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Under the Trees

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 7th 2011, 7:48 pm

James was relieved that she liked it. He had taken quite a bit of time with picking it out and when he spotted the one that was now on her hand, he had known it was the right one. There was just something that he really liked about it when he had seen it in Hogsmeade. "Oh, don't think about that," he told her instantly, leaning to press a soft kiss to her lips. "Honestly, the fact that you like it makes me happy and is enough of a gift to me. Just seeing you smile makes me happy," he told her.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 8th 2011, 1:47 am

Parvati smiled as he kissed her and couldn't help but to keep looking down at her left hand and staring at the ring. She still couldn't believe it was there and what it meant and that James had just given her. She looked up at him and smiled as he said her smiling made him happy. "Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow slightly, wondering how just her smile could possibly make anyone happy. "Well, I'll have to start smiling more when I am around you then. If that is even possible considering how much you make me smile." She said and once again, couldn't help but smile at him.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 12:04 am

"Well, I see nothing wrong with that," he grinned. He was more than relieved that the gift had gone over well. He had given it very careful thought when deciding what to get her and he wanted something to symbolize that he was willing to be by her side the rest of their lives. Just, not in the sense of "marriage" quite yet. After all, they were awfully young and still in school. They had plenty of time before that came along. James sort of wants to see Ted's reaction to the ring, for he's sure that Parv will manage to freak him out pretty damn well with it. "I've got some chocolate in here," he said, shifting through the basket and then extracting a plate of nice chocolates. "Would you like some?" he asked, holding it out for her.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 12:57 am

Parvati is actually very excited to freak Ted out with the ring. She has actually considered not saying anything about it and seeing if he notices that there is a ring on her ring finger on her left hand. She kind of wants to freak him out as much as she can with it because she is an evil girl like that. Parvati's eyes lit up slightly when he saw he had some chocolates, because she was a fan of chocolates most of the time. She nodded as he asked if she wanted some. "What kind of question is that?" She asked with a small grin before looking down at the plate, trying to decide which one looked best. After a few moments of studying the chocolates she picked one and popped it in her mouth.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 1:16 am

Ah, well...there are definitely many ways to freak Ted out. Dom kind of suggests that she doesn't tell Ted and wait until he notices. Then when he does, Parv start to tear up and say that they didn't want to bring a baby into the world with the parents unwed. Poor Ted would freak out and it would be amazing. Then James would fear for his life though. Hmm. James watched her as she carefully analyzed which chocolate to take. "You know, there are only two different kinds and you can definitely have both," he told her with a amused expression.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 1:28 am

Parv loves Dom for giving her that idea because she is really excited now for Ted to see and she is totally going to do it and freak Ted out to the max. Don't worry though, by the end of the conversation Parvati will make sure to clue Ted in to the fact that she is not really pregnant. She doesn't want him to go after James after all, that would be horribly upsetting. She laughed lightly as he said that there were only two kinds. "Well, there may be two kinds but even if they are the same kind no two are identical." She said nodding. "Like people, there are twins but no two people are identical. They are all different, even if it's just a little different." She said and smiled at him. "I wonder if you would be able to tell the difference between me and Padma.." She said, eying him curiously. She would definitely have to test out if he could tell the difference between her and Padma sometime in the future.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 2:27 am

James supposed that that was true, though he didn't see why it really mattered the size and shape of the chocolate. He just takes one without much thought and plops it into his mouth. What matters to him is that it tastes good and most chocolates do. "I guess I sort of see your reasoning," he said with a small shrug. He froze slightly, hoping that she wasn't going to pull some sort of trick on him. "I'm sure I'd be able to," he commented. "After all, all I'd have to do is get you to smile. You tend to that quite easily," he said with a small grin.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 2:42 am

Parvati nodded as he said he could see her reasoning. It was a rather logical reason after all. She of course, smiled when he said that she smiled easily and shook her head lightly. She bit her lip to keep herself from smiling and kept her poker face. "Nope, I bet that if I really tried, I could control myself." She said nodding, still not smiling. "I bet I could be around you and not smile if I wanted to. I could do it." She said with a slight shrug.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 2:53 am

James looked at her for a moment before letting out a laugh. That's ridiculous," he said, shaking his head slightly. "There's no way you could keep a straight face," he said. "Even the littlest things that I say manage to get you to smile. Chances are I'd have you caving in no time," he grinned at her. Not that it was a bad thing at all, it made him happy that he had that effect on her.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 2:56 am

Parvati shook her head. "Nope, I think I could do it." She said with a small nod. "I could do it easily." She said and shrugged. "It would be easy peasy lemon squeezey." She said confidently. "I don't cave that easily." She said, still not smiling once because she thinks she could really go quite some time around James without smiling. Silly silly girl is too full of herself sometimes. She just doesn't realize that she can't do everything.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 3:08 am

"Oh really," James said. "Well, I think that you've just challenged me to make you smile then." He placed the plate of chocolates down and then shifted slightly on the blanket so that he was sitting in front of Parvati. Taking both of her hands in his, he rubbed his thumbs in slow lazy circles while looking in her eyes. "I love you Parvati. I think about the two of us all the time. I think about having a house with you. One that is cozy, warm, and welcoming. One that'll have enough room in it when our own family would grow. First we'd get a dog. A big dog though. Not one of those little yappy ones because I think it'd be fun to have a bigger one to play with. Plus, I like the idea of a protective dog. It'd be a sweet dog though, one that would have to get along with kids because I want them one day. I'd love for you to be the mum of my kids."
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 3:18 am

Parvati's eyes widened slightly when he said that she challenged him to make her smile, she hadn't really planned for that to happen but when she thought about it she kind of did. She looked at him when he sat in front of her, keeping her poker face as she stared at him. She almost cracked at his first words, just hearing him say I love you made her want to smile but she controlled herself and took a deep breath and nodded before listening to the rest of his words, biting her lip slightly to try and keep herself from grinning like a complete and total loon. "I do love big dogs." She breathed out quietly when he said they would get a big dog and she found herself really liking the idea of playing in a yard with James, their dog, and their kids. Her kids with James. It was when he said he wanted her to be the mum of his kids when she broke and smiled widely at him, loving the idea of having James' kids one day. When she realized she smiled she looked down at the ground. "Damn it." She grumbled under her breath, realizing that she did cave quite easily when it came to James.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 3:49 am

James couldn't help but grin triumphantly. "I had a feeling that would get you to smile," he said, lifting her face and then kissing her lightly. He shifted so that he was sitting down comfortably next to her again, then grabbed the plate of chocolate and held them out for her to take one. "I wasn't just saying those things to make you smile," he decided to clarify so that she knew what he really wanted. "I really do want all those things with you."
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 3:58 am

Parvati grinned widely at him after he kissed her and took another chocolate, this time taking the one she hadn't taken the time before and popping it in her mouth, smiling at the taste because Parvati was a pretty big fan of chocolate most of the time. When he said that he really wanted all of those things with her she couldn't help but to grin even wider before leaning over towards him and kissing him. "I love you, James." She said with a small smile. "And I want all those things with you too. Except, I don't want you to be the mum of my children. I want to be the mum of your children." She decided to add, making sure he was clear that she would like to be the one having the kids here.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 4:54 am

James couldn't help but laugh when she felt like clarifying that she was going to be the mum of his children. "Got it," he grinned. He placed the plate away in the basket, straightening up the mess that was on the blanket. "So did you have a great birthday then?" James asked, taking her hands in his so that the two of them stood up. Cuz, it's kind of a long time after her birthday so this scene should wrap up.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Parvati Patil April 13th 2011, 5:00 am

Parvati smiled widely at him and stood up with him. "I did." She said nodding before wrapping her arms around him, hugging him for a moment before pulling away and looking down at the ring on her finger. "Amazing, actually." She said before looking back up at him and smiling. Nev agrees that this should be wrapped up so then one day, when you aren't in 584930859308493 scenes we can start James' birthday.
Parvati Patil
Parvati Patil

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  James Sirius Potter April 13th 2011, 5:20 am

James was relieved that she had a great birthday and that she liked her gift. He felt much more relaxed now and realized he had no reason to worry after all. "I'm glad," he smiled, hugging her back and then placing a gentle kiss on he lips. "I love you," he told her again before separating their bodies so he could fold up the blanket and grab the basket. He then took her hand in his and walked the two of them up to the castle.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Arthur Weasley April 29th 2011, 10:15 pm

Arthur was sitting under the trees, a Potions textbook in his hand. He has been trying to read the book for days now, but somehow has always been interrupted in the process. Not that all the interruptions were bad, mind you. Human essence could be quite interesting...if you were a Potions nerd and not a teenage boy who'd rather break apart clocks and put them together. Honestly, it required too much patience for his overexcited brain.
Arthur Weasley
Arthur Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ted Tonks April 29th 2011, 10:20 pm

Ted was on a jog when he saw Arthur sitting under the tree. Switching directions he jogged over and sat down next to his friend. "Hey you, So I hear something exciting happened."
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Arthur Weasley April 29th 2011, 10:23 pm

"I asked Molly out on a date and she said yes!!! And I told her I liked her!! And we ate potato bake! And we have a date for Saturday!" Arthur said excited, throwing the potions book to the ground and hugging Ted excitedly, pulling him around in a circle. "She said yes!"
Arthur Weasley
Arthur Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ted Tonks April 29th 2011, 10:42 pm

Ted was pulled back to his feet and spun around, he laughed at the ecstatic grin on Arthur's face. "I heard! She told me about that, congrats mate!" He pulled Arthur into a proper hug then pushed his shoulder down and made him sit down. "So what are you doing on saturday?"
Ted Tonks
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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Arthur Weasley April 29th 2011, 10:45 pm

"Well...I want to do a picnic lunch. I'm going to sneak into Hogsmeade, grab food from the Three Broomsticks and set up a little picnic for Molly and me," Arthur says excitedly. "And they'll be flowers and other stuff." Arthur looked at Ted anxiously. "Is that a good idea? Do you think that she'll like it?"
Arthur Weasley
Arthur Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ted Tonks April 29th 2011, 10:49 pm

Ted smiled and leaned back against the tree thinking for a moment, "Well if you want I can go down before you and set it up so that you can take her down and have it all ready. If you want me to that is." He shrugged, not really caring either way but knowing that if he set it up then everything would actually make it down to the picnic rather than if Arthur did it which would lead to important things like glasses and plates being forgotten.
Ted Tonks
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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Arthur Weasley April 29th 2011, 10:52 pm

"Thank you!" Arthur said excitedly, hugging Ted enthusiastically. "And the great thing is that appears Gideon Prewett isn't going to murder me quite yet." Arthur knew that Gideon would probably want to strangle him now, but he didn't think about those sorts of things. Death seemed trivial when you were going on a date with your future wife.
Arthur Weasley
Arthur Weasley

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Under the Trees - Page 29 Empty Re: Under the Trees

Post  Ted Tonks April 29th 2011, 10:53 pm

Ted raised an eyebrow, "You're on Gideon's death list? Does he even know about you and Molly?" Not that Arthur and Molly were exactly an item yet, one date does not a couple make.
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks

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