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The Courtyard

Albus Severus Potter
Marco Montague
Trey Davis
Daphne Greengrass
Reed Dawson
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Molly Prewett
Krasimir Svetkova
Demelza Robins
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 9:35 am

Tracey picked a yummy looking chocolate and nibbled at it. "Oh, yummy!" She flailed happily, totally having forgotten already about being sad over Reed's talk about the shoe plants. "There's some weird candy down in that village. Kras was trying to explain some of them too me but I just didn't get it. Why would anyone want to eat lollipops that burn holes in your tongue? Or icky cockroach cluster thingys?" she made an icky face, wrinkling her nose.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 9:37 am

Reed smiled when it seemed Tracey wasn't sad anymore. Then he decided to try and explain to her about those candies, but if Kras couldn't do it, Reed wasn't sure if he could. "Well, most people buy those to play tricks on other people. It's a little mean, but I guess some kids find it amusing." He shrugged. "But I've never bought anything like that. Just the good stuff."
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 9:51 am

"Aww, that's not very nice. Playing tricks on people anyway..." Tracey had had people play tricks on her a lot before too and she never really liked it. Sure she could say mean things some times if she really felt in the mood, but generally she just was confused or interested in what was going on around her. "Well, I like this good stuff. The weird stuff can just stay on the shelf."
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 9:53 am


Reed nods. "It's not nice to play tricks on people. I get made fun of a lot, so I know how mean it is." He figures people that don't understand Tracey probably are mean to her as well. "But I don't let it bother me. I have good friends like you and Kras! And Trey too!" He smiled happily when he thought of all of his amazing friends.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 10:13 am


"It is rather nice, having friends, I mean." Tracey nods in agreement. "I try not to let it bother me, but you know sometimes you just can't help it. At least I've only had a few people call me stupid so far...usually it's a lot worse. This is a sad topic though let's move on to happier ones. Did you know there's over a thousand steps in this school? A boy from my house, Jesse, he told me. I met him after having to restart my count of steps since I was stopped by a pair of talking shoes." Yeah, she still hadn't gotten the connection there that it had been Jesse who had spoken and not his shoes.
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 10:15 am

Reed looked at Tracey in surprise. "Jesse! I know him too! I just met him the other day. He offered to tutor me for the OWLs. And wow. That's a lot of steps. But that Jesse kid really does know a lot. He knew a lot about me and I had never even met him before. It was scary crazy." He nodded slowly.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 14th 2011, 7:51 pm

Tracey nods in agreement with Reed. "He does know a lot. I didn't know he knew so much about you. Maybe he's a psychic..." her eyes widen, "but then again I thought those people were just demons that drained all your energy while pretending to be reading your mind or something. But that can't be with Jesse, he was nice. Maybe he just wants to tutor you so he can have more access to your life force." She blinks, looking slightly scared for Reed now.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 14th 2011, 7:56 pm

Reed stared at her in silence for a moment. "Uh, I don't think Jesse would do that. You're right, he was nice. And besides I told him no about tutoring me. I wanted to see if I can figure everything out on my own first. Besides, if I really needed help I would ask Kras since he's taken them already too. And I'd probably be less embarrassed if I messed something up."
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 12:37 am

Tracey nodded. "Your dolphin will probably be a lot of help then. You two are so cute." She giggled. "Maybe some day I'll find someone to be cute with too." Most guys just found her dumb though and weren't interested. Bummer.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 12:41 am

Reed blushed, he really did like hearing that people though him and Kras were cute. "Hey. You will find someone! And you're cute enough on your own right now, so you don't have to worry about that too much." He giggled. "I wish I had more friends that are boys, then we could go on like a double date or something. But I only know Kras and Jesse, and well, they are both taken.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 12:49 am

"Oh, well thank you." Tracey giggled, blushing lightly. "A double date with you and Kras would be awesome. Sadly it seems like all the cute boys are either taken or dolphins. Maybe some day I'll find someone. Until then I'll just be my awesome independent self."
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 12:52 am

"Yeah! You are awesome on your own. Maybe you'll meet someone this summer! Do you know what you're going to do after school?" Reed tried picturing Tracey working for the Ministry, but couldn't think of a job that would suit her at all.
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 1:02 am

"Um..." Tracey thought about it for a bit, "I don't really know. All that's ever been planned for me pretty much figured that I'd just get married to whatever pureblood husband and just be some house wife or whatever." she shrugged, figuring that's the best she could do anyway considering she wasn't very good at much besides posing for pictures at the modeling things her mom took her to on occasion.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 1:06 am

Reed frowned a little. "Well, is that what you want? Isn't there something that you want to do?" Reed should be asking himself that question, since his future was pretty much well planned out for him as well. "You don't have to get married unless you really want to."
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 1:19 am

Tracey shot an uncomfortable look towards the ground. "It's not that easy though. I'm not good at much else besides the occasional modeling shows my mom took me to, and I don't really know what else I could do. Being from a pureblood family...these things are sort of preplanned. It's part of our life style and going against my parent's wishes would most likely get me kicked out of the family or something."
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 1:24 am

Reed felt for Tracey, although he wouldn't get kicked out of his family for doing something he wanted. "I wish I could help. My mom would probably be able to find you a good modeling job, but that would be in the muggle world. I don't really know how pureblood families work, but something tells me a career outside the Wizarding world would be something that would be highly frowned upon."
Reed Dawson
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 1:40 am

"You're right." Tracey sighed. "Maybe someday I can be brave like my brother and stand up to my parents...but for something like this, something as important as making decisions about my future, that will take a lot of courage." she shrugged. "I bet it'd be fun modeling though. I always had fun with the little shows I did. Dressing up is the best."
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 1:43 am

Reed smiled. "I think you'll be able to do it someday. And if you decide that modeling is something you may want to do, you just ask me and I'll help you. Hell, you can even live with me after I'm done with school if your family doesn't like it. I like seeing my friends happy, and if that's what will make you happy, then I want to see it happen." He nodded once and smiled.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 2:14 am

"You're sweet." Tracey smiled, reaching over to give Reed a hug. "Maybe I'll just have to think more on the idea of modeling then. I like doing things that are fun." She'd have to talk to her brother about it. Tracey always talked to Trey about any big decisions she considered making because she valued his opinions.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 2:26 am

Reed hugged her back. "I like doing things that are fun too! What's your favorite fun thing to do? I like singing silly songs. It's funny and if you dance around it's even more fun." He nodded and laughed.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 2:35 am

*dead* I had to do this....too much fun.

"OH! I like dancing to silly songs too!!!" Tracey stands and tugs on Reed's hands, pulling him up to stand with her. "Do you know the duck song? We should sing that one. Or if you don't know it I can just sing it and you can dance with me." She giggled before starting to sing.

(Bum bum bum, ba-dum ba-dum)
A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
And he said to the man, running the stand
"Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The man said
"No we just sell lemonade. But it’s cold
And it's fresh
And it’s all home-made. Can I get you
The duck said,
“I’ll pass”.

Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
'Til the very next day.
(Bum bum bum bum ba-bada-dum)

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?
The man said,
"No, like I said yesterday
We just sell lemonade OK?
Why not give it a try?"
The duck said,

Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away
(Waddle waddle)
'Til the very next day.
(Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum)

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey! (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?
The man said,
Look, this is getting old.
I mean, lemonade’s all we’ve ever sold.
Why not give it a go?"
The duck said,
“How 'bout, no.”

Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away
(Waddle waddle)
'Til the very next day.
(Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum)

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
The man said,
If you don’t stay away,duck,
I’ll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day, stuck
So don’t get to close!"
The duck said,

Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away
(Waddle waddle)
'Til the very next day.
(Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum)

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man that was running the stand,
"Hey! (Bum bum bum) got any glue?"
"Got any glue?"
"No, why would I– oh!"
And one more question for you;
"Got any grapes?"
(Bum bum bum, bum bum bum)

And the man just stopped.
Then he started to smile.
He started to laugh.
He laughed for a while.
He said,
“Come on duck, let’s walk to the store.
I’ll buy you some grapes
So you won’t have to ask anymore.”
So they walked to the store
And the man bought some grapes.
He gave one to the duck and the duck said,
“Hmmm..No thanks. But you know what sounds good?
It would make my day.
Do you think this store...
Do you think this store...
Do you think this store...has any… lemonade?”

Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away.
(Waddle waddle waddle)
Then he waddled away
(Waddle waddle)

Tracey spun and twirled about as she sang, leading Reed along with her. After the song was over she collapsed back down onto the bench, lost in a fit of giggles. "I LOVE that song!"
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 2:38 am


Reed danced along with Tracey and let her sing. He had heard the song once before but didn't know the words. He laughed as they acted it out and smiled at Tracey the whole time. When the song was finished he laughed some more. "That was amazing! I love that song too! And you sung it beautifully." He smiled some more and held his hand up for a high-five.
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 3:10 am

*likes to sing to it in the car a lot sometimes and scare other drivers*

"Thank you!" Tracey giggled, high-fiving Reed back. "It's such an amusing song. I told the duck one time that he could share some of my strawberries if he'd like, but he wasn't interested. His loss and my gain." She shrugged, still giggling a bit. "I love singing. When we were younger, I used to sing to Trey before we would go to sleep at night. Sometimes, if he's upset, I still do."
Trey Davis
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson May 15th 2011, 3:12 am

Reed thought her little story about singing to Trey was rather adorable. "Aww, that's so sweet! I sing myself to sleep sometimes, my mom wasn't a big singer and I don't have any siblings. But still, it's nice to sing to yourself sometimes! Have you ever heard the song about the llamas?"
Reed Dawson
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The Courtyard - Page 6 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Trey Davis May 15th 2011, 3:18 am

"I sing to myself too...and my invisible friend. He's really nice and likes to watch over me." She nods. "What's the llama song? One time, my mom got my aunt a coat made with llama hair as a joke...I don't think my aunt liked it very much though. She cried." Her aunt had a secret love for animals and hated seeing fur coats made from animal hair.
Trey Davis
Trey Davis

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