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Professor Slughorn's Classroom

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Draco Malfoy December 13th 2010, 4:46 am


Just re-reading this thread and I think I died laughing.
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Ginny Weasley December 13th 2010, 4:50 am

I always thought he would remain the straightest guy ever. WELL THEN.
Ginny Weasley
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 4:56 am

Rolf let out a small sigh of relief, glad that it hadn't been some sketchy person or creeper. After all, how knew what kind of guy or girl the mystery person could have been. It was a good thing that Viktor knew Parvati though and that she was very much trusted. Shame that the tea went to waste. "If we had known, I would have definitely had some of that tea," he said. "I suppose it was better to be safe than sorry. If I ever meet Parvati, I'll have to thank her."
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 5:07 am

"Yeah, especially ven I have that stalker out there to vorry about. I'd rather not be drinking mysterious drinks left by strangers," he said with a light laugh, though he was glad that the letters from Justina stopped...for now. Oops. We never did the letter scene where Viktor told Rolf about those. "Parvati's a pretty nice person. I'm surprised she still talks to me, honestly. The first time ve talked, I'm pretty sure I gave her a foot massage," he confessed with a sheepish grin. It's not his fault Parvati has gorgeous feet that he had to touch.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 5:25 am

"Nothing wrong with giving people foot massages," he said with a grin, knowing how talented Viktor was with his hands. Well, Viktor was talented with many parts of his body actually. Rolf knew that much very well. "Wait..." he said, freezing slightly and frowning. "You...you have a stalker?" he asked, feeling concerned yet not that surprised. After all, his boyfriend was simply amazing.
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 5:36 am

"I guess not," he replied, remembering that when he first gave Rolf a foot massage, his boyfriend enjoyed it quite a lot. He tilted his head to the side, looking confused for a moment. "Did I not tell you?" He shrugged it off and decided he might as well tell Rolf about Justina, though he thought he might have mentioned it back in the days when she followed him everywhere. "She's some girl who used to follow me and confess her love every other day. She had a shrine of me and everything. Then von time ven Molly introduced her stiletto to Justina's face," he chuckled, smiling at the memory before realizing his boyfriend had no idea what Justina had recently done to move her up in the stalker totem pole. "Um...But she sort of came back, I guess. I mean, I haven't seen her recently but...I think...Rolf, I'm really sorry," he said with a sympathetic frown, feeling terrible for not locking up those notes between the two of them. "She broke into my dorm and stole the letters you wrote me. It's not like she's done anything vith them, really. And....She hasn't bothered you, right? Just...She's been sending them back to me vith letters of her own. She's...sort of jealous of you, I guess."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 6:28 am

Rolf listened to all that Viktor said, a bit shocked that the Justina girl was that intense of a stalker. He didn’t think anyone at Hogwarts would be that scary, but apparently they could be. It was quite surprising and rather unsettling. He wasn’t sure who Justina really was, for the name didn’t sound at all familiar. One things was for sure though, she was probably really scary looking. “Oh,” he said, slightly surprised about the letters. “It’s okay. It’s fine. I mean, you didn’t mean for it to happen. It just…it did. It’s not your fault at all. Don’t feel guilty, alright?” he said. He continued chopping up the plant thingy then moved it towards Viktor. "That's all ready to go." He remained quiet for a moment before insisting, "Seriously, it's okay. I mean, sure...I'd rather not have anyone know about the letters, but I'm not scared of a teenage girl attacking me. I think I could take her."
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 6:39 am

Viktor smiled softly, though he still felt bad about being rather careless with them. He could have at least put them in a locked drawer, after all. "I'm sure you could," he said with a smirk as his eyes briefly ran over Rolf's muscular arms. He took the chopped up plant thingy and gently added it to the potion, trying to focus on their work and preparing it correctly rather than thinking about the other images that kept trying to take over his thoughts. "I just...vish I vos a little more careful vith them, I guess. Nothing to do about it now, though. At least by now she's sent back most of the letters," he assured his boyfriend as he finished adding the last ingredient to the potion, and began to stir it as instructed by the potions book. "If ve did this right, then it should be done ven I'm finished stirring it counter-clockwise four times."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 7:08 am

"Viktor, it really is fine," he insisted. He really didn't want his boyfriend to feel bad about the whole thing. After all, how was Viktor to know that Justina was going to be a massive creep and sneak into his dorm? Viktor thought the letters were in a safe place...and...well...that was all that could be done. "At least it wasn't the pictures," he said with a slight grin. Merlin, if it had been the pictures, then things would have been a lot different. "Alright," he said, watching the potion and seriously hoping that they did it right. He waited anxiously, then let out a sigh of relief when a colourless potion was revealed. "Looks like we did it," he grinned.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 7:15 am

Viktor chuckled, also relieved that the pictures were nice and safe. He kept them locked away, only to be taken out when he was...Well, when he had alone time with himself. "Oh, don't vorry about those. They're definitely for my eyes only," he said with a grin. He looked down at the potion, smiling proudly because he was rather surprised that they had managed to get it right, seeing as they had both been distracted during class. "Huh. Ve really do make a good team, don't ve? Too bad ve can never stay focused long enough to vork on that perfume, though," he said teasingly as he put a sample of the potion into a small vial and brought it up to Slughorn, before returning to the table to help Rolf clean everything up while Slughorn checked the other student's potions. "Vell, that vent vell. I vosn't so sure, considering how...distracted you looked during class."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 7:46 am

"Well that's very good to know," Rolf replied. Well, for Viktor to use when he's alone? You know, Rolf is a little offended. He knows the pictures are great and all, but wouldn't the real thing be so much better? Wouldn't Viktor prefer Rolf's mouth over his own hand? "We do make a great team," he said with a smile. "One day we will manage to finish up the perfume. Though, Merlin knows when. One day though...we will stay focused long enough." He cleaned up the supplies as Viktor brough the potion to the front of the room, then faltered slightly when Viktor came back and mentioned how distracted he had looked. "Oh...I wasn't that distracted. Just...a little. You know, the usual stuff," he said, tightening the scarf slightly around his neck.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 7:52 am

Of course Viktor would prefer Rolf's mouth, but Rolf has class and things to do. He can't be there for Viktor all the time, and he's not in Gryffindor, so sometimes Viktor needs to take matters into his own...hand. "A little, hm? Can't say I know vot you're talking about ven you say the usual stuff though," he said, jokingly of course because he had a pretty strong idea of what his boyfriend was thinking of. "Surely it had nothing to do vith me, I hope. I'd hate to distract a Ravenclaw from his studies," he teased as he watched Rolf's fingers reach up to adjust his scarf, because Chris Pine hand porn is pretty amazing.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 7:59 am

And then Rolf sucked on his finger, because that is what the hand porn called for Rolf blinked a few times. "I uhh...I have no idea what you're on about," he said with an innocent expression. "I was just thinking Quidditch. Broomsticks. Long, hard, wooden broomsticks. Riding it all day long. Doing lots of scoring with them," he said, eyes locked on Viktor. "Does that clarify things?" he asked, then doing one of his lip licking things. Oh yeahhh. He went there. "Nothing to do with you. No worries. I've just got my broom on the mind right now."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 8:02 am

And Viktor ruined a perfectly good pair of pants. Viktor blinked, trying not to think about Rolf riding him all day long because that would only lead to trouble. The last time they talked about broomsticks they ended up spending an entire night on the Enterprise. "Oh. Right, if you say so," he said after clearing his thoughts of mental images of the other things Rolf's tongue could do. "Vell, maybe after class you should head out to the pitch to take care of that problem. I'm sure your broom could use some attention right now."
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 8:07 am

"Yeah, I probably should. I mean, I feel like my broom hasn't been getting very much attention at all. It's feeling a little...neglected right now, and more than anything, wants to feel...something. It really would like some action," he said. "Surely you understand," he said, shifting in his seat slightly and kissing Viktor gently for a moment, not caring what other classmates would say. As he did so, he casually ran his foot up Viktor's leg, smirking against his boyfriend's lips as he did so. "Oh...class is about over. Guess I'll go and grab my broom," he said after breaking away from the kiss and standing up.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 8:20 am

Viktor gasped as he felt Rolf's foot against his leg, opening his eyes to glare at his boyfriend as the cruel man got up to leave. "I hope you remember," he began as he reached out to grab Rolf's wrist, keeping his voice low enough so that only Rolf would hear. "That the last time you did this to me, you ended up fucking a pie in the bathroom. Just keep in mind that I might not be so nice this time," he said as he stood up, resting a finger on Rolf's chest and slowly letting it trail down until his hand brushed over his boyfriend's rather large bulge. "And you'll just have to take care of things yourself. Have fun vith your broom, I guess," he shrugged before turning away to gather up his books and such.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 6:02 pm

Rolf paused when he felt Viktor grab his wrist. He couldn't deny that his boyfriend was right, for he knew that Viktor would easily just get even with him. He kept his eyes on Viktor's finger, watching as it trailed lower and lower. Well shit. He wouldn't. He- oh. Shit, Viktor went there after all. Watching as Viktor turned to put away his books, Rolf quickly glanced around the room and noted that it was rather empty, except for Slughorn who had his back turned by the storage cabinet. Rolf moved so that his body pressed against his boyfriend's back, his desire pressing into Viktor as well. "No," he said in a low voice, practically growling. "All of class, I couldn't get my mind off of you. You and your mouth, you and your hands, you and your dick. I'm not walking away and neither are you."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 7:01 pm

Viktor couldn't refrain from smirking as Rolf spoke. He really loved when he was right, especially when it came to matters such as this. He felt his body tense slightly, being more than a little turned on by Rolf's growing desire against his backside and the demanding tone in Rolf's low voice. "Is that so?" he whispered as he gently placed one of his own hands over Rolf's and turned his neck to look back at his boyfriend. "You sound rather sure of yourself." He turned around to face Rold completely, resting his hands against the edge of the table on either side of his boyfriend, keeping his face only inches away from Rolf's so that only his boyfriend could hear him speak. "And vot, may I ask, are you suggesting I do to you vith Slughorn over there to vatch us? As amazing as your face looks ven I have you in my mouth, it's not exactly a sight I'm keen on sharing vith him of all people," he teased, making no effort to pull away from Rolf.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 7:29 pm

Rolf knew that Viktor was right. Of course he was. He thought for a minute, trying to think of what they could possibly do in the little situation that they found themselves in. His mind was slightly flustered though, for right now he was unable to focus his thoughts on anything but Viktor's mouth around him. Goodness that sounded fucking amazing right now. "So take me somewhere else," he managed to finally get out. One of his hands moved up to Viktor's face, his fingers gently trailing on Viktor's cheek for a minute before his hand rested completely. "Take me anywhere." It was almost a slight challenge, for Rolf would really go anywhere with Viktor right now, as long as he got relief in the end. Well, anywhere within reason. He obviously wouldn't go to the Great Hall. He wasn't into fucking at dining tables. That...would be Scorpius' thing.
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 7:41 pm

Viktor's first thought was the Room of Requirement. It was obviously the most logical choice, seeing as he an Rolf has spent plenty of time together in that room. But Viktor wanted Rolf ad he wanted him now. That room was up on the seventh floor while they were way down in the dungeons, and Viktor really didn't want to make that walk when all he could think about was Rolf. He thought for a moment of other places near them where they could go, but nothing was really that close when down in the potions classroom. He glanced over at Slughorn who looked rather distracted in whatever it was he was doing on the other side of the room, before turning back to smile at Rolf. "I've got an idea," he murmured as he turned his head slightly to kiss Rolf's palm. "Bring your stuff," he commanded as he handed Rolf his bag. "Ve're going to be gone a vhile." He pressed his lips to his boyfriend's, kissing him deeply before pulling away and walking towards the door that led to Slughorn's office. "Coming?" he questioned, briefly wondering if Rolf would follow him as he turned away and quietly let himself into the other room.

[I'm on my iPod sooo I don't know if you want to post in here one more time, or just make a new thread and put your post in there. XD Up to you. <>]
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Teddy Lupin February 6th 2011, 3:39 am

Teddy is here, just hanging out in Slughorn's classroom. He's being really casual. It's completely natural for someone to just walk into a classroom when they don't have classes there. In fact... I don't think Teddy even knows Slughorn. Well.
Teddy Lupin
Teddy Lupin
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Albus Severus Potter February 6th 2011, 3:49 am

Al walked into this room because he wanted a private place to play guitar. He didn't think anyone would be in the potions classroom since class was long over, so he was surprised when he saw Teddy, someone who was practically his cousin in the room alone. "Hey, Teddy," he greeted with a grin, walking in with his guitar in hand. "What's up?"
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Daphne Greengrass February 6th 2011, 3:51 am

*brings sushi and special sauce*

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Teddy Lupin February 6th 2011, 3:54 am

Teddy looked up from the potion ingredients he was sorting through and saw Al, his cousin-ish. "Al!" He said, surprise, "I wasn't expecting to see anyone here." He considered hiding the ingredients for a moment, but decided Al wasn't about to tell on him. "I'm just looking for potion ingredients," He admitted, "Slughorn's stock is the best, especially if you know where he keeps the best things. What about you?" He asked Al, mostly to be polite. It was clear from the guitar in his friends hand exactly what he had planned to do.
Teddy Lupin
Teddy Lupin
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 5 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Albus Severus Potter February 6th 2011, 4:08 am

"He really does. This is actually one of the few classes I like," he admitted as he hopped himself up on top of a table, rather than sitting on a chair like a normal person, his guitar resting across his lap. "I just came in here to play some music. I didn't feel like being in my dorm all day, and I hate playing out in the open for everyone to see. It makes me feel like I'm showing off or something."
Albus Severus Potter
Albus Severus Potter

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