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Dock by the Lake

Krasimir Svetkova
Reed Dawson
Trey Davis
Parvati Patil
Jenna Wood
Molly Prewett
Cho Chang
Daphne Greengrass
Jesse St. James
Marlene McKinnon
Ted Tonks
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 3rd 2011, 7:20 am

"Anytime," Marlene smirks. "No, not really," she says - she doesn't usually offer people smokes because they usually all get that holier-than-thou wrinkle in their noses when they see her with a cigarette in hand. Whatever. Not like she does it inside or forces them to stick around for it or anything. "Whatever, Transfiguration's alright. Good for some stuff, just not as useful as Defence is all."
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang April 3rd 2011, 7:31 am

"Transfiguration IS useful, it just has to be... applied in the right way. And, yeah, defence is useful, it's just not my thing." She smiled, taking another drag, coughing a little less this time. It was good to find some differing views. She didn't know why, but she like Marlene. What was she... a breath of fresh air? This wasn't the type of thing where there needed to be talk all the time. She was just as content to stare out at the water. Ducky doesn't know what the hell she's typing because for some reason shes relaly tired. Yeah I don't know either.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 3rd 2011, 7:35 am

Mya thinks Ducky should get a good night's sleep and continue in the morning <3
"Didn't say it wasn't useful," Marlene shrugs, "I just think Defence is more useful, especially in the times we live in. Transfiguration, Charms, all of that stuff feeds into it, but you gotta have a solid base in Defence if you wanna still be standing at the end of the day."
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang April 3rd 2011, 7:41 am

Ducky doesn't want to sleep now. No, no. <3
Cho shrugged along with Marlene. "True, there does have to be a base, I just happen to like Transfiguration better. Plus," she grinned, "it's always fun to see McGonagall get angry and sharp with someone. Especially when they walk into her class late. That's the best!" She laughed a little bit, remembering that time when someone had walked into class and she threatened to turn him into a turtle so he could match his actual speed. That had been a good day.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 3rd 2011, 7:50 am

*stern Mama Bear look* <3
"That's always good value. She really knows her stuff, too," Marlene concedes. "Defence at Hogwarts is a bit hopeless without having a steady teacher every year - I hear the job is cursed you know. Mostly I do my own research. You get more out of it that way, especially when there's no follow-through from one year to the next. There's stacks I'd be unprepared for if I hadn't done my own work!"
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang April 3rd 2011, 7:56 am

Scary Mama Bear.
"Yeah, there has been a bit of an uproar about that. I don't think I've ever had a Defence teacher for more than a year." She voiced. "I always do my own work thgouh. There's so much that you don't learn in a classroom environment that you can just learn from a book. Well... with the exception of Lockhart. His books were well... not books." She shivered a little bit and then laughed.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 3rd 2011, 8:09 am

Marlene bursts out laughing, the slightly abrasive sounds echoing out into the darkness almost harshly. "Lockhart? Those weren't books, those were '101 Gratuitous Pictures of Gilderoy', with a little bit of what I stole from other people's heroics thrown in! Merlin, I never thought I'd see the day when I didn't think a book was worth the paper it was printed on until he came along."
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang April 3rd 2011, 8:16 am

Cho laughed right along with Marlene when she told her what she thought of Lockhart's books. "I know, right?" She exclaimed "They were just... little bits of words thrust together. it was him narrating other people's lives! Oh, I never thought someone could be so full of himself!" She laughed. "How did he function? I sitll don't even know." She shook her head, and took another drag. She was really starting to get the hang of this cigarette thing.
(Ducky is now going to bed. Because her friend is. Yep, yep. Night~!)
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 3rd 2011, 11:20 am

"He was hopeless. Got by on being a middle-aged house-witch's wet dream, I reckon," Marlene says, vanishing the butt of her cigarette and lighting a third. "Guess it hasn't done him much good in the long run, but that's life. Changes on you just like that," she murmurs, snapping her fingers on the 'that' and falling into contemplative silence.

[Sleep well, love! <3]
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Cho Chang April 4th 2011, 12:40 am

"I think it was more than just the average middle-aged witch. The whole school was up in a tizzy about it. It was really funny." Marlene lit another cigarette as Cho finished her first. She didn't think she wanted anymore. Marlene began to talk about change. Cho equated that to her and Rolf. One minute they were friendly acquaintances and the next... She shook her head a little bit. "Change has a funny way of sneaking up on you. It comes along when you least expect it." She said.
Cho Chang
Cho Chang
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Marlene McKinnon April 4th 2011, 1:37 am

"Sad, more like it," Marlene snorts. "That it does," she agrees, thinking of how quickly her life had changed when she'd only survived a Death Eater attack on her Aunt's home because nobody knew she was visiting. "Sounds like you know from experience," she comments, that little shake of the head prompting her to wonder what exactly Cho had been through to make her think that way.
Marlene McKinnon
Marlene McKinnon
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 3:49 am

Molly is sitting here, knitting because she hasn't really done that in a while. Her shoes are on the dock beside her and her legs hang over the edge, swinging lazily back and forth.
*cue Ted*
Molly Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 22nd 2011, 3:58 am

Ted wandered down and sat down next to her, "Hey Mols, how're you doing on this lovely day?" He grinned and pulled off his sweater and flopped back on the wooden dock.
Ted Tonks
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 4:01 am

Molly greams, looking over at Ted through her dark sunglasses as he flops back onto the dock. "Hey Ted. I'm, like, kind of awesome right now. How 'bout you?" she chirps brightly.
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 22nd 2011, 4:59 am

Ted pulled down his sunglasses and blinked at her, "I'm good. But what's so awesome about your life? Have I missed something?"
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 5:05 am

Molly tilts her head down so that she can look over the top of her own sunglasses at Ted without taking her hands off her knitting needles, which continue to click and fly together with apparently no attention from her. "Yuh-huh. Guess who is, like, totally rebounding and all now? I've got a date," she says, with no small measure of smugness in her voice. It is a pretty big ego boost to be asked out, really.
Molly Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 22nd 2011, 5:21 am

Ted grinned at her and sat up, hugging her around the shoulders. "Really? That's awesome mols! Congrats, so who's the unfortunate bugger?" He wondered if Arthur knew already, he knew about his friend's crush on her and had hoped that they would have a chance.
Ted Tonks
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 5:25 am

"Hey," Molly says, but she's laughing. And because she can't slap him upside the head with his arm around her shoulders blocking the move, she settles instead for smacking his thigh. "It's, um, Arthur Weasley," she says, and smiles as she remembers how he'd been when he admitted he liked her.
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 22nd 2011, 5:43 am

Ted almost fell off the dock in shock, he only had Molly under his arm to thank for his currently dry state. "He- you- what? He asked you out? Arthur Weasley? And you didn't have to ask him out?"
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 5:50 am

Molly blinks. "Did everybody know about this but me? Merlin, that's a bit... I don't know. If Prewetts, like, did 'awkward' I might say it's awkward." She giggles lightly. "No, I totally didn't ask him out, I just, like, helped a little. He said he'd run into a guy and was all freaked out because he had a crush on this guy's little sister and then all of a sudden I was like 'ohmyGod that sounds like Gideon' and yeah... And then he said he liked me which was totally the sweetest thing ever so I kinda just pointed out that mostly how I know people like me is if they ask me out," she recaps happily.
Molly Prewett
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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 22nd 2011, 3:26 pm

Ted blinked at her then laughed, "Oh Molly, I don't know how you missed it. Honestly, and everything makes much more sense now that I know you told him to ask you out." Ted blinked and absorbed a little more of what she's said, "Wait... Arthur met Gideon? And he's still alive? Damn I should give that ginger more credit..."
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 22nd 2011, 3:32 pm

Molly shrugs. "Hey, I, like, don't always notice stuff unless you tell me!" she protests. Then she nods, a hint of pride shining in her eyes because clearly Arthur must like her a whole bunch if he braved Gideon for her. "You, like, totally should. I mean, it's one thing to deal with Fabian or Ali, but Gideon is just, like, supreme ruler of all scary older brothers and stuff!"
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 24th 2011, 2:30 am

Ted laughed, "You are oblivious sometimes. Well now I'll have to find your date and ask him what he's doing with you. And don't worry he won't get an overprotective speech from me, actually I should give you one. Well more like a 'be careful' warning, he's very very nervous so don't make any fast moves or have bright lights."
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Molly Prewett April 24th 2011, 2:37 am

Molly bursts into vibrant giggles. "So you're saying I should, like, avoid wearing shiny things just to be safe?" Then she stops giggling, though the smile remains spread across her face. "Look, Ted - Arthur is, like, a really nice guy. I don't want to do anything that would totally upset him or freak him out or whatever, so don't worry about it. Anyway, what's new with you? You get your girl yet?"
Molly Prewett
Molly Prewett

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Dock by the Lake - Page 3 Empty Re: Dock by the Lake

Post  Ted Tonks April 24th 2011, 5:05 am

"Definitely leave anything shiny at home." He smiled at her but his smile dimmed a little when she asked about Andi, "Not quite yet. I mean she's broken up with her boyfriend now I think but I'm giving her a little time."
Ted Tonks
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