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The Courtyard

Albus Severus Potter
Marco Montague
Trey Davis
Daphne Greengrass
Reed Dawson
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Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 5:40 am

Dee giggles. "Alright. Whatever you say." Dee nods, a proud mama bear Molly-esque expression crossing her face. "I'm very proud of this decision, you've made, Dean Thomas. You will enjoy skipping, I know it."
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 5:46 am

Dean was a little taken aback by the look she gave him that reminded him of a look his mother often gave him and Remus. "Uhh, do I need to write a paper on this now? You know, describing every moment of the skipping. How it made me feel and all that."
Dean Thomas
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 5:50 am

Reed is here sitting on a bench. He's humming to himself and has a spare bit of parchment on his knee, he's just doodling idly and enjoying the warmer weather. *cue Tracey*
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 5:56 am

Tracey is skipping about and heading no where when she spots a familiar figure with curly hair. "Dolphin number one! How goes it?" She sits down on the bench next to him and crosses one leg over the other, lightly tapping her foot.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 5:59 am

Reed smiles brightly at his new nickname. "Tracey! Hi! It goes good. How are you?" He set aside his doodle of a flower and smiled at the blonde.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 6:11 am

"Oh I am alright." She grinned and looked over at the doodle of a flower Reed had made. "That's pretty. What kind of flower is it? Flowers...make me sneeze. Sometimes I spray them with this muggle Fabreez stuff to try and take the smell out of them...and then I spray my cat with it too when he doesn't want a bath and is smelly."
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 6:17 am

Reed laughed. "It's a daisy! And don't worry, this one won't make you sneeze at all!" He smiled again and handed her the little doodle, if she wanted to keep it. "Oh hey! I got a letter from Trey! And I've wrote him back a couple times. He said he's going to be coming here next year! I'm so excited!" He was, and he bounced a little in his seat.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 6:33 am

"Oh! Thanks! I'll see about planting it in the empty planter I have in my dorm." Tracey nodded, holding the picture carefully as if she was afraid to drop it. "Maybe it'll grow if I take good care of it." Her face lit up at the mention of her brother. "I heard! He wrote me too and let me know. I'm so glad he'll have a great friend like you when he comes here. I forgot to show you before..." she reached right under the collar of her shirt and pulled a delicate chain out which had a tiny locket charm on it, opening it she leaned forward and showed the two pictures that were inside the locket to Reed. "Trey gave this to me for Christmas. Obviously that's me on the one side and on the other side that's Trey. Isn't he adorable? I told him he'd super popular with the girls when he came here next school year." She giggled.

And here's a lovely picture... <3
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There's a picture of the locket in the Davis' house thread.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 6:39 am

Reed didn't want to crush Tracey by telling her that the flower wouldn't grow. Instead he looked at the locket and smiled. Trey was cute, but he certainly had nothing on his super hot boyfriend. "Yeah! He is adorable. The girls are going to love him here. I already promised to give him a tour too. That necklace is gorgeous too." He nodded.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 6:45 am

Tracey is glad Reed didn't crush her hopes that the flower would grow. She grinned happily and couldn't help giving Reed a hug. "Oh you're just the best dolphin ever! Trey will love it here." She flailed happily then her face lit up as she had an idea. "I know! What if I get him to come visit during a weekend in the near future? That way you two can meet. Dolphin number two can come too!" She tapped a finger on her lips, thinking for a moment. "Though...if he comes too then I better get to see some sweet boy kisses." She blinked, sounding entirely serious.
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 6:49 am

Reed couldn't help but feel a little smug that he was dolphin number one. "That would be awesome if he came! I'm sure Kras would love to come too! I told him all about Trey, he's excited that I'll have a friend once he's gone, at least I think he's excited." Then her last words caught up to him. "Wait..What was that last bit? You-You want to see..me and Kras?" His face was instantly bright red.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 6:58 am

"Totally." Tracey blinks. "I mean, it would be, like, so much more awesome if I could join in, but since I'm not sure how you feel about girl kisses I can't suggest it. I know Kras still likes girls too though so I guess he wouldn't mind some girl kisses if he wasn't dating you...but yeah, you two should totally get some boy kisses on so I can watch." She nods as if this makes total sense. "Did you talk to your dolphin yet about my offer to you?" What? Tracey didn't have a boyfriend and no one else to kiss. She'd take every chance she got. And if she got to help Reed out in the bargain than it was a win win situation, right?
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 7:03 am

Reed stared. "Wait, how do you know Kras still likes girls? And, um, no I never got the chance to talk to Kras about that." Because he forgot. Oops. "And, um, well I don't know. See, I'm not like a big fan of PDA. But if...well if Kras wants to then I guess it will be okay." He was still bright red and couldn't get over the fact that Tracey said Kras still liked girls too. That was making him feel a little self conscious.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 7:17 am

"He sort of briefly mentioned it the time we went to Hogsmeade to find the owl mail place. Said it was, like, ages ago, a bit before you two started dating. He wouldn't tell me the girl's name he kissed, but I'm assuming he found it enjoyable." Tracey nodded, giggling at how red Reed's face was. "And you should totally talk to him about that because I still wouldn't mind a little kiss from someone as adorable as you." She winked, grinning.
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 7:22 am

She was definitely not helping his blushing situation as he continued to blush. "Um. Yeah. I'll talk to him about..that." And also ask him if he still likes girls because that was honestly bothering him right now. He knew he really shouldn't take anything Tracey says too seriously, but he couldn't help it. And now he had to change the subject before his face exploded. "So...um. Have you, um.." He looked around trying to find something to talk about. That usually wasn't a problem for him, but he was a little flustered at the moment. "Have you ever gone pretty rock hunting around here before?" What the hell was that?
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 7:25 am

"Good." Tracey grinned, still amused by how much Reed was blushing. Her eyes widened at Reed's question. "Woah, woah woah woah, what are pretty rocks? Are they, like, some new type of animal? How do you hunt them? I once went on a hunt for pretty shoes. They were very elusive though so it took ages for me to find them."
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 7:30 am

Reed sighed in relief when his dumb subject change worked. "Well, they aren't animals. They are rocks, but they are prettier than normal rocks. Like, they have swirly designs or some sort of pattern on them. Maybe a different color than normal rocks. And hey, if you ever want pretty shoes, just ask me, I can get them for you no problem." He smiled widely, liking that he found another girl that was a fan of shoes.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 7:42 am

"Woah...so, they're like, special rocks that decided to get dressed up. Are they going to a party? I dress up super fancy when I go to parties...which isn't very often, sadly." Tracey sighed. "Here, I'll show you a brief sketch of the shoes I saw the other weekend while flipping through a magazine or whatever those things are called." She turned the paper over that had Reed's flower doodle on it, and then took whatever writing utensil Reed had been doodling with earlier and sketched a simple picture of a pair of shoes, adding in some detail too. She wasn't the best artist but surprisingly she was actually pretty good. Not that she even knew that considering she had never drawn much of anything before and figured she just naturally sucked at it like her brother did. "They're kind of green...and clear...yeah." Then she looked at the paper and mumbled quietly before handing it over to Reed. "Huh...wonder if the shoes will grown along with the flower now that they're on the same paper..."

These are what the shoes are supposed to look like...and now Tracey wants me to have fun looking shoes up online. *headdesk*
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 7:47 am

Reed laughed. "No, they don't dress up. They are just...um, born that way. Yeah, like how some people have darker skin than others." Then he watched as she sketched a shoe. He studied it and went into his brain vault to try and think of anything that matched. "I can find those for you. It will be easy since that is such a good drawing!" He smiled and wondered if he should tell her that shoes don't grow on trees. He decided not to, not wanting to make her sad at all.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 8:03 am

"Huh...wish I was born that way...all already pretty and such. Would save a lot of time getting dressed in the morning if I was already dressed and pretty and ready to go." She nods. "Oh, you don't have to worry about getting me a pair. I'll have my own in a few weeks after these grow...how long do you think it'd take for a shoe plant to grow? I know some flowers take a few weeks and all."

[OMG OMG OMG hahahaha What if...what if Reed got her the shoes and when he gave them to her he put them on top of some fake dirt or something in a flower pot? XD Bwahahahaha! That'd be hilarious.]
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 8:07 am


Reed sighed. "Well first of all, you are pretty. And second, I hate to break it to you, but shoes don't grow on trees honey. They are made in factories and stuff. I wish we could plant shoe seeds and grow a magical shoe tree, but it doesn't really work that way." He frowned, hoping he didn't crush her too much.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 8:16 am


"Aw, thank you." Tracey giggled, patting Reed's shoulder affectionately. Her grin entirely faded though when Reed mentioned that shoe plants weren't real. "You're lying. I saw a show plant before. They're entirely real." She sniffed, her eyes getting all watery. "I'll even get a picture of the one we had to prove it to you." She did have a picture of a flower pot at home that had, being devoid of plant life and only contained dirt, been sat in the corner...but unbeknown by Tracey, someone had just thrown a pair of her mom's shoes on top of it by accident when they were just throwing the shoes off to the side. Tracey had never seen the shoes before and, therefore, had assumed they must have grown from a shoe plant and took a picture of it to keep it forever...meanwhile 'picking' the shoes from the plant - easily removable, unlike the tomato plants she had tried removing before, those were tough - and gave them to her mom, pleased with herself.
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 8:22 am

[Awwwww, he feels terriblleeeee *hugs Tracey*]

Reed felt terrible he had to break the news to her. He put an arm around her shoulders and rubbed soothing little circles. "Hey, it's okay. I'd love to see that picture. I have some candy in my bag. Would you like a piece? That always makes me feel a little better." He was a little amused that someone could be that oblivious, but it was a part of who Tracey was and he thought it was adorable most of the time.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 8:26 am

[I am just...*shakes head* I love Tracey so much. hahahaha XD]

Tracey sniffed again and leaned against Reed, feeling a bit better when he told her he'd like to see her picture and was rubbing her back gently. "Alright. I'll have Trey bring the picture when he comes to visit." Her eyes light up when he mentions candy. "I don't eat a lot of candy, but then again chocolate is amazing... I eat it whenever I need a pick me up." She nods.
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The Courtyard - Page 5 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 8:31 am

[I love her too.]

Reed smiles then bends over to his bag. He pulls out a handful of different candies. "Take your pick and take as many as you'd like. I got some chocolate and some fruity things and, oh don't eat those beans... Don't know how those got in there." He picked them out with his other hand and put them back in his bag. "I just went to Hogsmeade and went a little overboard with getting candy."
Reed Dawson
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