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Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Albus Severus Potter
Teddy Lupin
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Reed Dawson
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Seamus M. Finnigan
Scorpius Malfoy
Sirius Black
Rolf Scamander
Viktor Krum - Inactive
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 4:15 am

Dean laughed. "Next time, leave the drawing to me!" He burst out laughing. "I think we've done enough damage. Don't you think?" He looked around the room proudly.
Dean Thomas
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 4:24 am

He glanced around the room, beaming. "Yep! I can't wait to see what happens next potions class! It's gonna be pure chaos!" He laughed at the thought and stretched. "Wanna head up to the Common Room? Take a peak to see if Nev's up there?" He knew Neville probably wasn't, but he was curious if anyone else was. Maybe Angela? Which he doubted too.
Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Dean Thomas October 26th 2010, 4:28 am

He looked at the clock. "Crap! I have somewhere I need to be! I'm sorry! I've got to run! Umm. You should find Angela. Glad you're back! Sorry! Bye!" He said this all as he sprinted from the room.

[Sorry, I can't handle being in 4 places with all 3 of my characters...My brain may explode, and I prefer the Lav and Seamus convo right now..]
Dean Thomas
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Seamus M. Finnigan October 26th 2010, 4:30 am

Seamus stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what just happened. Slowly, he stood up and made his way to Gryffindor Tower. That was probably the most sketch thing he's ever seen. Ever.

[hahahahahah xD okie dokie!!!]
Seamus M. Finnigan
Seamus M. Finnigan

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Reed Dawson October 26th 2010, 4:32 am

[HAHAH!! It was pretty sketchy wasn't it...my bad!! :p]
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive November 21st 2010, 10:38 pm

Viktor led Rolf into the classroom, taking their usual seats next to each other at one of the tables. As Slughorn went on and on about random things that Viktor didn't find important right now, he kept smiling over at Rolf, resisting the urge to pass his boyfriend a note because that could only lead to trouble obviously.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander November 21st 2010, 10:49 pm

Rolf did his best to listen to Slughorn, but being next to Viktor was extremely distraction. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Viktor. It was impossible. Hardly listening to Slughorn go on and on, he had the urge to touch his boyfriend but wanted to do so subtly. A slightly evil smirk on his lips, he shifted slightly in his chair then toed off his shoe. Using that foot, he slid it up Viktor's leg slowly, all while keeping a stoic expression on his face as he kept staring ahead at Slughorn.
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive November 21st 2010, 10:56 pm

Viktor's quill slipped from his fingers and onto the table as he felt what was clearly Rolf's foot against his leg. He should have told his boyfriend to stop right then and there, but it was already too late. Just the brief contact with Rolf's foot had gotten Viktor hard as a rock, and there was nothing he could do about it. "Rolf," he whispered sharply, his eyes flashing almost angrily as he glanced over at his boyfriend, who was looking extraordinarily hot now that he had Viktor all turned on. "Of all the places....Really?" He bit down on his tongue lightly, suppressing a moan as he found himself unable to pull his leg away because as terrible of a situation as this was, he found the touch undeniably irresistible.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander November 21st 2010, 11:02 pm

"Oh...is something wrong?" Rolf whispered in reply, pretending to not pick up on it. He continued to move his foot for a moment before pulling it away and putting his shoe back on. "Are you okay?" he asked, moving his hand to Viktor's leg and rubbing at his inner thigh in a comforting way. "You look a bit...frustrated right now," he said. Rolf noticed that class had wrapped up, himself grinning in reply. "Maybe you should take a cold shower," he suggested, moving his hand away and then picking up his bag. "I'll see you later. I've got this big paper to work on," he said, dropping a quick kiss to Viktor's cheek before evilly skipping out of the room.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive November 21st 2010, 11:05 pm

Viktor's jaw dropped as Rolf just walked off. Especially after rubbing at Viktor's leg with his hands like that. The ten dollar word using bitch just walked off, leaving Viktor to take care of the problem he had started. Oh, he would pay for that later. He grumbled as he gathered up his supplies and left the room with every intention of heading to the showers to take care of his situation while thinking about his sexy, yet completely evil, boyfriend.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 5:14 am

Rolf entered the potions classroom and sat down at his favourite seat. It wasn't in the very front, yet not in the way back either. After all, he was a Ravenclaw and had to maintain his high grades. He placed his bag on the ground, shifting through it slightly to grab some parchment. He sighed as he looked at a certain box that constantly remained in his bag. Sure, it maybe seem weird carrying around such an object all the time, but Rolf knew. He knew that being prepared was very important when dating Viktor. Especially when there was such spontaneity when shagging his boyfriend. He continued to sit, waiting for Viktor to show up to class.

Shit that's a long post. Erm.
Rolf Scamander
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 5:20 am

That is long...Wonder what that box is

Viktor walked in and smiled happily when he saw Rolf already sitting at their usual table. He walked over and sat down next to him, greeting him with a soft, "Hey," before reaching into his own bag for something. "I, um, I made you something," he told him quietly, wondering if Rolf would think it silly of Viktor to make him a super soft scarf. It wasn't exactly the most mainly thing to do, and it was sort of a couply type of thing and Viktor and Rolf had never really been that sort of couple. He pulled the deep blue scarf from his bag and loosely wrapped around Rolf's neck, smiling at how it brought out his blue eyes just like he thought it would. "I get if you'd rather not vare it, but I figured it might help the next time you feel like shagging somevon in the bushes in the middle of vinter," he teased playfully.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 5:27 am

Rolf greamed when he saw Viktor walking in. After all, he couldn't help it. He looked at Viktor curiously,wondering what on earth his boyfriend could have made and what he did to deserve anything. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the scarf, then allowed Viktor to place it around his neck. He touched it gently, his fingers grazing over the yarn. To say he was impressed would be an understatement. It was amazing and he absolutely loved it. Oh, he should probably say that bit out loud. "Viktor, it's amazing. I absolutely love it," he said, looking up at his boyfriend. "You really didn't have to go through the trouble of making this," he said softly. "But thank you."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Neville Longbottom December 12th 2010, 5:29 am

I like Rolf's avatar right now. You should keep it as that one forever.
Neville Longbottom
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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 5:33 am

"You're velcome. I'm glad you like it," he replied with a soft smile, happy to see that Rolf enjoyed his gift. He just wanted to give Rolf something that he worked hard on because everyone always tried to make gifts seem meaningful, and after thinking over what he had gotten his boyfriend for Christmas...Well, as amazing as it was, it wasn't too meaningful. "It looks good on you," he noted, taking a moment to run his eyes over his boyfriend because that colour really was perfect. It seemed to suit Rolf somehow, and Viktor was glad that it complimented his boyfriend's features just like he hoped it would.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 5:37 am

"Well thanks. Maybe I'll take some pictures of myself in it. Only it," he said. He was kidding though, for he wasn't sure he could really go about taking more pictures of himself. He leaned in his seat and gave Viktor a soft, short kiss before pulling back. "I can't really give you a proper welcome right now," he said with a sigh. He knew that if they were to start kissing, things would probably escalate really fast. That's just what happened with them.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 5:40 am

Viktor thought that was a good idea, seeing as was just starting and they'd have to be able to keep it in their pants at least until class was over. "I vouldn't mind seeing those pictures," he joked with a light laugh, though he's not kidding as much as Rolf is. He really would love those pictures even if he had to take them himself. "It's fine. You can make it up to me later," he said with a wink as he turned to face Slughorn, not really thinking about what the professor was saying because he still finds it hard to concentrate with Rolf so close to him.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 5:48 am

Rolf grinned at Viktor then quieted down. He thought about the pictures and for some reason, the idea of taking them got him kind of excited again. There was something about taking them, knowing what Viktor might, no probably, would do when he got them. Oh shit. Bad thoughts. Rolf shook his head, trying to focus on Slughorn again. After all, class was just starting. Class was important. He needed to keep his head straight. Oh sweet Merlin, now he was thinking of other straight things with heads. He shifted in his seat, glad when Slughorn finally stopped talking. "So err...ingredients...we'll need them..." he said, stating the rather obvious.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 5:54 am

Funny, how all it takes to get a Ravenclaw to stop focusing in class is sex. Viktor glanced over at Rolf and smiled again. It was something he had a habit of doing whenever he looked at his boyfriend. "Right. Um, do you vant to get those and I could set everything up here?" he asked, looking at Rolf curiously because his boyfriend looked like he had something else on his mind, and right now Viktor is oblivious to the fact that Rolf is thinking about the same things he is. "Or do you need some help?" he asked as he tilted his head to the side slightly, failing to keep from checking his boyfriend out again.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 5:58 am

Rolf froze slightly, for he had no idea what ingredients they were to be getting. He scolded himself for not being able to pay attention, having stupid thoughts about sex during class. Though, the sex with Viktor was truly amazing. God...that mouth...the feel of him. Rolf stood up abruptly when the thoughts started to come back. "I'll uhh..I'll do it. Good, all good," he said nodding. He walked away towards the cabinet quickly, thinking some space might be good at the moment. Every now and then he read the board, making sure he got exactly what was apparently written right now it. Thank Merlin for that. He then headed back to the table and placed everything down. "Think I got it all."
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 6:08 am

Viktor shot Rolf a suspicious look but decided to just ignore his odd behavior. Rolf was always so cool and collected, it was only natural that he'd have off days every now and then. "Alright, so er- Vot are ve making again?" he asked with a few confused blinks, realizing that his notes really didn't have much to them. Had he really been thinking about Rolf that whole time? He knew that his boyfriend's rather large bulge may have crossed his mind a few times but he honestly didn't remember Slughorn saying all that much, and now they had to make a potion. Well, Rolf had said he was good at potions before. Maybe. Oh well, they'd figure it out eventually.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 12th 2010, 6:03 pm

When Viktor asked what they were making, Rolf just looked up and stared. Well shoot. Now he was in trouble. "I uhh...You know...the err, that potion...that does the uhh," he attempted to stall. He glanced through his book quickly, looking for a potion that would make sense with the gathered ingredients. "I think it's this one," he said, landing on a potion a few pages in. He had no idea honestly. "Does this one looks like it?" he asked, moving his book towards Viktor and hoping that the potion triggered something in the Bulgarian's memory about what Slughorn had said they would be making.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 12th 2010, 6:21 pm

Viktor glanced down at the book, reading the potion name, Veritaserum, which is one of the potions students are expected to be able to make for their NEWTs, apparently. "Uh, yeah. That looks right," he said with a quick nod, thinking that Slughorn had mentioned something with a 'v' though he couldn't be sure. "So, um, do you vant to slice those up and I'll...I'll just vork on cutting up all of these," he said which is rather vague because JK Rowling never told anyone what the actual ingredients were for Veritaserum. He looked down at Rolf's book one last time before sliding it back over to his boyfriend and began to start chopping up the roots or votever, while trying not to think about how sexy Rolf was looking in that scarf today.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Rolf Scamander December 13th 2010, 4:27 am

Rolf let out a small sigh of relief, for he truly didn't have much of an idea of what they were supposed to be brewing. He just recognized some of the listed ingredients and pointed it out to Viktor, more than happy that his random choosing seemed to be the right one. "Sure, I'll get right on that," he said, pulling some sort of plant thing towards him. He used his dagger to start chopping it into small, even pieces just like the book said. "So any idea on who sent that tea and blanket over to us the other day?" he asked.
Rolf Scamander
Rolf Scamander

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Professor Slughorn's Classroom - Page 4 Empty Re: Professor Slughorn's Classroom

Post  Viktor Krum - Inactive December 13th 2010, 4:34 am

"Oh! I almost forgot about that," he said excitedly, chuckling slightly at the memory of his talk with Parvati. "Parvati put those there for us. I just talked to her the other night and she mentioned leaving the blanket and tea. And in case you're vondering, she didn't stick around to vatch the show," he told his boyfriend as he reached over for some sort of liquid that needed heating up or something before he added his chopped root to the cauldron as well.
Viktor Krum - Inactive
Viktor Krum - Inactive

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