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Dock by the Lake

Krasimir Svetkova
Reed Dawson
Trey Davis
Parvati Patil
Jenna Wood
Molly Prewett
Cho Chang
Daphne Greengrass
Jesse St. James
Marlene McKinnon
Ted Tonks
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Krasimir Svetkova May 18th 2011, 2:05 am

[She makes my head a fun place a lot of the time. *flails* It's pouring right now...supposed to be some big storm or so and it better not get any worse cause if the power goes out I'll be pissed. No way in hell I'm missing Glee tonight. I even got my tissues ready and everything. *nods*]

"Woah! I wish our mermaid gave us candy." Tracey sighed. Trey just grinned, shaking his head as he patted her arm. He returned Reed's smile, hoping Reed would understand that he hadn't been made all that uncomfortable from the kissing.

Kras doesn't even know what to say to that. "I can't recall ever having a mermaid...but I know ve had a merman." He has to resist laughing, though it's sort of hard. "He taught me how to tie my shoes ven I vos little cause I vanted to learn and surprise my parents."
Krasimir Svetkova
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Reed Dawson May 18th 2011, 2:33 am

Reed feels that Kras is holding back laughter, which only made him want to laugh. He shot him a look that clearly said 'stop or I'm going to lose it'. Good thing Kras was really good at being able to tell what Reed was thinking. He turned back to the brother and sister duo and smiled. "How long are you here for Trey? Have you seen the Great Hall yet? It's so amazing! The ceiling looks just like the sky outside, no matter what the weather is. It's totally cool."
Reed Dawson
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 4:00 am

Lily wanders along the dock, hands jammed into her pockets, idly watching the lake for signs of the Giant Squid. It's weird, not having so much structure to her day anymore. Lily Evans' day is filled with classes and prefect duties and tutoring, but Gideon Prewett, Lily has discovered, has much more free time on his hands. Having never really been so unstructured, Lily is at a bit of a loss for what to do with herself.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 4:09 am

Cho walked down to the lake, feeling better after a healthy period of seclusion in her room. She was done with her classes for the moment, just killing some time before the next one started. Maybe she would do some work by the lake... Cho looked up to see a guy just wandering along the dock. She smiled, deciding to be social for once, and forgo all course work. "Well, don't you look oh-so-busy," she smiled at the stranger whom she had only seen around, but never talked to.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 4:14 am

Lily blinks, startled out of her reverie by the sound of someone speaking to her. A pretty girl, smiling and with an easy tone of voice that Lily can't quite read; does Gideon know this girl? She bites her lip, she thinks she recognises the girl as one of the Ravenclaws a year ahead of her, what if she and Gideon have some classes together and Lily just hasn't realised? "Uh, hi," she says, then makes herself smile as easily as she can. "Right. It's a full-time job, keeping out of trouble."
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 4:52 am

Cho raised an eyebrow. The boy seemed more awkward than he looked. She thought nothing of it though, and smiled. "I'm sure it is. Now, I've only seen you around, but I have yet to know your name. It is?" She looked at him for another moment before she gave her own. "I'm Cho. Cho Chang. Just thought I'd come over and say hi, seeing as it would be a bit awkward if I just ignored you or something."
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 5:00 am

Lily is eternally grateful that there is nothing yet known to man that could possibly make Gideon blush, otherwise that raised eyebrow of Cho's would be bringing the colour out in Lily's cheeks right now. She shrugs, feeling some of the tension leave her shoulders as Cho allays her worries with a simple introduction. Her smile kicks into a fully blown grin, drawing on Gideon's bravado. "Well, of course you've seen me around. Gideon Prewett," she introduces, and extends a hand to shake. "And hi," she smirks.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 5:06 am

The boy's awkwardness seemed to dissipate when Cho introduced herself. She shrugged it off as something random. "Ah, a Prewett. Then you're right, of course I've seen you around. I've met Molly I think once," She said, her thoughts trailing for a moment before she shook his hand. "Well, then, hello, and nice to meet you, Gideon Prewett."
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 5:16 am

"We are an unstoppable and unavoidable force of nature, apparently," Lily says, a hint of amusement in her voice and a grin on her face. She shakes Cho's hand, remembering not to use too much pressure because Gideon's hand is much larger than Cho's and she wouldn't want to hurt the girl. "Yeah, Mol's my little sister. Good to meet you, Cho Chang." She pulls out of the handshake and sticks her hand back in her pocket nonchalantly. "You're a Ravenclaw, right? Is it Transfiguration we have together?" she says, a little vague because she knows very well it's Charms Gryffindor and Ravenclaws share, but such things would be too dull for Gideon's notice.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 5:23 am

"So you are," Cho said, smirking a little bit. When asked if it was Transfiguration that the Claws shared with the Gryffindor's, Cho thought for a moment. "Uh, no. We may, but I'm definitely pretty sure it's Charms that we have together." She said. "I'm concentrating more in Transfiguration, that's why I'm not sure." she laughed slightly. "Molly was nice when I met her. I can't quite remember what we talked bout, but it was fun, otherwise I wouldn't remember her."
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 5:29 am

"Transfiguration, Charms, same difference. I knew it was one of the ones with wand-waving," Lily says, flipping her hair and wanting to smack herself in the head. She grins, reminding herself that whilst in this body, Molly is nice and wonderful and loved rather than judgemental and annoying. "Right, that's Mol for you. She's pretty unforgettable, bit of a Mama Bear at times, too. The best sister, though. You have any? Sisters, I mean. Or brothers."
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 5:40 am

Cho raised her eyebrows this time at Gideon's comment. "Wand-waving, is it?" She laughed, "Yeah... I mean, I only met her that once, so I wouldn't know." She smiled, "Uh, yeah. I have an older brother. He's a lot older though. He graduated from here a few years ago. He's cool, I guess." She laughed. It'd been a while since he was brought up in the subject of a conversation. She didn't think of him too often, even though she missed him. "I used to play Quidditch with him," she laughed. "He would beat me almost everytime."
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 5:46 am

"Pretty much," Lily laughs as well, because when you boil it down, that's what Transfiguration and Charms have in common. Lily personally prefers Charms, though. "What, he never let you win? Never at all? Though I guess I can understand that - I never let my siblings win either," she says, flipping her hair. That really is quite enjoyable, not that she will ever admit as much to Gideon. Petunia had been the same, though with anything sporty Lily generally excelled more than her sister anyway.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 5:50 am

Cho rolled her eyes a little bit, "yeah, no. Never." She smiled, "What is it, something about your pride as a man, then?" She laughed. Gideon kept flipping his hair, and it was rather comical. Cho was struggling not to laugh even more. "What about you? Anyone else besides Molly then?" She asked, curious about the 'infamous' Prewett's.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 6:00 am

Lily's first instinct is to respond with a resounding 'YES', because she's certain it's a masculinity thing most of the time. Instead she laughs and shrugs easily. "No," she lies. "But think of it this way - how would our little siblings ever get better at anything if we made it too easy for them? And yeah, I'm the oldest, but I also have a twin brother a few minutes younger -Fabian. Then there's Mol, and Alice is the youngest. She's in fifth." Not for the first time, Lily feels sorry for Mrs Prewett - four babies in three years. She doesn't know how anyone would cope with that.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 6:14 am

Cho laughed. "Yeah, now that I think of it, playing Quidditch against him helped me get really good." She said, thinking of how often he used to correct her form. Cho raised a single eyebrow to Gideon's list of siblings. "So that's what? Four kids in three years? How does your mother do that?" She asked, a bit daunted. She wanted kids sure, but not FOUR.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 6:26 am

Lily pulls the face she imagines Gideon would when thinking about his mother and childbirth and the like. "Don't want to think about it, really," she admits. Then she shrugs and draws on the tidbits of information she's gathered about Gideon's childhood. "Well growing up our parents both worked a lot -still do, you know- so the four of us kind of just look out for each other. Really, it's been that way for as long as I can remember." Four kids can get a bit expensive after all, and the Prewetts do seem to have expensive tastes.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 6:38 am

Cho blushed as she realized that she could have phrased the question in a better way. She left it as was though, not wanting to scar Gideon more. "That's cute." She smiled, "I mean, I remember my dad and brother getting into some pretty heated fights over things, but for the most part, I think both my parents worked a lot as well. I guess it's just how it happens." She shrugged a little bit.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 6:47 am

Lily struggles for a moment, trying to come up with the appropriate levels of distaste Gideon would have at being associated with the word 'cute', because Lily herself actually thinks the way Gideon looks after his siblings is completely beautiful. "I am not cute," she insists, face screwing up over the word. "Handsome, attractive, sexy, yes, those words work. But not cute. I guess you just do what you have to to take care of your family. We never really fight, though, we almost always get along."
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 7:05 am

Cho laughs a little at Gideon's reaction. "Okay, okay!" She surrenders, holding up her hands, "so you're not cute. If you're not cute, then I would definitely say that you're..." she paused for a moment, finding the right word, "you're... fine, you're handsome." She said, "for lack of a better word." She rolled her eyes. "Though, not quite my type." She laughed.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 7:21 am

And now Lily is offended on Gideon's behalf, somehow. "I am everyone's type," she says with great dignity. Then she grins, because what else can she do? "It's alright, I understand - not everybody can have perfect taste after all," she jokes, looking out over the water and smiling a little to see one tentacle wave lazily in the air.
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 7:31 am

Cho laughs at the amount of feeling that seemed to be behind Gideon's "type" comment. "Oh, perfect taste?" She asked, grinning widely, "I don't know, I don't see what taste is there." She joked. "Ah! There's the giant squid!" She exclaimed, happy that she got to see it today. Some days you could, and some days you couldn't. It all depended upon the squid's mood.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 7:44 am

"I know you don't," Lily jokes, heaving a great sigh as if she's very sorry for Cho that she will not ever know the joy of having perfect taste in men. Lily laughs as the Giant Squid waves its huge tentacle in the air, as if saying hello to them. She's always had a bit of a soft spot for the Squid. "See," she says, as if this proves all. "The Squid likes me."
Gideon Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang May 29th 2011, 7:53 am

"Of course, you're biased." Cho grins, seeing the squid wave at them. "How do you know that the Squid wasn't waving at me? How do you know that it doesn't like me?" She asked, laughing. "After all, I clearly have better taste than you," she said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was a given.
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 6 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Gideon Prewett May 29th 2011, 8:32 am

"Delusional," Lily announces. "Completely barking. I'll be generous though - the Squid was waving at both of us," she says with a chuckle, really relishing the chance to say wildly cocky things and have it seem so natural. "But mainly me. My reputation by far precedes me, you know."
Gideon Prewett
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