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Dock by the Lake

Krasimir Svetkova
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 8:37 am

"Oh! Oh! I'm sorry!" Cho laughed, "now look who's delusional! And you think I'm completely mad! You're one to talk!" Cho looks at Gideon, laughing almost hysterically. "Your reputation so totally precedes you. Oh, yes." She laughs sarcastically. "I am just soooo not worthy of your presence." Cho took the moment to pantomime bowing down to Gideon.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 8:45 am

"Now you're getting it," Lily laughs, watching the Squid flail about for another minute before she stops and grins down at Cho. "Well, much as I hate to deprive people of my presence, I really have to get going. My work of being awesome is never done, it seems," she sighs.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 8:56 am

Cho smiled. "Well, it only took me the entire conversation." She looked at Gideon, "well, then, I guess you must. You must continue the legacy of being awesome. Go on." She smiled, still laughing. "It was nice meeting you though. Let's talk again sometime." she smiled.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 9:13 am

"Sounds good," Lily smiles, wondering if she and Cho will get along just as well when Lily is back to her regular form. "Good to meet you, Cho. See you around," she says, and wanders back up the dock towards the castle because Gideon's stomach seems to never quite be full.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 4:22 am

[I'm just skipping ahead in time, don't mind me. Technically Lily is still in Gid's body, but let's ignore that for this scene >.>]

Breathing deeply and enjoying the fresh air filling her own lungs, Lily strolls along to the end of the dock. She takes a seat at the end, slipping her shoes off and putting them neatly beside her. Her legs swing over the edge, toes just very barely grazing the water, and she smiles. Her appreciation for being able to live in her own body has gone through the roof. *cue James whenever Pans is on next*
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 4:39 am

[James is worth time travel. LOOK AT THAT. JAMES IS WORTH TIME TRAVEL!]

James wandered along the grounds, having left the castle to go for a run in the nice weather. He's got to keep in shape for Quidditch after all, and running was one of many good ways to do that. However, his plans immediately changed as he saw a familiar redhead sitting down on the end of the dock. Well well, he hadn't seen Lily in quite a long time. In fact, he nearly couldn't remember the last time he'd properly talked to her. That was a lie. James never forgets a time he gets to talk to Lily, even though he wishes he could forget the time she nailed him in the face with a mallet. He made his way down toward her quietly, moving along the dock as silently as he could manage, stopping a few feet behind her. "Enjoying the view? I know I am."

James Potter
James Potter

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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 5:01 am

[Lily disagrees. She is now calling Mya all sorts of lovely names for being hasty and impatient and demanding RP. *pats her*]

Lily's state of relaxation and contemplation is broken the moment she hears the voice behind her. It's the kind of voice she wishes she could forget, but years of constant annoyance have burned it into her memory. Speaking of memories, she holds quite fond ones of the time she nailed Potter in the face with a mallet. Her shoulders sag the tiniest bit at the sound of Potter's voice, and she sighs. "So long as I don't turn around, the view will remain lovely."

[Enjoy your pizza. You bitch.]
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 5:09 am

[It was delicious. Hot and yummy and delicious.]

"Then by all means, don't turn around. But you can't blame me for giving you no warning when I tackle you into the lake!" James laughed, immediately starting running toward her quite loudly so that she would know he was coming. Of course, he didn't actually plan on tackling her into the lake or touching her at all, as that would mean sure death for him. Instead, he was going to stop just behind her, and she would probably end up jumping out of her skin. Maybe she'd fall into the lake on her own and he'd have to brave all and hasten to her rescue, and maybe she'd just give him a few choice threats. Either way, he knew it would be amusing.
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 5:18 am

Or maybe, she will jump up, turn around, and kick is skinny arse. "And then you can't blame me when I hold your head under until the bubbles stop," she snaps. She has no intention at all of turning around and giving him the satisfaction of the attention he's so obviously dying for, but the sound of heavy footsteps thudding quickly towards her startles her enough that her head turns a little on reflex, she peeking back at him out of the corner of her eye. She slips her wand out, hoping to dissuade him from his stupidity. Then she mentally berates herself for being fool enough to think that anything could ever dissuade Potter from his stupidity. "Potter," she says in a warning voice, tensing a little and shrinking away.
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 5:37 am

He is not skinny, he is all muscle. Lean and mighty. No excess, no room for flab, because it's all solid, oh yeah. James smiled when she pulled her wand out and looked angrily at him. He slowed himself as he neared her, dropped to the dock and rolled onto his back, stopping with his head beside her, though someone who had better self-preservation thoughts might have seen that as stupid. James didn't care of course, he liked her too much to care. "Yes, Evans?"
James Potter
James Potter

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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 5:42 am

"I was going to warn you to stop being an immature toerag. But then, of course, I realised I may as well ask for the moon for all the luck I'd have," she says, glancing down her nose at him for a second before turning her gaze back to the beautiful dark waters of the lake. After a moment, she slips her wand back into her robes; if she needs to, she can just jump up and stomp on his face while he lays like that.
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 5:48 am

James looked up at her, smiling a little as she returned her gaze to the water. "Well if you wanted to moon, I'd get you the moon. I'd bring you the moon, Evans." He stared up at her quite sincerely, because he really would try to do that for her. He was already running through ways to get her a moon of her own, there had to me something he could figure out, after all, he was James Potter, and if he couldn't get a girl like Lily something she wanted, well what good was that?
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 5:55 am

"I may vomit," Lily comments lightly, although she can't help laughing a little. Leave it to Potter to think that it could all be so very simple. She can hear the warped version of logic in his voice; if he can just buy Lily the moon or any other thing she names, all her dislike for him will miraculously evaporate and he will be king of the world. Her head shakes ruefully. "Really not what I was getting at."
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 6:00 am

James's smile faltered a little at first, but he couldn't help smiling again when she laughed, though it wasn't nearly as wholehearted as before. He never did learn, and getting shot down like that always hurt no matter how many times it happened. "Well, you know I'd do it anyway." He crossed his arms stubbornly, closing his eyes for a minute. With a sigh, he looked up at her again. "Really though, if that wasn't your point, do enlighten me. I'm just so darn stupid, after all."
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 6:34 am

Lily sighs as James proves her point by needing her to explain herself to him. "Well, Potter," she explains, speaking deliberately slowly. "The point I was making -and stop me if I'm going too fast for you- is that it would be impossible to expect you to behave maturely. Just like it would be impossible for you to bring me the moon. Are you with me so far?" she sighs.

Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 6:41 am

That's just what Lily thinks, James really does understand. He just likes hearing Lily talk. Even if it is 'ranting at him as if he's an idiot' talking. It fully counts as a conversation, right? "Oh, that was much too quick. Perhaps you should speak slowly and lean closer or maybe let me learn by osmosis or something." He laughed, scooting away from her a little bit, just in case she didn't appreciate that too much. "Nothing's impossible, Lily." He didn't catch that he called her Lily rather than Evans. Usually he only did that in his mind, daydreams, and actual dreams, not too frequently in real life.
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 6:47 am

"I highly doubt anything could penetrate that thick skull of yours," Lily announces. She turns her head to glare down at James, her hair tumbling forward over her shoulder. Turning away almost immediately, because the urge to smack his face most certainly increases whenever she has to look at it, she tucks her hair back behind her ear and scrunches her nose up in slight confusion. Lily. He'd called her Lily. Not Evans, or any other variation of some awful and offensive nickname, but Lily. "Don't call me that. If you insist on speaking to me at all, stick with Evans."
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 7:29 am

James narrowed his eyes a little, looking at her and trying to read her thoughts, only to find it as impossible as ever. "What? It's your name. It's only right to call you your name, isn't it? Figured you were more against the last name thing or other goofy nicknames than your own real name, Lily." He couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from twitching up a little as he said her name again. He did like saying her name. He liked the way it rolled off his tongue, the way it felt in his mouth.
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 7:37 am

"I very much like my name, Potter. What I don't like, however, is you using it. Generally speaking, people whom I like or consider friends use my given name. You do not fall into that category," she says, as if it isn't already painfully obvious. "Of course, we could always just circumvent this whole dilemma of how you address me by you not addressing me at all!" she adds, perking up and smiling out at the water as if that's the most brilliant idea she's had, and the best outcome all around.
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 7:44 am

"Well I could potentially omit your name when speaking to you but that would seem a little rude and potentially confusing as well if there are other people around. I can't have someone else thinking I'll bring them the moon when really I'd only do it if you wanted it." He shrugged a little, moving his arms to rest his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky rather than Lily to watch the clouds sweep by on the light breeze. "I'd consider you my friend."
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 7:51 am

"Why?" Lily says bluntly, ignoring his grand declarations of what he would do for her and only her. "We're not friends, Potter. We are merely forced to coexist for seven years. Why on earth would you consider me a friend when I've never given you any reason to?" She looks down at him, watching him for a moment as he watches the sky because she is honestly confused by him. He's like Pinky and the Brain, she thinks, always trying to take over the world with hair-brained schemes dependent on the execution skills of an utter moron.
Lily Evans
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 8:07 am

Insulting. Good thing he's not a mind reader after all, he gets insulted enough verbally without getting mentally insulted as well. "I don't know." That was all he said at first, keeping his eyes on the sky as he thought. Finally he sighed and looked at her. "Maybe you don't see me as a friend, but I see you as one for me. Or at least I wish you were one. I like being around you even when you get tired of me or throw things. I don't understand it, but there it is. And definition of insanity as it is, I just keep hoping one day you won't want me to go away. One day you'll let me stay, or even want me to stay as crazy as it seems."
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 8:13 am

It's almost a shame he wasn't a mind reader just for those few moments; Lils was rather proud of that one. Lily shakes her head, looking away. Honestly, she doesn't think she deserves such devotion. She does nothing to earn it, nothing to encourage it. For quite a while, she's silent and contemplative, her eyes fixed on some point in the distance. "You see, Potter, for that to ever happen -and don't get your hopes up, because I don't think it ever will- you would have to stop being a git. It's not that you're constantly breathing down my neck that annoys me." She pauses, considers. "Well, no, that's part of it - nobody likes a stalker, Potter. But you're a bully and I don't have time for bullies. It's as simple as that."
Lily Evans
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  James Potter June 1st 2011, 8:25 am

James groaned. "Come on, Lily. I haven't done any real bullying in ages, just ask Sirius. Or, Remus, since I have a feeling you'll believe him better than you will Padfoot." He looked at her for a moment, shaking his head a little. "I swear. Are you really going to continue to judge me for the things I did when I was younger and stupid... er? You know why I bullied him, don't you?"
James Potter
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Dock by the Lake - Page 7 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Lily Evans June 1st 2011, 8:28 am

"I'm going to continue to judge you for as long as you continue to show a complete lack of remorse for your past actions," she says tartly. It's not that she doesn't think people can grow and change in the best ways, even though she's seen too many people she's loved in her childhood change in the worst ways. But she doesn't believe past sins are simply absolved because a person says they've stopped doing so unless they truly recognise why they were wrong. Judging from Potter's attitude, Lily is fairly certain he holds no regrets for bullying Sev. "Oh, how the tables turn. Enlighten me," Lily says, rolling her eyes. "Tell me what wonderful justification you have for bullying my best friend of five years."
Lily Evans
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