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Professor Slughorn's Classroom

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:06 am

Because all the classrooms are labeled as 'unused' and Viktor needs to go to class.

Viktor walks in and waits with the other 7th year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws for potions class to start
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:09 am

Rolf entered class, unsure of who he was going to sit with. He then spotted Viktor and decided to throw caution to the wind and went over to him. "Hey, anyone sitting here?" he asked, motioning to the seat next to Viktor.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:10 am

Viktor turns to see who's talking to him and grins when he realizes it's Rolf, his friend from the bathroom. "Hey, Rolf. Not at all," he says as he pulls out a stool for Rolf. "How have you been?"
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:17 am

"I've been pretty good," he said with a small shrug while sitting down on the stool. "Thanks," he muttered, in reference to it being pulled out. "Just been doing some homework and studying," he said with a small shrug. "What about you?"
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:21 am

"Same," he shrugs. "Mostly been hanging out vith my friend, Molly. Ve usually eat breakfast together and boyvatch in the Great Hall," he says with a smirk because he so checked out Rolf this morning. He's not going to tell him that though. That would be awkward.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:23 am

"Hmm, seems to be quite a popular hobby to do during meals. Me and my mates do that too," he said, taking out some parchment and a quill. He realized when he said and quickly clarified, "With girls! We do that with girls. We uhh...bird watch." Rolf decided to stop talking and opted with staring at the front of the room instead.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:29 am

Viktor smirks and holds back his laughter. He doesn't want to be rude to his new friend. Also, he thinks of bird watching as standing around and looking at different ducks. Just saying. "Yeah, it's alvays fun to do in the Great Hall," he says as he too takes out a quill and some parchment. "Who do you usually hang out vith?"
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:34 am

"Well, I hang out with my cousins a lot because we're in the same dorm," he replied with a small shrug. "Lorcan and Lysander are their names. I also hang out with Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood," he said, which Dom is gonna say that Rolf is pretty good friends with the both of them.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:41 am

"Dean? I know him. Not the others you've mentioned though. But Dean's pretty cool. And I've heard a lot about this Luna girl from Dean and my friend, Caradoc. She's a Ravenclaw, right?"
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:46 am

"Yep, Ravenclaw," he said, a small smile on his face as he thought of Luna. He began to jot down of the instructions on the board onto his parchment. "She's a fifth year," he added, holding back a sigh because he was sure that Luna only viewed him as the creepy older guy.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 3:49 am

"Ah. You're still the only Ravenclaw I know," he says as he starts writing stuff down on his parchment. "That's nice. I'll probably meet her eventually." Or not because I don't want to talk to myself.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 3:54 am

"She's a great girl," he said, once done with writing down the ingredients and instructions list. Dom is now listening to Like A Virgin and is laughing...because it works. Um. Anyway. "So what is this potion we're working on anyway today?" he questioned, unfamiliar with the name.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 4:00 am

"Amortentia? It's the love potion, I think," he says as he glances at a page in his book. "Yes, that's right. The love potion. Er- Lust. It doesn't actually create love. That's impossible, of course. It's more of an infatuation or obsession type of thing" he says with a nod. Aw. Viktor sounded sort of smart for a second there. You see? He's no idiot.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 7:41 am

Rolf would never ever think that Viktor is an idiot. After all, Hufflepuff is the house for lamesauces. LOLJKDONTKILLMERAD. Rolf kept his face rather stoic when Viktor said they were making Amortentia. Well then. That was unexpected and he wasn't quite sure how he felt about making a potion that stimulates lust. He was curious as to what he would smell in the potion and felt more than ready to start. "Alright then," he said, "Do you want to get the ingredients or should I?"
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Sirius Black September 28th 2010, 7:44 am

Sirius Black
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Sirius Black September 28th 2010, 7:45 am

Rolf Scamander wrote:"She's a great girl," he said, once done with writing down the ingredients and instructions list. Dom is now listening to Like A Virgin and is laughing...because it works. Um. Anyway. "So what is this potion we're working on anyway today?" he questioned, unfamiliar with the name.

Sirius Black
Sirius Black
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Scorpius Malfoy September 28th 2010, 7:49 am

Rolf would tell Rad to suck it...but he actually would rather not have that and is perfectly fine with experimenting with his new buddy Viktor.

Scorpius Malfoy
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 7:50 am

Viktor adores Rolf for thinking so highly of him. Viktor thinks Rolf is a clever, sexy Ravenclaw and he hopes all Claws are just like Rolf Scamander, though Rolf will always be his favorite Ravenclaw. "Oh. You vant to get them and I'll start get the cauldron started?" he asks because Viktor is good at getting people's cauldrons bubbling.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 7:51 am

Viktor will experiment with Scorp anytime <3
Al is jealous >.>
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Sirius Black September 28th 2010, 7:51 am

I was gonna say. Rad would totally suck that. -blinks-
Sirius Black
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 7:58 am


Rolf nodded and then went to the cupboard, easily recalling what he exactly needed to gather. Once he had all the ingredients collected, he moved back to where Viktor was setting up the cauldron. "Looks great," he grinned, since Viktor is boss at getting cauldrons bubbling. "Alright, I'll start chopping the root of -whatever it is a root of that Kendra is wayyyy to uncreative to make up now-"
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 8:04 am

I was wondering what was going on there. Viktor says he'll experiment with Rolf lots. As long as he wants to. Yep. Even if it takes weeks.

Well of course there's no ingredients listed anywhere for Amortentia. Other potions, yes, but not this one. Lame. "Alright," he says after greaming at the compliment. "I'll vork on crushing the -insert things that are crushable here- and slicing the -insert sliced things here-" After a moment of cutting and slicing and crushing, Viktor glanced up to see that Rolf was doing a fine job of chopping. "You know, I never really like potions much, but it's actually not so bad now that I think of it."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 8:16 am

"I always thought of it kind of like cooking," Rolf said with a small shrug. "That definitely makes it a lot easier. When I was a first year, I wondered why it honestly mattered the order in which you add things to a cauldron...but soon realized it's sort of like cooking. You wouldn't put eggs in a bowl first before adding the flour, baking it, then adding milk, baking soda, and sugar. It just wouldn't make any sense. Potions are the same. It's important to follow the instructions and ingredients list precisely so that you don't compromise the magical strength of the potion."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive September 28th 2010, 8:19 am

Viktor. Loves. Cooking. "Like...cooking," he says to himself quietly before looking back up at Rolf. "Oh my god, you're right! I never thought of it like that before! I love cooking. I think...I'm going to like potions a lot more now," he grinned as he added the first ingredient to the cauldron and stirred it in like the instructions said to. "No vonder you're in Ravenclaw. You're a smart guy, Rolf."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander September 28th 2010, 8:28 am

"I love cooking too," he said with a grin. Damn, he had a lot in common with this guy...besides their sexualities. Because he is totally straight. Yeah, completely. No doubt whatsoever. None. "I just like to make a lot of comparisons in terms of having things make sense," he said with a small shrug. "It's easier when you try to look at things with a practical sense."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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