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The Courtyard

Albus Severus Potter
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 3:25 am

"Hey! I used to have an invisible friend too! His name as Darling." Reed smiled as he thought of his only childhood friend. "Sorry your aunt was sad. Oh. The llama song goes like this." He cleared his throat then started..waddling around for some reason as he sang.

here's a llama
there's a llama
and another little llama
fuzzy llama
funny llama
llama llama

llama llama
llama llama
llama llama

i was once a treehouse
i lived in a cake
but i never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
i was only three years dead
but it told a tale
and now listen, little child
to the safety rail

did you ever see a llama
kiss a llama
on the llama
llama's llama
tastes of llama
llama llama

half a llama
twice the llama
not a llama
llama in a car
alarm a llama

is THIS how it's told now?
is it all so old?
is it made of lemon juice?
now my song is getting thin
i've run out of luck
time for me to retire now
and become a duck

He finished with a laugh and smiled at Tracey. "What did you think?"
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 3:49 am

*loves that song*

Tracey listens to Reed sing, giggling like a loon the entire time. Once he finished she clapped enthusiastically, still giggling. "I loved it!!! Crazy llamas!!! I wonder if my aunt would like that song if I sang it for her?" Then again..probably not. Her aunt didn't like singing very much. She just liked animals and being rich.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 3:52 am

Reed smiled happily. "Well that song is meant to go on forever. So you could keep singing it as much as you'd like until she likes it? Or becomes extremely annoyed. Whichever." He giggled some more. "I wish I could retire and become a duck."
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 4:05 am

"Hmm...I think she'd become annoyed pretty quickly." Tracey giggled. "We can be ducks! Though a dolphin and a duck aren't the same so you'd be a...ducphin? Dolk?" Her eyes widened. "YES. You're a dolk." She lost it, giggling like a loon again.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 4:11 am

Reed burst out laughing as well. "Dolk. I like it. And it works because I'm also kind of a dork and it sounds sort of similar." He nods like that totally made sense.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 4:27 am

"Well, then that's what you'll be from now on." Tracey nods. "A dolk and a dolphin...what an interesting combination." She giggled. "Hm, I think I might head in for dinner soon. I'd like some pudding tonight."
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 4:31 am

Reed smiled. "Sounds good. I'll have to think of a nickname for you." When she brought up dinner was when he realized how late it had gotten. Hopefully Kras wasn't waiting for him in the dorm or something to go get dinner together. "Would you like me to escort you to the Great Hall?"
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 4:39 am

"Oooh! I'd love a nickname too!" Tracey smiled brightly then stood, making sure she tucked the flower doodle into her pocket for safe keeping until she planted it later in the flower pot in her dorm. "I would love to have such an adorable escort. Shall we?" She giggled and held her arm to link it with Reed's.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 4:42 am

Reed shouted and pointed as if he was about to charge. "We shall!" He giggled then headed off in the direction of the Great Hall, chatting happily with Tracey the whole way.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 15th 2011, 9:32 pm

Marco sat out in the courtyard, thrilled that his guitar had finally arrived from back home. He'd missed having it for essentially the entire year, but his mother had finally agreed to send it, and a massive owl had finally dropped it off during this morning's breakfast. Leaning back lazily on a bench in the sunlight, Marco sat with his guitar on his lap, playing an old favorite song his grandfather had taught him when he was young.
It sounded a little something like this:
Marco Montague
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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 15th 2011, 9:44 pm

[He plays guitar....This friendship is going to be so freaking epic. o.o]

Al walked through the courtyard, not wanting to be inside since it was such a nice day out on the grounds. He loved his house pride and all, but their common room really did lack sunlight, which he quite enjoyed. He heard music coming from the other direction, and it sounded so beautiful and awesome that he couldn't just walk away. He turned his head and noticed another Slytherin that was semi-familiar. He was pretty sure he had helped the guy pick out flowers for his girlfriend once upon a time. Marco, was it? The one with the awesome Italian accent? Only one way to find out. He made his way over to the boy with the guitar, and leaned against the wall as he listened to him play. He didn't know many other people in school who were into music like he was, and it was sort of totally awesome to listen to somebody else for a change. He might have been sort of creepy, but it wasn't' like he was hiding from the guy, though he should probably speak up or something. "That's a really pretty song," he complimented with a small smile. It wasn't the most manly thing to say, but Al was one of the shortest guys in school and he wasn't exactly covered in muscles, so it worked.
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 15th 2011, 9:53 pm

[I predict future guitar jam sessions.]

Marco continued playing as the other guy walked up. He glanced at him quickly before returning his gaze to his guitar and then let it wander around the courtyard. He'd seen this guy before, but couldn't quite place it. His name certainly escaped him, but he knew he'd met him before, and it was driving him halfway up the wall. "Thanks," he answered with a pleased smile. "My grandfather taught it to me ages ago. 'Return to Sorrento', he called it." He kept playing, starting the song over again seamlessly. "Forgive me. I know we have met before, but I cannot possibly fathom where or when. Inexcusable, but I hope I do not offend you with my poor memory." Sliding over a bit, he made room on the bench for if the other Slytherin wanted to sit down rather than lean against the wall.
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 15th 2011, 10:07 pm

[kfoegklr Yes!<3 And now Nev really wants to go to the gym so I'll be back soon!<3]

Al smiled gratefully as the boy moved over, and joined him on the bench as he listened to him play. "Al," he reminded him politely, not looking at all offended. "You're Marco, right?" It wasn't too hard to remember the guy's name after he spoke. How many other Italians went to Hogwarts? "I think I helped you pick out flowers for your girlfriend, but I had no idea you played guitar. Music is basically my life, so I'm sort of going to fanboy over you now," he teased, grinning jokingly. "Do you play any other instruments?"
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 15th 2011, 10:29 pm

"You got it." Marco nodded, but then made an expression as if a lightbulb had just clicked on, and he remembered his previous encounter with the fellow Slytherin. "Ahh, of course. The greenhouses. Katie adored them, by the way, so I should thank you. They got me a good snog or two." Laughing, he continued moving his fingers quickly over the strings of his guitar. As soon as he realized that Al said he was into music as well, he stopped playing and turned to him. "You play as well?" Immediately, he was passing his guitar into Al's lap. "Come on, let us hear something."

If Al was scrawnier and his hair was bushier and Marco let his hair grow out... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liiffgEdnc1qipzzbo1_500.jpg
lolol they could be rock stars. I love this bromance. >.>
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 16th 2011, 1:50 am

[OHMYGOODNESS. Yes! This is the greatest bromance ever and it's only just started. <.<]

"Glad to hear it." Al chuckled, glad to know that the flowers had really paid off after all the trouble they had been. His eyes widened slightly as the guitar was suddenly in his lap. He hadn't been expecting that, but he was more than happy to play something for a fellow musician. He loved being with Scorpius, or Parvati, or Stan, but it was really exciting to be with someone as into music as he was. "Alrighty then. Let's see," he mused aloud, running his fingers over the strings as he tried to figure out what to play, before he settled on a fun little song he thought Marco might like.
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 16th 2011, 5:52 am


"Then again, I have not really seen her since, but that is a whole other story for some other time, I think." He smirked, turning a little on the bench to watch as Al thought about what to play. Once he finally started playing, Marco grinned, recognizing the song though I don't know exactly why. Perhaps muggle cartoons were a favorite among he and his many many cousins back home. How else do you entertain about twenty plus kids at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners when the kitchen is full of shouting mothers and aunts and grandmothers, and the other main rooms are full of shouting fathers and uncles and grandfathers, and the kids all have to go somewhere and do something without ending up in trouble? Marco comes from a huge family. So yes, they watched disney to entertain themselves. He laughed appreciatively as Al even changed voices for the different characters. Once he was done, he nodded, quite impressed. "Bellisimo. Another musician then. I had begun to think that perhaps Hogwarts was scarce on the musically inclined. It seems that not many families here in England tend to encourage musical skill in their children. Back home, nearly all of us could play guitar or piano or at least sing a little."
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 16th 2011, 7:00 am


Al loves Disney, only because his Grandpa Arthur Weasley introduced him to movies along with other muggles items. He grinned at Marco's compliment, because for some reason he had really been hoping to get the boy's approval. Al doesn't speak Italian, but he knows enough to understand what Bellisimo is. His eyes lit up and he carefully handed the guitar back to Marco as he listened to the boy speak. "Really? You see, that's exactly why I need to go to Italy. They understand music. No one in my family has any musical capabilities other than me. England is great and all, but I would love to go to Italy one day. Even if it's just for a week...or four." He wasn't sure what Scorpius thought of that, seeing as he had never mentioned it to him, but Scorpius could always go with him. Or Al could just go on his own. Surely, Scorpius would be able to feed and take care of himself for a couple of weeks. "How long did you live in Italy for? I bet it's amazing there."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 16th 2011, 7:25 am

Marco laughed a little, not quite understanding being the only musical one, but getting that you would want to be around others who shared your passion. "Well, you would be welcome to come along with me sometime if you wanted. My family is so large I am positive they would hardly notice an additional mouth to feed and person to squeeze into a bed or couch somewhere." He nodded, completely serious about the offer. It'd be fun to bring a friend along sometime, and it would be a sort of nice escape to have a friend from school there, and not just his dozens of cousins. "I was born there, grew up there, and still live there in the summers actually. Just come up here for school. Mama went here, and she insisted that I get the same education from the same school she attended, rather than the one in Italy." Marco shrugged a little. "They bring me up to catch the train at Kings Cross every fall. As nice as England is, it is always great to be back in Italy. The sun, the food, the people, ah! The whole place it just... I love it."
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 16th 2011, 8:18 am

Al's eyes widened in surprise. Marco had just invited Al to go to Italy with him, but Al wasn't sure if Marco was serious or not. He had grown up in England, and in England people just don't invite people to stay in their homes unless they're Weasleys. Those people will invite anyone in. "Wait, do you really mean that? Because that would be amazing. I'd seriously love that. It's not that I don't love England and all. It's lovely here. It just...rains a lot, and the people are sort of cold in the city, and the music is...Well, it's not Italy, to put it bluntly. I want to go to the beach, and see the sun, and the people. The food too. Definitely need to try the food."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 16th 2011, 8:28 am

"Now, I may be a touch biased, but if you are in it for food, then with my family is a grand place to start." Marco smiled proudly. "But of course, of course. We could bring six of us and my family would hardly bat an eye. That said, it is most likely a case of the more the merrier, and there is always enough food for three times as many people that are sitting at the dinner table. Or should I say tables." Laughing, he readjusted his guitar on his lap. "So if you're serious about checking out Italy, I'm serious about offering a trip if you'd like it. After all, you did help me pick out flowers once."
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 16th 2011, 9:00 am

Al laughed as Marco talked about his family. They honestly sounded wonderful, and although Al barely knew Marco he was already seriously considering going to a foreign country with him. His mind was already swimming with thoughts of homemade Italian food, friendly people, and of course the music. He had never really traveled around before, but he was about to graduate. Wasn't the whole point of graduating about starting your life and trying new things? "Well, I have to say I had no idea that by helping you pick out some daisies that you'd be inviting me to stay with you in the country I've wanted to visit since I was a kid. I mean, I haven't thought about it much recently, but it is something I'd really want to do after school."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 16th 2011, 9:06 am

Marco laughed happily, starting to play guitar again just to keep his hands busy. He hated sitting still for too long. He didn't dare mention he was so keen to invite Al just because he really did have so few friends in actuality. He had Pansy, but only when she wasn't with Draco, who most likely hated his guts. Dee and Katie had both disappeared for lack of a better understanding of those situations, and that about summed it all up. But when Marco made friends, which he did try to do often and generally had an easy time of doing so long as they didn't have a certain reason to hate him, as Draco did because of Marco and Pansy's particular situations in the past, then he had a simple time making friends. And once Marco considered someone his friend, he liked to share everything he could, demonstrated by how quickly he handed over his guitar, and then invited Al on a vacation to his home. "Well, Al, you let me know whenever you are all packed and ready for a weekend or week or month or whatever in the fantastic Italian sun, and I will make it happen. Traveling is one of my favorite things. We did more when we were younger, but of course my family was considerably smaller then. It was easier to travel with just four of us siblings with mama and dad. A bit harder with eight, as I am sure you could probably imagine."
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 16th 2011, 9:39 am

Al grinned as he pulled his legs up onto the bench, sitting cross legged as he listened to Marco play guitar. "I will definitely do just that, Marco. My family never did much traveling. It's just my mum, my dad, and my brother and sister. And me, obviously. We've been into London, but that's about it for traveling." He had never really told anyone about how strong his desire to go to Italy was. As much as he would love the food and the beach, his main reason was for the music and he wasn't sure that anyone else that he knew would really get that. He knew that he had really only just met Marco, other than their other brief encounter with the flowers, but he could already tell that Marco was the type of guy who would completely understand him when it came to traveling and music. James had always seemed like the type who would stay in England and start a family. Parv seemed like the same type, so it worked out that they were together. Scorpius was a Malfoy. They were always going on their trips to France, so Al doubted Scorpius would get why Al was so keen on traveling the world when he had grown up with it. Marco was different though. Al could already tell that much. "So what's your family like? Other than big."

Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Marco Montague May 17th 2011, 5:21 am

"Other than big, huh?" Marco laughed, pausing his guitar playing to think for a moment. "I could run you round and round with names, but perhaps it would be best if I drew it out for you. Have you got a bit of parchment or, oh, wait, I think I have some here." He sat his guitar aside and stood up, tugging some folded paper out of his pocket. "Just notes on the other side, unimportant." He shrugged and pulled out a pen, which was more popular for writing than quills in Italy. "Alright, so. First you've got my great grandparents. Salvatore lives with us, but my great grandmother Lucia died last year. They had three kids, my great aunt Anamaria is the oldest, then Raphael, and then my grandfather, Giovanni. He married my grandmother Sarafina, and they had four kids. My aunts Liona and Speranza, my uncle Franco, and my father Vincent." He paused, looking it over. "Before I get into all my cousins, trust me there are a lot of us, I guess there's my mother's side of the family. My grandparents Joanne and Paul, and my mother Sarah and her sister Emily. Emily married Flynn and then there are my cousins Gavin and Kaitlin, they're younger than me, and they live in Ireland. As far as my siblings, there's Salvatore, we call him "Sal", Antonio, who we call "Tony", me, Dario, Lucia, Sarafina, and Emilio. Sal's married to Mia, and they have a daughter, Julia. So that's the eight of us, nine if you count Julia. It is funny though, as Julia and Emilio are nearly the same age." He glanced up at Al, a little nervous he was already completely overwhelmed with the diagram of his family.

Marco's Family Tree:
Marco Montague
Marco Montague

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The Courtyard - Page 7 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Albus Severus Potter May 17th 2011, 6:24 pm

[Alright. Only had to read this like 10 times to try and memorize half of what Marco has said. <_< SomanypeoplelolololIlovemytwin.]

Al listened carefully, focusing more attention on Marco's explanation of his family than he had ever done in class. He furrowed his brow after a while, trying to keep track of all the names and cousins, and remembering who was who. As Marco continued, Al couldn't help but lean over slightly to look at the diagram, hoping that by having something to look at it would help him understand a bit better. And he thought the Potter-Weasley family tree was big. When Marco paused, Al continued looking down at the diagram as if trying to memorize it before he realized Marco was looking at him and waiting for some type of response. Al looked up, smiling at Marco because as confusing as it was, it really was nice of him to explain his entire family tree to someone he barely knew. "Makes sense so far. And I thought my family was big."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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