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The Courtyard

Albus Severus Potter
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Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  KingsleyShacklebolt Inact March 20th 2011, 3:07 am

Kingsley hadn't thought about that. "Oh...you're right." Well, this was awkward. Kingsley wasn't entirely sure how to handle this situation. "What are we going to do about that? I mean, I really want this job, but I really like you too, Molly."

[sorry, have to do a few things for mom so I'm going to be jumping back and forth a bit.]

KingsleyShacklebolt Inact

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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Molly Prewett March 20th 2011, 3:10 am

[s'ok, lovely. <3 I'll reply in a little bit, as soon as Inner!Mol stops sniffling...]

Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Molly Prewett March 20th 2011, 3:29 am

KingsleyShacklebolt wrote:Kingsley hadn't thought about that. "Oh...you're right." Well, this was awkward. Kingsley wasn't entirely sure how to handle this situation. "What are we going to do about that? I mean, I really want this job, but I really like you too, Molly."

[sorry, have to do a few things for mom so I'm going to be jumping back and forth a bit.]

Molly's tummy feels like it's all tied up in knots. She shakes her head, screwing up her face a little with the effort of forcing herself to do the right thing. "It's only a few months, I know, but it would be, like, totally stupid for you to turn this down just for the sake of waiting here with me. There's really no other reason for you to stay, is there? I mean, you've, like, totally learned the whole curriculum and heaps more already." She tosses her hair over her shoulder out of habit, conjures the ghost of her trademark gream. "I'm totally not letting you blow this chance."
Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  KingsleyShacklebolt Inact March 20th 2011, 4:31 am

Kingsley actually looks rather torn at the moment. Hell he'd been waiting for this opportunity for years and now he had got it, but he really did like Molly and didn't want to leave her. "I appreciate that you don't want me to turn down this chance, Molly. I just...don't like the idea of leaving you so soon, I really do like you, you know, but I'd feel terrible putting you through a long distance relationship unless you really think it would work. I don't want you to be miserable." Kingsley hadn't heard many good things about long distance relationships, himself, so he wasn't sure how well it would work for them, and he'd feel terrible for putting Molly through it and leaving her miserable. It was rather true though, besides her, there wasn't really anything else keeping him here. He had other friends of course, but he could always write to them and he wasn't exactly all that close to them anyway. And he did already know everything so going to classes nowadays was just like a review for him.

KingsleyShacklebolt Inact

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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Molly Prewett March 20th 2011, 4:51 am

Molly looks down; she can't look Kingsley in the face and she's pretty sure she'll lose her nerve if she looks him in the eyes right now. She feels a couple of tears prickling the backs of her eyes, but she blinks them away because she's stronger than that. And she doesn't want to think of sadness and endings. She wants to think of the good things, all the fun times and the life lessons their relationship has brought her. Finally, she knows she has to speak. "I don't think I can," she whispers, and finally looks up. "I'm sorry. I want to, I really do, because I l- like you so much, but we both know how this stuff always ends. And I'd rather have, like, a clean break so we can look back and say that everything was all good, except for that time we hated each other," she adds with a weak giggle, "Than have it drag out and not remember how great it was in the end." She fiddles with the ends of her hair, her face crestfallen as she focuses on the inane action to stop herself focusing on the pain.
Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  KingsleyShacklebolt Inact March 20th 2011, 5:06 am

"I like that idea." Kingsley agrees, unable to stop himself from reaching over and pulling Molly close for a hug. He doesn't want them to have a bad breakup and this way they'd be able to look back fondly on everything, except for that time of course that they hated each other. "I'll miss you, you know. And...I think I've changed a bit in the time we've been together. In a good way, of course. You're beautiful, nice, and intelligent, Molly. And, if you don't mind, I'd like to write to you while I'm away, because I don't want this to be goodbye forever."

KingsleyShacklebolt Inact

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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Molly Prewett March 20th 2011, 6:01 am

It's funny, but Molly even holds a certain sense of fondness when she looks back to the time she and Kingsley hated each other. She can't help it; she knows it's weird but she thinks it's got something to do with the fact that it's all part of the journey somehow. When he pulls her into a hug, she buries her face in his shoulder, enjoying the intimacy of contact between them for the last time. Who knows, maybe in the future when they see each other it'll be a hug, a peck on the cheek, but it won't be quite the same as it is right now. "I'm going to miss you, like, so much," she mumbles into his shirt. Then she looks up, that same sad smile still on her face. "You'd better write to me! If I never hear from you I'll assume something horrible has happened, and then I'd have to come down there, and then you'd totally get a reputation for being that guy whose ex came storming down to the Ministry to yell at him," she warns, eyes widening innocently. She might be kidding. She might not. Pulling back, Molly sighs. She doesn't see the point in prolonging the moment, especially when there's really nothing left to say between them. Quick and quiet, she gathers her things and slips them into her bag. "I, like, totally hate goodbyes, so I'm gonna go now," she says quietly. She smiles once more, and presses a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. "Bye, Kings," she whispers. Then she turns, and with her head held high, she walks away (probably to go curl up in the Epic Box Fort with her body weight in cookie dough...)
Molly Prewett
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  KingsleyShacklebolt Inact March 20th 2011, 6:15 am

Oh goodness, Kings doesn't want Molly to storm down there to yell at him, so he will definitely be writing to her. He knows how scary she can be. His poor coworkers would probably hide under their desks in fear. Actually...that might be sort of amusing then...but still, he wouldn't want Mama Bear coming after him. "I'll definitely write." he smiles softly, returning her soft kiss before she turns and walks away. "Bye, Molly." he replies quietly, watching her go. He was going to miss her, but hopefully in the future they would be able to see each other and spend some time together. Catching up in person was always better than just hearing things through letters. Kings stood and quietly headed off to his dorm room, where most of his stuff was already packed up and ready to go.

[aaaaaaaaaaand now that awkwardness is over. *flails* I guess I'm done with Kings then. *pats him farewell*]

KingsleyShacklebolt Inact

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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Molly Prewett March 20th 2011, 6:26 am

[*sniffles* I teared up writing that last post... >.> *waves bye to Kings, because it's been fun* <3]
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Krasimir Svetkova March 26th 2011, 10:56 pm

*as Kras and Tracey*
*because I was bored and my two Inner!People wanted to hang out...Inner!Rem is just reading this with amusement*

Tracey walked through the courtyard, pausing to look at a peculiar looking plant that was seemingly growing up one of the stone walls, when she heard a meow. Looking about, she spotted a white cat sitting up high on one of the ledges staring down at her. “Well, hello there, Miss Kitty. You’re a pretty thing aren’t you? Why don’t you come down from there so I can properly introduce myself?” The cat meowed again and started making its way down towards Tracey. Then it proceeded to wind about her leggings, purring as it rubbed against her. Tracey giggled, crouching down to pet the cat’s head. “I’m Tracey. I don’t suppose you can tell me your name, can you? Shame. I bet it’s a pretty one just for you. You definitely can’t be a stray, who’s your owne-“

“Snez? Snezzzzzzzz!!! Vhere’d you get to, you silly cat?” Kras was walking through the courtyard, having lost Snez earlier in the day when she had wandered off. Of course Kras had immediately begun to worry about her and had taken off. Goodness, Snez had only been with him for a few days now and already he was doing a terrible job at taking care of her. He would just have to try harder. He spots a girl crouching beside something and, curious, he peeks over to see- oh! It was Snez! “Snezhana! You naughty girl, you can’t run off like that! I vos vorried sick!” he waggled a finger towards the cat, scolding it but giving it a loving smile all the same.

Tracey blinked, looking up as a very tall, and rather attractive, foreign sounding boy came towards her. What was he calling her? “Excuse me? Er...I haven’t ran off- OH. You meant the cat. Silly me. What did you call her? Snehz hana? What a unique name. Perfect I guess for a unique cat.” She rubbed gently behind Snez’s ears, which started to purr softly.

“Er, Snezhana, but that’s close enough, I guess.” Kras sighed in relief at having finally found his new pet after her disappearance. He crouched down next to the girl and Snez jumped into his lap, batting playfully at his face. Oh snap, he’d forgotten to get those claws trimmed yet. Another little scratch on his face. Lovely. “Thanks for finding her; I’ve been looking for her all day. And yeah...her name is perfect for her. It means snow voman. I thought it vos perfect anyvay.” He shrugged. “I’m Krasimir Svetkova, by the vay, or Kras for short if you’d like.”

Tracey giggled as Snez batted playfully at the taller man’s face, though she frowned when she saw the cat leave a tiny scratch - shame to see a scratch on such a gorgeous face. She took one of her specially embroidered handkerchiefs out of her pocket – her mother made them in her spare time just as a hobby – and reached over to gently wipe the thin line of blood from the scratch. “There you go.” She smiled, waving away his thanks with a ‘no problem’ look. “That is a fitting name for her then. I like it. Has she been with you long? She reminds me of Cordelia, my cat who is still at home. I bet they’d be friends.” She giggled. “OH, and I’m Tracey Davis.” She’d hold her hand out for him to shake but his were currently occupied with a squirmy cat. So instead she just settled for giving his outfit a look over. Kras definitely dressed nicely, that’s for sure, but it was also kind of a more relaxed and friendly sort of look. He did seem like a friendly fellow, so far anyway. And that accent was to DIE for. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

“It’s nice to meet you, Tracey. And no, I’ve only had Snez for a few days. She likes to trip people and be all mischievous, so vatch out.” Kras chuckled. “I bet you miss your cat a lot. Even though Snez hasn’t been vith me long, I already miss her a lot even if I’m only apart from her for a few hours. I had to leave my Eagle at home - he normally delivers my letters – and I miss him a lot too.” Kras blinked when he realized that Tracey was giving him a quick look over. You’d think he’d be used to it by now, having finally got the picture that it happened quite a bit, but he still didn’t think he’d ever get used to it. He knew he wasn’t bad looking, but he didn’t think he was that good looking. Sometimes he wondered if things wouldn’t be a little bit different right now if he hadn’t been oblivious in the past to all the stares he’d been getting for years. Then he’d stop wondering about it because he figured it didn’t really matter. Especially not now when the only person he wanted to notice him was Reed. “You’re right too; I’m not from around here. I transferred here from the Durmstrang Institute. Most of my life though I’ve lived vhere I vos born, in Bulgaria....er, I don’t mean to sound veird, but you don’t happen to be vearing a perfume called ‘Flora’ by Gucci, are you?”

“Woah, it was probably a long trip getting here, I bet.” Tracey blinked at his question about her perfume. “Er, yeah, how did you know?”

“Ah, vell, I actually have some of that stuff too...” Kras reddened slightly, somewhat embarrassed by his answer.

Tracey blinked again. “But you know that’s a girl’s perfume, right?”

“I know...but it smells good.” Kras shrugs, still slightly red in the face. “I love the smell of flowers and flowery things so ven I smelled that stuff for the first time I couldn’t resist getting some of it.” Yeah, he knew it was odd, given that he was a boy after all, but damn that stuff smelled so good.

Tracey giggled, patting his arm comfortingly. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t judge. It’s just unusual. Then again so was the time I got my hair stuck in the door and couldn’t figure out how to remove it so I just cut it off with the scissors I was holding at the time. Took a while to grow it out again.” She sighed.

Kras can’t seem to figure out how her getting her hair stuck in the door had anything to do with him owning girl perfume, nor can he figure out how she couldn’t have figured out that all she had to do was open the door again to get her hair unstuck. Weird. “Ah, that is...er, unusual. Vell, you do have lovely hair so that vould be a shame to see it all cut off.”

Tracey smiles brightly at his complement. “Thank you. Lucky you, your hair’s short so you don’t really have to worry about it getting stuck in the door. Which would definitely be a shame, I’d say. Say, are you heading anywhere in particular? I was going to head over to the village to send a letter home to my brother except...I haven’t really been to Hogsmeade before and get lost easily so I was wondering if maybe you could help me out? I’d use my owl except he’s already off sending a letter to my cat.”

Kras blinks. Her cat? He looks down at Snez who is seemingly blinking in confusion at Tracey as well. Yeah...Kras probably wouldn’t just send a letter to his cat. This Tracey girl was rather unusual. “Um, vell, I vos only out looking for my cat and I’ve found her so-“

“Brilliant, so you can help me!” Tracey smiles brightly, getting up and tugging on Kras’ arm so he has no choice but to stand.

Snez is not amused because she was sitting on Kras’ lap and had to hop off when Tracey pulled Kras up. Snez shoots Tracey an annoyed look then turns her face up towards Kras, giving him a sad, pitiful look. Kras looks down and, of course, can’t resist such an adorable look from his cat so he reaches down to pick Snez up. Snez snuggles against his chest, feeling quite comfy. “Er...I guess so...” Kras is kind of confused as to what’s going on right now but he figures he may as well help her – he kind of can’t resist helping someone.

“Lovely!” Tracey links her arm with Kras’ free one and steers him off in a random direction. “Let’s go!”

“Er, you’re going the wrong vay...” Kras chuckles slightly and turns the other way, leading Tracey on down to Hogsmeade.

*will finish the next part soon and post it in Hogsmeade*
Krasimir Svetkova
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Reed Dawson March 26th 2011, 11:19 pm

[I love you.]
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Krasimir Svetkova March 26th 2011, 11:21 pm

[I love you too!!!

And it gets better. Believe me.]
Krasimir Svetkova
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 4:26 am

Dean is sitting here on a bench. He's got a sketchpad on his knee, but isn't drawing anything because he is lame right now.
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 4:30 am

Dee skips across the courtyard, going nowhere in particular. She sees a Gryffindor boy who looks pretty familiar, but she thinks that's probably because he's likely been in classes with her at some point in her life. She stops in front of him and greets him. "Whatcha drawing?"
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 4:35 am

Dean jumps a little when all of the sudden someone is talking to him. He looked up and thought she looked familiar, but he sure didn't know her name. "Erm, well nothing yet." He gestured to his blank page. "Mostly I'm just bored and wanted to be outside, so here I am.." He nodded slowly.
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 4:44 am

"Right, well, the outdoors are very nice. Maybe you can draw the outdoors, or something," Dee offers, shrugging. "I'm Dee, by the way."

Best post ever. Totes.
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 4:47 am


Dean laughs for the first time in what feels like forever. "That is a very good thought. I'm Dean, Dean Thomas. I think we may have had classes together? What year are you?"
Dean Thomas
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 4:52 am


Dee smiles. "Yes, I thought so too. I can be quite intelligent at times." She shrugs again. "Probably. I'm in seventh. And if I'm not mistaken, I have had classes with a Dean Thomas, and you're the only Dean Thomas I've ever met in my life, so yeah. And the Dean Thomas is always drawing in class, and here you are with a sketchbook."
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 4:56 am

[YUP! Until he almost killed her >.> <.<]

Dean couldn't help but laugh again. "That's me! And I'm always with the kid that blows everything up... And people wonder why I stick to my drawing." he chuckled again. "Well, I'm glad I finally know your name Dee. So how are you this fine day?"
Dean Thomas
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 5:03 am


Dee nods with a laugh. "Yeah, I've remember a few of those explosions. Do you know how he manages to blow up everything?" she asks. "I am glad to have met you officially, Dean," she replies, "and I am very well on this fine day. The weather's nice, so I thought it would be a nice day for skipping, but it's become a nice day for socializing now, I guess."
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 5:07 am

Dean just shrugs. "I wonder that myself a lot. He's a bit better now.." Dean folds up his sketchpad. "It is a rather nice day for socializing indeed. And since I obviously am unable to draw something at this moment, it's ever better. And skipping, eh? Do you mean actual skipping, or like skipping class?"
Dean Thomas
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 5:12 am

"Glad I'm here to entertain," Dee says with a smile. "Oh, actual skipping, obviously. It's actually quite fun. You should try it sometime. It's a workout. It burns a lot of calories, sometimes."
Daphne Greengrass
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 5:16 am

Dean nods. "I believe you. When I was younger I used to frolic in the flowers. It gets a little dangerous when you step on a flower and trip. But I think it may be a little silly for me to just start skipping. People would think I'm crazy, or drunk. Hmm, that's not a bad idea..." Dean was referring to being drunk of course..
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Daphne Greengrass March 31st 2011, 5:25 am

"You've tripped over a flower?" Dee asks, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "I didn't even think that that was physically possible. I mean, flowers aren't exactly the strongest of plants." She shrugs. "Well, yes, it is a little silly, but that's what makes it fun." She nods seriously.
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The Courtyard - Page 4 Empty Re: The Courtyard

Post  Dean Thomas March 31st 2011, 5:37 am

Dean feels his face get a little hot. "Well, not trip exactly, but more slip. Like how cartoon characters trip on banana peels... I think I'm making this worse for myself." He laughed lightly. "And maybe I'll try skipping when I'm positive there is no one around."
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