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The Courtyard

Albus Severus Potter
Marco Montague
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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 18th 2011, 2:36 am

[Hahahahahahahhaha. Well get ready for 15 more names for Marco to ramble through >.> Ilovemytwintoololololol]

Marco laughed, nodding. "Yes, it is pretty big, though in Italy a family as large as this isn't too rare. However, I think we are one of the ever larger sort. I have still got about fifteen more cousins to draw on here!" He laughed, picking up his pen again and drawing lines out from his aunts and uncles to add in their children. "Liona and Amando have Luciano, Sergio, and Katarina. Kat and Sergio are twins, and they're our age. Lucian is married to Mary, and they have a new baby named Mario. Then Speranza and Lorenzo have Giovanni, Bianca, Carlina, and Natalia. Giovanni is the oldest of all us cousins, and he's married to Audrina, and they've got two kids, Anamaria and Paulo. Bianca is engaged and she will probably be married sometime this summer. And then the last set, Franco and Benita have Gia, Isabella, who is also our age, and Leonardo." He finished writing in all the names, and then held the paper out to look it over, making sure it was all correct, and then handed it to Al. "I promise not to quiz you on it later. I think a spelling test would be enough to baffle most people."
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 18th 2011, 4:42 am

Al delicately took the diagram from Marco, looking it over briefly before smiling up at his new friend and chuckling at his joke. He definitely planned to study it, that he knew for sure. He wasn't positive that he would actually go to Italy with Marco, but he really wanted to. If he did end up going, he would want to at least be polite enough to know most, if not all of Marco's family. "Wow. Thank you. That was...detailed." He laughed as he looked over the paper one last time, before neatly folding it up and sticking it into his pocket for later. "I bet when you guys all get together you end up with some party," he teased, except not really because that actually does sound like an awesome party. Italians have sexy people, awesome food, and the best music. What more would a party need? Al wants to party with the Italians.
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 20th 2011, 6:43 pm

"Quite detailed a maybe a little overwhelming, but I figured it would be better to give you actual names, rather than saying I had three aunts and uncles and a total of cousins somewhere near twenty, twenty-five." He laughed, nodding at his statement about it being a party. "Oh, it is definitely a party. I probably have one of the loudest families you have ever heard, especially when my mother and aunts and grandmother are all in the kitchen at once making dinner. All the rest of us tend to get as far as we can from there. If you get sent out on an errand to pick up ingredients that they have forgotten or ran out of, it is very nearly a blessing to escape the house sometimes! But do not get me wrong, it is a wonderful time, and such fun. And the food," he groaned happily, "oh, the food. To die for!"
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 21st 2011, 9:53 am

Al grinned knowingly as he listened to Marco talk about his family. Growing up with the Potters and the Weasleys, Al knew all about loud families, though the kitchen dynamics were a bit different. When Molly Weasley was in the house, no one entered the kitchen to prepare food unless they wanted to meet her wrath. Not that Al minded of course. He couldn't cook, and he loved his grandma's homemade meals. Al's grin grew with excitement as Marco continued talking. He knew that his questions may have been becoming annoying, but he had been obsessed with the idea of Italy for years now but never told anyone until Marco. He couldn't help himself. "If you had to pick, what would be your favorite Italian meal? The one you couldn't live without?" he asked curiously, with a cheeky grin. He loved his parent's cooking, but as delicious as it was...it wasn't Italian.
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 26th 2011, 4:41 am

Marco was absolutely not annoyed with Al's questioning. He in fact loved talking about his family and home and food and things, so this was quite a welcome conversation. Usually he only talked to girls and usually could only talk to them about classes or silly things, and it was nice to actually have a guy to talk to for a change, and to get to talk about his life back home was even better. "Hmmmmm." He narrowed his eyes, looking off at nothing in particular as he thought it over. "The one that I could absolutely not live without. I would not want to give up any of it at all! But one to be called my favorite, hmmm..." He thought and pondered and considered and weighed the decisions, and eventually he nodded. Then he seemed to change his mind, and thought a little more before deciding once again. "Chicken parmesan served over fresh fettuccine, with zucchini fritte on the side. Oh and some roasted garlic aioli to dip it in. Is that cheating, sort of like three meals or foods in one?" Marco laughed, thinking it probably was. "Ah well, they go so well together and I couldn't imagine going without any of them."

Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 26th 2011, 6:30 am

[Aww. It's fiiiine. And I'll keep that in mind for next time. Razz]

And that's when Al fell in love again. Not with Marco, he was sure Marco was very straight. But with the food Marco had just described. It sounded amazing, like nothing he had ever eaten before. "Woah," was all he could say in response as he let his mind digest (lol) what Marco had just painted a picture of in his mind. "No, it's not cheating at all! That all sounds amazing!" He licked at his lips as he tried to imagine just what it would taste like. "So, I'm guessing you probably know how to cook most of this stuff, huh? I'm useless in the kitchen myself. The most I can make if a bowl of milk and cereal, though let me tell you, it's probably the greatest bowl of cereal you'll ever have in your life."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 26th 2011, 10:55 pm

Marco's stomach was rumbling now just thinking about all that awesome food. He couldn't wait to get home and have his mother make it, because though he could make it himself, it wasn't half as amazing. "Yeah, mama would not let me away from home without knowing how to make most things. Usually cooking seems to be a girl thing around here, but it does seem to get you points with the girls when they find out that you can cook. At least, that has been my experience." He laughed, knowing that didn't really matter for Al, so whatever. "But of course, I can make all that. Mama makes it a hundred times more delicious than I do, but I think that's just a mama thing." He laughed again, that same good-natured rolling sound, and gave Al a serious considering look. "I tell you what. Sometime if you promise to make me that greatest bowl of cereal I'll ever have, I'll make you some good authentic Italian food. A trade. Sound good?"
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 27th 2011, 4:24 am

Al laughed along with Marco, already more in love with the idea of going to Italy than he had ever been before. He understood the whole mama thing. He loved his mom's cooking, and although the food at Hogwarts was amazing he always loved going home to eat a home-cooked meal with his family. "Deal," he agreed, grinning as he offered his hand out to shake Marco's. It's important that people shake on deals, otherwise they don't count. "Though, I'm not sure this is exactly a fair trade. I mean, I'm all for your Italian cooking but I'm not sure if my cereal will exactly live up to all of that," he noted jokingly.
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague June 2nd 2011, 2:27 am

Marco warmly shook Al's hand, nodding as it was made official. "Well, we'll have your cereal for breakfast and follow it up with a big Italian dinner later in the day, that way, even if your spectacular cereal is not all you hoped, we can still have something delicious that day, not to er, ring by own bell or whatever it is you english folk say for statements such as those." Marco laughed, still not quite sure about the slangy phrases they used a lot of times around here. He did hope he got that one right because he did recall saying 'barking up the wrong bush' and 'someone let the cat out of the box' before and getting quite strange looks in response. Apparently something was wrong with those, but he wasn't quite sure just what. They seemed alright.
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter June 2nd 2011, 5:16 am

Al chuckled at Marco's small mistake, though he tried not to seem impolite about it. "It's toot your own horn, actually," he corrected politely. "But honestly, I think your version sounds better." He really meant it too. Toot your own horn was a weird saying for people to use, and ring was a much classier word than toot. "And that sounds excellent! I just hope my cereal can live up to satisfy your Italian taste buds." He grinned, rubbing the palms of his hands together as he became more excited about his plans with Marco. He had never really had many guy friends, and Marco already seemed really awesome to hang out with, especially since they had so much in common with each other. "Anyway, I should probably get going, but I'll definitely be seeing you around soon, Marco. I'm really glad we ran into each other again."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague June 9th 2011, 8:27 pm


Marco laughed, shaking his head in good humor. "I will never quite catch on to all the sayings around here. I do tend to mix them up quite often, but thank you. I must agree, I think ring does seem a bit better than toot." He nodded, grinning at Al's hopes about his cereal. "I am sure it will be fantastic. I will see you soon, Al!" Marco waved goodbye to his new friend before picking up his guitar and playing in the sunshine for a little while longer. Eventually he got up as well and left, heading back down to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons to change into something more suitable for a run or a bit of flying practice since it was so very nice outside.
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 4:42 am

Rose is here, sitting with her legs folded and her sketchbook open on her lap.
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 4:45 am

Milli skips into the courtyard because she has tons and tons of pent up energy and I don't let her out often enough. I actually don't think she's back from Nev's head. Op. Anyways, she is skipping and being merry and notices a pretty Ravenclaw girl sketching away in a notebook. She bounces over and says brightly, "Hi there! Whatcha sketching?"
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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 4:49 am

Rose looks up at the very excited Gryffindor girl and blinks, "The courtyard. I always find it so relaxing here, it's just so pretty. It's not very good yet, I just started it." She smiles and flips her sketchbook around so the girl can see it properly. "I'm just lucky it's such a nice day out, otherwise I'd be stuck inside studying. I'm Rose." She adds with another smile, "I don't think I've seen you around before."
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 4:53 am

Milli appraises the drawing and grins. "It's much better than I could do, that's for sure! I'm a terrible artist, I can't draw to save my life," she replies. "I think I've seen you here and there, once or twice. But we've never spoken," Milli pouts. Sitting down next to Rose, Milli adds, "Rose is pretty name. I like it. I'm Milli." She offers her hand to shake.
Romilda Vane
Romilda Vane

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 4:59 am

Rose shook the Milli's hand, having instant respect for her. For some strange reason she always tended to like people her age that shook hands. "Rose," She said it as a sigh, "Just another typical flower name that fathers love to give. I like Milli. It's unique. I bet no one ever mistakes your name for someone elses, do they?"
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 5:06 am

Milli laughed. "Well that's true, but it's just my nickname actually. My full name is Romilda." She crinkled her nose. She never really liked her full name. It was weird and in her first year some mean older students had laughed at it. Later that night another girl had shortened it to Milli and it had stuck. "Rose is nice. Classy." Shifting slightly, she smiled at the girl. "Tell me a bit about yourself Rose! Other than being an awesome artist!" Milli enjoys making friends and learning about people, you see.
Romilda Vane
Romilda Vane

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 5:16 am

"Romilda. Well, I like it." Rose smiled. "Tell you about me? Where to begin.... I'm in Ravenclaw, obviously." She said with a flick at the blue on her robes, "So I guess you could say I'm smart. I just like to know what I'm talking about in conversations," She gave a little shrug, somewhat defensive about the whole Ravenclaws-are-smart stereotype. "I like drawing and all things pretty. Summer is my favourite season because I love swimming and just being warm." She smiled, "I have a little bit of an obsession with muggle clothes and fashion." She held up her hands to show Milli, each of her fingers were painted a different colour.
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 5:33 am

"Neato!" Milli said, looking at the nail polish. Being a pureblood, she had never seen anything like nail polish before. It was very intriguing. After examining the coloured nails for a second, Milli smiled. "Clothes are awesome, though I'm more up-to-date with Wizard fashion. Maybe you could show me what's hot in the Muggle world sometime!" Milli said excitedly.
Romilda Vane
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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 5:36 am

"I'd love to," Rose said, beaming. "I can do your nails for you sometime, if you'd like. I think I have gold and red, we could do Gryffindor themed. Or your favourite colour?" She turned the sentence into a question, not knowing what Milli's favourite colour was. "Your turn. Tell me about you!"
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 5:42 am

"No, the Gryffindor theme is cool!" Milli exclaimed. "House Pride and all that." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Let's see...I'm a cheerleader, which is awesome. I enjoy shopping and flying, which is so much fun. I'm one of the few people in my house that actually take the time to study, though I take all my books and stuff outside. In fact, I'm only inside when I absolutely have to be. All the other times are spent outdoors."
Romilda Vane
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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 5:47 am

"A cheerleader? You mean for the Quidditch team? Ravenclaw doesn't have anything like that. I like flying too, and I'm actually pretty good at it. My dad was a keeper in his time so he always tries to get me to play chaser for him." Rose smiled, "I'm actually thinking of trying out for the team next year. You never know, right?" She nodded thoughtfully, "I'm outside a lot of the time, too. Most of the year, anyways. In the winter I pretty much hibernate."
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 20th 2011, 8:11 am

"Yeah, the Quidditch team," Milli affirmed, nodding. "My best friend Parvati started it, so it's kinda just a Gryff thing." Mill swung her feet back and forth and stared thoughtfully. "I don't know if my dad ever played. He passed when I was a baby and we don't talk about him too much." After a minute she shrugged and said, "Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great, even if I've never seen you play! And I'm outside even in the winter. The snow is just so pretty I have to be out there to enjoy it."
Romilda Vane
Romilda Vane

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Rose Weasley June 20th 2011, 10:06 pm

"That's terrible, Milli!" Rose replied to hearing about the other girl's father. She couldn't even imagine living without one of her family members, they were all so close. "You and your mom must be really close, huh? I imagine I would be. Do you have any siblings?"
Rose Weasley
Rose Weasley

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The Courtyard - Page 8 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Romilda Vane June 21st 2011, 9:37 am


Milli shrugged and traced patterns on the ground with her toe. She figured she had it easier than the rest of her family because she never really knew him, but sometimes she wondered. "Yeah, I'm close with all my family. My mom and my grandma and my older sister Emma. She graduated about two years ago," she informed Rose. "What about you? Have you got any siblings?"
Romilda Vane
Romilda Vane

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