Seeing Reed grab Kras' hand didn't make him uncomfortable at all...just sort of interested. After all, Trey had never even had any friends, let alone relationships, so he didn't really know much about how those worked. Especially since, in his family, no one was gay - it was probably frowned upon, knowing how much his parents didn't like things or people that were different than what they wanted them to be - so Trey wasn't entirely sure how that all worked either. How could two guys even be attracted to one another? It was confusing, but that didn't mean Trey was going to instantly judge them for it. He was different than his family - he didn't go around judging others just because they weren't purebloods or magical. The things his relatives would say about muggles just kind of upset him.

Tracey catches the hand holding and takes her moment to pounce. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Are we going to see some sweet boy kisses now?" She giggles, wrapping her arms around her younger brother's shoulders, peeking around his head.
Trey's face reddens and he turns his face to blink at his sister. "Whaaaaaat? Trace, you can't just ask people that stuff! Even I - having not really any communication experience with other people outside our family - know that." he rolled his eyes.

Kras' own face reddens and he doesn't know whether to laugh or just gape at the blond girl. "Er...your brother has a point there. I'm leaving this von up to Reed. I suppose I'm not too against the idea, besides the fact that I don't vant to make Trey uncomfortable."

Tracey is planning on pouting until she gets what she wants.
Krasimir Svetkova
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 18th 2011, 1:18 am

Reed likes the sound of learning piano. "Yeah! Piano could work, and I think that's probably the safest option." He nodded and jumped when Tracey suddenly shouted. Then he turned bright red and proceeded to bury his head in Kras' arm. He looked back up and tried to smile at Tracey. "Umm, I don't know if that's such a good idea. I don't want to make Trey uncomfortable and I just..Um, I don't know if I really am into the whole PDA thing. I mean, hand holding isn't that bad I don't think, but yeah. I'm just gonna stop talking now." He blushed even more then buried his face against Kras again.
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Krasimir Svetkova May 18th 2011, 1:29 am

Tracey uber pouted, trying to give them the puppy dog eyes. Trey didn't like seeing his sister like that - there was no way he could resist her puppy dog eyed look - and so he just shrugged. "I'm sure it'd be okay if you guys just kissed...like, no crazy making out." he laughed, hoping that would make his sister feel better. Tracey definitely figured that was a pretty good compromise. At least she'd get to see them kiss. *facepalm*

Kras laughed as Reed went bright red and hid his face. "Vell...I'm alright vith that. I'm not real crazy on the whole PDA thing either, but I'm sure just von kiss vouldn't hurt. How about that, Reed? Just von little kiss? For meeee?" Kras grinned, trying to get Reed's face out from hiding.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 18th 2011, 1:33 am

Huh, so this was how it felt to be on the other end of puppy eyes. Reed didn't like it. No he did not. And how in the world was he suppose to resist Kras, especially since he was begging for a kiss. This really wasn't fair, but if Trey was okay with it then I guess it wasn't that big of a deal. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Fine! One kiss then." He smiled up at his boyfriend and stretched to his tippy toes and pressed their lips together. It wasn't just a small peck, but it wasn't like a full makeout either. It was just a nice innocent little kiss. Even so, it still made Reed feel all fluttery. He pulled away and smiled at Kras before turning to Tracey. "Happy?"
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Krasimir Svetkova May 18th 2011, 1:48 am

Kras grinned happily when Reed agreed. Even if it was in a strange circumstance, Kras couldn't resist a chance to kiss his boyfriend. He leaned down a tiny bit, slipping an arm around Reed's waist so he wouldn't lose his balance, and happily returned the nice innocent little kiss. Returning Reed's smile afterward, Kras turned, unable to resist seeing Tracey's reaction.

Tracey squealed, giggling as she continued to watch over Trey's shoulder. "That was sooooo cute! Did you see that, Trey? They were just so adorable! I just love dolphins. Oh, speaking of dolphins, there were these pictures of merpeople in our textbooks and apparently they live in the lake...but, like, they didn't really look like I thought they would. I thought merpeople were the people who took care of hotels and such. You know, like a mermaid? We once had a mermaid. She was a grumpy old lady who didn't like to do our laundry so mom fired her and hired another mermaid and I liked that one." She nods.

Trey hadn't really planned on watching, figuring he'd just say it was alright to make Tracey happy, but he found he couldn't just look away either. So he had watched and, having never really seen people kiss before - their parents never really kissed at all and if they did it wasn't in front of their children - he just didn't really see the point of it. Obviously it made Reed and Kras happy, but Trey just wasn't understanding. He literally facepalmed when Tracey started going on about merpeople. He was used to her...uniqueness, as he liked to call it. "Well, the second mermaid didn't really do much of anything either, Trace." Tracey just shrugged.
Krasimir Svetkova
Krasimir Svetkova

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Dock by the Lake - Page 5 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 18th 2011, 1:54 am

[Oh Tracey *hugs*]

Reed just giggled at Tracey, knowing it was best not to burst her little bubble. "I've had a mermaid my whole life, but she's great! She gives me candy sometimes. And she practically raised me until I was like eleven. Then I had this accident and my dad took over and started teaching me all about magic." He nodded and smiled at Trey, hoping he had been okay with him and Kras kissing, he didn't look too uncomfortable, so that was hopefully a good thing. He didn't want to make people feel uncomfortable at all, because that's no fun.

[Off to make dinner so I can get ready for GLEEEEE]
Reed Dawson
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